Having concluded this business Ouvrard returned in all haste to Madrid; but in the midst of the most flattering hopes and most gigantic enterprises he suddenly found himself threatened with a dreadful crisis.
The Austrian cannoneers, on the left bank, seeing their officers in the midst of us, did not dare to fire, and my column advanced at a quick step.
This annual income, in the midst of our almost insupportable difficulties, in the days of our severest necessity, our political opponents are furiously resolving to take and keep from us.
Thus he presented the singular spectacle of a President who, in the midst of a great civil war, with unprecedented duties weighing upon him, was constantly in person debating the great features of his policy with the people.
The Palatine shook his head, urging that a great part of the country was already laid waste, that fear was paralysing everyone, and that it was no time to wait when danger was actually in their midst and threatening the very capital.
In the midst of opulence he eats a frugal lunch in a room which supplies the one thing of which he is avaricious--big windows and plenty of fresh air.
Mr. Gordon Selfridge is an exemplar of the simple life practical in the midst of unbounded success.
In the midst of these horrors, urged by extreme misery, three Germans conceived an idea the most repugnant to human nature that can be conceived by man, and put it in execution.
But I believe the wretched man was well-nigh as unkind to himself as he was to me, and, in the midst of his wealth, fared nearly as ill.
The clerks in the outer office tittered, as poor Adam, with his heavy hobnailed shoes, tramped through the midst of them.
Adam was in the midst of London, and he knew not a living soul among its million of inhabitants.
I am only performing my professional duty," I replied, loudly, to make myself heard in the midst of his screams.
With her child at her breast, and in the midst of her guests, she flung herself at her father's feet.
Night followed night, and he was irritable and unhappy, unless in the midst of his boon companions.
The night was dark, and the traveller had wandered considerably from the right path; he saw no traces of civilisation about him; he was apparently in the midst of a large and boundless moor.
Hundreds of women ran about screaming, some carrying water, and some running in the way of others, and drunken men staggered to and fro, like lost spirits in the midst of their tortures.
Also her hired men are in the midst of her like fatted bullocks; for they also are turned back, and are fled away together: they did not stand, because the day of their calamity was come upon them, and the time of their visitation.
A sword is upon their horses, and upon their chariots, and upon all the mingled people that are in the midst of her; and they shall become as women: a sword is upon her treasures; and they shall be robbed.
For thus hath the LORD of hosts said, Hew ye down trees, and cast a mount against Jerusalem: this is the city to be visited; she is wholly oppression in the midst of her.
My people, go ye out of the midst of her, and deliver ye every man his soul from the fierce anger of the LORD.
Thine habitation is in the midst of deceit; through deceit they refuse to know me, saith the LORD.
O ye children of Benjamin, gather yourselves to flee out of the midst of Jerusalem, and blow the trumpet in Tekoa, and set up a sign of fire in Bethhaccerem: for evil appeareth out of the north, and great destruction.
For thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Let not your prophets and your diviners, that be in the midst of you, deceive you, neither hearken to your dreams which ye cause to be dreamed.
O LORD, art in the midst of us, and we are called by thy name; leave us not.
And it was so, when they came into the midst of the city, that Ishmael the son of Nethaniah slew them, and cast them into the midst of the pit, he, and the men that were with him.
Therefore, behold, the days come, that I will do judgment upon the graven images of Babylon: and her whole land shall be confounded, and all her slain shall fall in the midst of her.
Remove out of the midst of Babylon, and go forth out of the land of the Chaldeans, and be as the he goats before the flocks.
As the partridge sitteth on eggs, and hatcheth them not; so he that getteth riches, and not by right, shall leave them in the midst of his days, and at his end shall be a fool.
We need, in the very midst of civilization, something which gives a little of the zest of savage life; and athletic exercises furnish the means.
Socrates, in receiving the cup of poison, blessed indeed the weeping executioner who administered it; but Jesus, in the midst of excruciating tortures, prayed for his merciless tormentors.
We still live in the midst of the dying echoes of this resonant strife.
The Doge, Bartolomeo Gradenigo, is represented enthroned in themidst of the Council, bending forward to receive the ring.
He having gone thither with his companion, stood in the midst of the birds reciting the offices and commanded them to be silent; whereupon they kept silence, nor did they depart until he had given them leave.
Thy borders are in the midst of the seas, thy builders have perfected thy beauty.
On the fourth day they entered the ducal palace, qui mult ere riches et biaus (which was very rich and beautiful), and found the Doge seated in the midst of his Council.
At that very moment when they opened the tomb so sweet and so great an odour spread through the midst of the city that all the spiceries in Alexandria could not have caused the like.
It was in the midst of this chaos of plots and counterplots, it was in the midst of this complicated warfare against public opposition and private treachery, that the firmness of that noble person was put to the proof.
I do not choose to be caught by a foreign enemy at the end of this exhausting conflict, and still less in the midst of it.
One country for a while remained, which stood as an island in the midst of the grand waste of the Company's dominion.
In the midst of profound peace, the Company's troops invaded the Mahratta territories, and surprised the island and fortress of Salsette.
He reaches the lad in the midst of a fearful storm which floods the canon.
And that, of course, was the explanation of his actions, when, as a matter of fact, he could have walked with entire safety into the station and the midst of the Camp Fire Girls.
And in the midst of it Bessie, a pail of water in her hand, saw a man seize Zara and carry her, struggling, toward a boat.
Here is life in the midstof death; but death forever playing into the hands of life; here is the organic in the midst of the inorganic, at strife with it, hourly crushed by it, yet sustained and kept going by its aid.
He grew still and dull in the midst of that strange madness which all the time was only half-madness, a mixture of conscious excitement and anxiety with that which passes the boundaries of consciousness.
There must be something in their constitution to account for this sudden downfall, which he had encountered in the midst of all his theories.
The sale was going on; he walked into the midst of temptation, forgetting the prayer against it, which no doubt he had said that morning.
Solemnly, in the midst of them all, Phoebe held up the paper before the eyes of the guilty man.
He had lighted his cigar, and was strolling up and down, interrupting both of the other pairs occasionally, breaking into the midst of Northcote's astronomical lecture abruptly, and stopping Phoebe herself in the middle of a sentence.
So her words roused him even in themidst of his pre-occupation.
Then she held it over the lamp and let it blaze and drop into harmless ashes in the midst of them all.
Thus it will be seen that unmixed pleasure is not to be had in this world, even in the midst of envious friends and the most splendid entertainment which money could supply.
Here he stopped in the midst of his breakfast, and looked at her admiringly.
Here in the midst of an unfathomed wilderness was a small European settlement with hostile tribes on every hand.
It was in the midst of these achievements and hopes that Champlain was stricken by paralysis and died on Christmas Day, 1635.
I don't understand--I really utterly fail to comprehend how you can stand there with that smile on your face, being in the midst of what seems to me to be a very terrible situation.
Why fate should have gone suddenly out of its way to plunge him into the midst of this woman stuff, as he impatiently called it, was more than he could understand.
So he was carried forth from the church of which he had so long been a pillar, and laid to rest on the hillside, in the midst of his family who had gone before.
It stands in the midst of the churchyard, in which are found many monuments and inscriptions to attract the attention of those who love to recall the past.
His prevailing character reminded one of a rock, whether in the midst of a calm or raging sea--or of a strong tower, whether surrounded by warring elements or by profound calm.
They were in the midst of this when the door opened and Quashy entered.
In the midst of his sobs the young negro, for he was little more than a youth, drew back his head to obtain a better view of his old companion and playmate.
In the midst of this elemental war the party reached the Gaucho huts.
I saw that for some special reason you were suddenly obsessed with a desire to get out of the house in the midst of your talking with Miss Renfrew, if that's what you refer to--is it?
In the midst of these quarry panes are placed little scenes, circular in form and decorated with enamel paint in grey and stain, each bearing a German inscription.
In the midst of this hamlet stands a small church which knows not the industrious tourist aforesaid, but to which we counsel the enlightened and eclectic pilgrims of our company to repair.
In its midst are stationed two splendid marble tombs, one double, and both of the most exquisite workmanship.
On the outer side of the little church door we are still in the midst of the commonplace, nothing rises above the level of the unimportant; once inside that modest portal, what a change do we not experience!
Such was the home to which the beautiful Maria Antoinette, the bride of fifteen, was introduced; and in the midst of temptations to which such voluptuousness exposed her, she entered upon her dark and gloomy career.
The gardens, in the midst of which this voluptuous residence reposes, are equal in splendor to the palace they are intended to adorn.
The fate of the Princess Lamballe, who perished at this time, is highly illustrative of the horrors in the midst of which all the Royalists lived.
This renowned residence of the royal family of France is situated about ten miles from Paris, in the midst of an extensive plain.
Here she often lingered in the midstof congenial joys, till the murmurs of courtiers drew her away to the more exciting, but far less satisfying scenes of fashionable pleasure.
But the happiness I have always felt in appearing in the midst of the inhabitants of Paris is not effaced from my memory; and I hope to enjoy that happiness again, so soon as I shall find myself able to do so.
In the midst of their festivities, their chivalrous enthusiasm was excited in behalf of the king and queen.
I am but going to the midst of a part of the army, and in a French town, to regain my real liberty, of which the factions at Paris deprive me.
The procession moved perseveringly along in the midst of the clashing of sabers, the clamor of the blood-thirsty multitude, and the cries of men trampled under the hoofs of the horses.
For a national mind differentiates 'itself' whenever a genius is born in its midst by causes acting in the invisible and molecular cycle.
We stand on a mountain pass in the midst of whirling snow and blinding mist, through which we get glimpses now and then of paths which may be deceptive.
In the midst of life we are in death, but he trusted his Maker with a still greater fearlessness--his Maker who knew his thoughts, his human affections, and his motives.
But afterwards during all that day sudden paroxysms of wonder would come over him in themidst of his occupations.
In the midst of the bombardment took place the important ceremony of distributing the Order of the Bath to those selected for that honour.
It was as much as I could do to gather my packages together, sit in the midst with a determined look to awe the hungry crowd around me, and send "Mac" up the steep slippery bank to report progress.
I was in the midst of my sad work one day when the Admiral came up, and stood looking on.
In the midst of our work a calamity occurred, which was very nearly becoming a catastrophe.
In the midst of this scene came up a French officer, whom I recognised as the patient I had taken to Spring Hill after the battle of the Tchernaya, and who took my part at once, and ordered them to release me.
In the midst of this we were often interrupted by those unwelcome and impartial Russian visitors--the shells.