It is from the common Prejudices which Men receive from their Parents, that Hatreds are kept alive from one Generation to another; and when Men act by Instinct, Hatreds will descend when good Offices are forgotten.
He detests Arnoux; and your two hatreds have entered into a combination with one another.
A man's hatreds are not the least important part of him; they are among the best indications of his character.
A long period of peace had softened the minds, and deadened those hereditary hatreds that oppose the communication of feelings and the similarity of ideas between different nations.
Agitated nations require to have their hatreds personified as well as their love.
In order to extinguish hatreds let us consent to a mutual forgetfulness of the past.
But," continued he, "is France in this situation that she ought to fear from these men, who are about to excite all the ancient hatreds of the foreign courts against us?
The people were compensated by inflaming and gratifying hatreds towards those who were marked as “scapegoats”.
They have stirred hatreds and incited domestic violence on every continent.
The old passions and hatreds remained as vehement as ever and the controversy over the claims of the Carmelites to have been founded by Elijah furnished fresh material for acrimonious debate.
Besides all this are the hatreds arising from adverse testimony and the infinite bribery and collusions and perjury, so that Satan has no greater source of winning souls.
For the rest it is a very prosy piece of literature, only saved occasionally in its dulness by the unconscious crudity of the hatreds lurking beneath its mask of plausibility.
The Balkans have fierce hatreds and have been the site of sudden historic wars.
Out of the hatreds engendered by the domination over the liberty-loving Slavic peoples by an arrogant Teutonic minority grew the assassinations at Sarajevo.
Did he mix his ignorance with the divine information, his prejudices and hatreds with the love and justice of the Deity?
That right tends to civilize the trial judge, reduces to a minimum his arbitrary power, puts his hatreds and passions in the keeping and control of his intelligence.
The divisions and hatreds which disturb human society and extinguish charity come generally only from a few indiscreet words that escape us.
Would Dante quit this blessed company to mingle with the remains of those hatreds and iniquities which gave him no rest in life?
Italy, like Greece, opens a moving picture of the hatredsand jealousies of small republics; her Bianchi and her Neri, her Guelphs and her Ghibellines!
Children were taught these artifices of faction--their hatreds became traditional, and thus the Italians perpetuated the full benefits of their party-spirit from generation to generation.
But common hatreds soon drew them together, as is to be shown.
The smoldering hatreds of neighbors against neighbors were now given a loose to, under the pretext of religious fervor.
Their hatreds were not only deep and strong, but lasting.
She employed, at one time in defending him against his enemies, at another in endangering him by her plots, her hatreds and her assaults, the last thirteen years of her life.
Every day, every hour will add a fresh hatred to the accumulated hatreds of the others.
Peace, Peace, how often we heard Him remark, the lips of potentates and peoples unceasingly proclaim, whereas the fire of unquenched hatredsstill smoulders in their hearts.
Add to this indictment the stimulus to national hatreds caused by war, the inflaming of resentments and checking of international good will.
The antagonisms and class hatreds engendered by this sort of industrial warfare do infinite moral harm, and retard heavily the peaceful solution of the problems.
Perhaps the asperities and hatreds of race, engendered by these cruel wars, may be soothed and healed again, and Saxon and Norman may be blended in one united people.
There would still be left a possible five hundred thousand trained and disciplined men with whom he would have to deal, under rulers and generals the inveteracy of whose hatreds he could well understand.
A Polynesian laxity of morals among the black and colored population, and the history of race-hatreds and revolutions inspired by race-hate, would indicate that neither in ethics nor in politics does it possess any preponderant authority.
Furthermore, with the continual increase of the difficulty of living, and the growing pressure of population, social cruelties and hatreds have been developed such as her ancestors never knew.
I think that it is not unjust to say that President Wilson was stronger in his hatreds than in his friendships.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hatreds" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.