And they followed her withhating eyes and whispered scandalous things behind their fans and wondered what had possessed the Marchesa to invite the bold thing: so does mediocrity pay homage to beauty and genius.
Hating her work, she had failed signally to pick up any learning from her little pupils, and had been driven from house to house, a sullen and most ineffectual maiden.
A little while, and she would behating herself for her pettiness.
He ate it quickly, then sat brooding over the empty tray, hatingto admit to another dead end.
Hating this deadly planet and the incredible stupidity of the people who lived on it.
In spite of that I had no stomach for the means it was necessary to employ; and at last it came to this: in place of hating and despising myself for using the means, I took to hating and despising the Austrians for making the means necessary.
This time, hating herself for it, yet unable to resist, she had fingered the envelope and come to the conclusion that there were certainly two sheets in it.
All last night I lay awake hating and despising myself, and all the time I was trying to find excuses for myself.
And when I was back again with Fred, instead of hating him it somehow made me feel more than ever bound up with him in my heart, because of having gone through so much for him.
I can't think of the Germans without hating them, and so to-day, when all the world ishating them, I keep myself from thinking of them as much as I can.
All he could do was to sit just inside the door, hating the watchman, and stare at the tantalizing activity so far away, and wish with all his heart that Father's business were more romantic.
But all the time they did not understand the texts, or love them, or get any good from them; but only made them excuses for hating and scoffing at the rest of the world.
Go on hatingme like this, then," cried Pratt, rapturously.
Wipe your little eyes, and leave off hatingme as soon as you can, and you shall marry Humphrey.
In this Saha World[134] where days fly like the lightning's flash None is worth hatingand none worth pitying.
And the people of the place, hating the vile trade, made plans to catch them at their task.
By this commandment our Lord does not forbid Christians to reprove others from kindly motives, but that Christian should despise Christian by boasting his own righteousness, by hating and condemning others for the most part on mere suspicion.
God, we must ignore them by hating and fleeing from them.
Accordingly a backbiter is a murderer occasionally, since by his words he gives another man an occasion for hating or despising his neighbor.
There seems to be no middle course between loving it and hating it; but, once known, it cannot be ignored.
And, as for hating it, I haven't consulted my feelings a great deal; but I rather think I like it.
Why, last night I was taking supper at Kinney's logging-camp, and hating you at every mouthful with all my might.
But I hadn't quite got over hating a man because he had style.
She went on board to a deserted ship, hating to stay ashore without Louis.
He was with the doctor," said Marcella, hating to talk about him, but unable not to.
She sat down, feeling horrible at hatinghis face when he was so kind.
I threw myself into the war as a salvation, seeking an escape from a life that filled me with horror, hating and despising myself, asking only to forget.
That’s rather odd, for I suppose we’ll get to hating each other cordially.
That's the best reason for hating anyone there is.
They're all so unhappy and alwayshating one another.
They give every token of hating their neighbors consumedly; argal, they are going to be madly enamored of them.
It remains to be noted that the government, weak enough from the causes named, was yet weaker from the division of the people into two great factions bitterly hating each other.
As to the mill, few of its workers blamed him for hating it.
I have been doing my duty five years, and hating every hour of it.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hating" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: abhorrent; averse; disgusted; loathing