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Example sentences for "inoculate"

Lexicographically close words:
innumerous; innutrition; innutritious; inny; inocente; inoculated; inoculates; inoculating; inoculation; inoculations
  1. Agreed that the surgeons be waited upon with a request that they will not in future inoculate any person in their own houses unless such person so inoculated be removed in a proper time.

  2. Inoculate each from the stock cultivation of B.

  3. Inoculate the medium in the flask in the usual manner, by means of a platinum needle, taking care that the neck of the flask and the rubber stopper are thoroughly flamed before and after the operation.

  4. Inoculate tubes of media, and incubate together with control tubes.

  5. Without sterilising or recharging the loop, inoculate tube No.

  6. Inoculate the first mouse, subcutaneously at the root of the tail, with an amount of cultivation equivalent to 1 per cent.

  7. Now fill two fermentation tubes with the bouillon, tint with litmus solution, and sterilise; inoculate with B.

  8. To obtain a pure cultivation of yeast from a mixture containing bacteria as well, it is often sufficient to inoculate wort from the mixture and incubate at 37° C.

  9. Inoculate the bouillon from a pure cultivation of the B.

  10. Inoculate each of the bouillon tubes with 0.

  11. Inoculate the surface of the medium in one spot only.

  12. Inoculate a tube of sterile bouillon with a similar quantity, and incubate under optimum conditions.

  13. Inoculate the liquefied medium and label it, etc.

  14. But inoculate some of the sputum under the skin of a mouse and three or four days later the pneumococcus will have entered the blood stream (leaving the saprophytes at the seat of inoculation) and killed the animal.

  15. If it is desired to inoculate tissue en masse, remove from the material a small cube of 1 or 2 mm.

  16. Since I cannot hope to inoculate the entire human race, and will not pick or choose certain worthy types for special attention, I will deal only with those folks who find Mekstrom's Disease among their immediate family.

  17. If our child came as predicted, the first thing I'd do would be to have the child inoculate the father?

  18. You've agreed that we cannot move until we know how to inoculate healthy flesh.

  19. When the doctors inoculate you and the homeopathists dose you, they give you an infinitesimally attenuated dose.

  20. No one could do an act more beneficial to society, or glorious to himself, than by teaching mankind how to inoculate this fatal disease; and thus to deprive it of its malignity.

  21. The blood in the small pox will not inoculate that disease, if taken before the commencement of the secondary fever; as shewn in Sect.

  22. With a speck of the swarming liquid I inoculate the clear mineral solution and the clear turnip infusion, as a surgeon might inoculate an infant with vaccine lymph.

  23. He proved that the worms inoculate each other by the infliction of visible wounds with their claws.

  24. But the case is entirely different when we inoculate our turnip infusion with the desiccated germinal matter afloat in the air.

  25. Inoculate when the patient is in the negative phase and you kill: inoculate when the patient is in the positive phase and you cure.

  26. If the figure is one, inoculate and cure: if it's under point eight, inoculate and kill.

  27. Among the latter is the fact, extremely important in a pedagogical point of view, that, the less we teach the child the simple truth from the beginning, so much the easier it is to inoculate him permanently with religious notions, i.

  28. The less this is done, the easier it is to inoculate him with religious notions, i.

  29. The very men who, in March last, created a disturbance in Hubli, were not only the first and the most willing to undergo inoculation, but also to bring their wives and families to my hospital, or to invite me to their homes to inoculate them.

  30. With the blood of this mouse inoculate another, a little older, and it will die.

  31. But it was decided to divide them into two equal groups, and inoculate one group.

  32. But we must,' said Pasteur, 'inoculate the rabbits with the saliva.

  33. In this way, an endeavour was made to inoculate half the men, half the women, and half the children in each family, and to arrange that a fairly equal proportion of the sickly-looking should be placed in each division.

  34. They made nothing of it; they waited three hundred years for Villemin to inoculate the rabbits, and then the thing was done--En voici les preuves.

  35. Italy has been making inquiries for home use; and also Portugal, in order to inoculate at Mozambique.

  36. A part of this was rubbed up in sterile water and used to inoculate other animals; and subcutaneous inoculations with this material almost always produced death.

  37. Having assured us that cholera was very prevalent in the British army, he proceeded to inoculate us, so that we might have no chance of taking the disease to Damascus.

  38. But practice and cooeperation with anti-aircraft gunners, by means of directional shots, enabled us to find the black-crossed trespassers often enough to inoculate them with a wholesome fear of venturing any distance beyond the lines.

  39. Ever since this variety of tuberculosis has been distinguished, attempts have been made to inoculate or cure human tuberculosis with that of birds.

  40. In starting the planting of the bean, it is necessary to inoculate the soil as in the starting of a planting of alfalfa.

  41. You should not have believed me; for virtue cannot so inoculate our old stock, but we shall relish of it:[27] I loved you not.

  42. Inoculate our old stock, but we shall relish of it:] So change the original constitution and properties, as that no smack of them shall remain.

  43. Dring was obliged to inoculate himself, as that was thought to be the safest way of taking the disease.

  44. It needed small incitement to inoculate me also with this disease.

  45. The culture thus sent out in a dry form, and no larger than a yeast cake, may thus be made to furnish bacteria sufficient to inoculate not less than an acre of land.

  46. I had an order in the forenoon to inoculate the H.

  47. We have some heavy work allotted to us; the order to inoculate all the troops against cholera, which means two injections for each man, is a big job in itself.

  48. Cast off the silly bigotry with which Rome knows how to inoculate you, and live and labour, not for Rome's Bishop and her ambitious prelates, but with and for your fellow-citizens!

  49. Hamlet has honestly tried (we have seen with what means) to inoculate and improve the sinful 'old stock.

  50. The repentant sinner says: 'You should not have believed me: for virtue cannot so inoculate our old stock but we shall relish of it.

  51. It will indeed be at once seen, that the taint or distemper with which Archelaus is supposed to inoculate himself, when he commits signal crime--is a pure fancy or poetical metaphor on the part of Plato himself.

  52. The traveller Motraye mentions a Circassian old woman who used to inoculate with three pins tied together.

  53. Inoculate peaches and nectarines, and take off all projecting shoots in espaliers and wall fruit-trees.

  54. Inoculate the apricots, and choose for this purpose a cloudy evening.

  55. At the same time inoculate some of the fine kind of roses.

  56. Inoculate roses and jasmines that require this kind of propagation, and any of the other flowering shrubs.

  57. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "inoculate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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