Take the book and bend over the edge so as to allow the color to slightly permeate it; then apply the color with a bit of fine Turkey sponge, bend over the edge in the opposite direction, and color again.
The mode by which this is most satisfactorily accomplished is by applying a thin coating of this varnish to the paper, so as to permeate it thoroughly, after which it is to be coated on both sides with a much thicker mixture.
The mode by which this is most satisfactorily accomplished is by applying a pretty thin coating of this varnish to the paper, so as to permeate it thoroughly, after which it is to be coated on both sides with a much thicker sample.
Most of us are a bit ill mentally and physically from breathing the dusty street sweepings of filth and germs which permeate the hived towns.
In order to permeate the object these solutions must be very dilute, and are most advantageously applied at a temperature of about 120 deg.
The petroleum serves to dilute the varnish, which can thus more quicklypermeate the entire mass of iron and rust.
If fumes or fuliginous vapours and air permeate this vessel, as they do the pulmonary bronchia, wherefore do we find neither air nor fuliginous vapours when we divide the pulmonary vein?
Besides, if the blood could permeate the substance of the septum, or could be imbibed from the ventricles, what use were there for the coronary artery and vain, branches of which proceed to the septum itself, to supply it with nourishment?
No dead letter--a living spirit infuses the lines; there is a deathless principle behind the words which will vitalize and permeate all isolated relations and developments of conduct.
The third and sixth chapters of St. John's Gospel permeate every baptismal and eucharistic office.
Consequently they are enabled topermeate every revolutionary movement with the religious fervor of the solitary, and they can perpetually renew their own revolutionary faith.
As with all creative work, we must permeate the material with which we have to deal, must yield ourselves without reserve.
We seniors are sandwiched up with intermediates and juniors so that our influence may permeate through the school.
That the medicine, when in the blood, must permeate the mass of the circulation, so far as may be required to reach the parts on which it tends to act.
It is next maintained, in the Fifth Proposition, that the medicine, being in the blood, mustpermeate the mass of the circulation as far as to reach the part on which it tends to act.
Bronze, for example, took some thousands of years topermeate the continent of Europe; iron perhaps as many hundreds; platinum a little more than fifty years; and radium less than five.
Here the permeating influence of Christian revelation may be seen attempting to permeate even foreign policy (for what are the Crusades but the foreign policy of a Christian commonwealth controlled and directed by the papacy?
Turning the chicken with the breast down causes the juices to permeate the white meat and thus make it tender and juicy.
The constant basting causes the moisture to permeate the dry white meat, making it juicy and tender.
This will cause a sudden drop in the temperature of the fat, allowing it to permeate the food which is cooking and thus give a greasy product.
The blockheads knead their morality into such an indivisible mass that it cannot possibly permeate their actions and be applicable in individual cases.
That it sets free deadly disease germs to permeate society, causing untold misery among the innocent, then, and not until then, can they be taught 1.
Mere poverty alone would not have developed this feature in the national character, had there not been a deep instinct of industry in the race which has tended to develop industrial habits that permeate every class of society.
Teach us to come in the Holiness of our High Priest, and enter into Thine, until it take possession of us, and permeate our whole being, and all that is in us be holy to the Lord.
These two do not exist separately, but permeate each other in reciprocal immanence, just as God in His Holiness is love, and in His love is holiness.
And this just in proportion as we know it and yield ourselves to it, as we wait and are still to let the secret fragrance permeate our whole being.
When they are counted by hundreds, we can permeate and trim and compromise.
At last the vital body collapses, as it were, the little streams of force which permeate each atom seem to shrivel up, and the Ego is forced to abandon its body to the restorative powers of sleep.
While we are awake and going about our work in the Physical World, the desire body and mind both permeate the dense and the vital bodies, and there is a constant war between the desire nature and the vital body.
Hydrogen, and, in a much less degree, oxygen and nitrogen, will also permeate silica, but only at higher temperatures.
Travers has suggested that it may explain the liberation of helium from minerals by heat, the gas being enabled to permeate the siliceous materials in which it is enclosed.