He remained silent, therefore, politely waiting for his guest to initiatethe conversation.
The surprise he had expressed, and the question put, were only intended to initiate the more serious conversation he was about to introduce.
This is her first attempt to initiatehim into the mystery of music; and the response that he makes to her proves that she is a wise teacher, and is appealing to a genuinely natural faculty.
Where the religious experience is of such crucial importance, it has been necessary to give it a fixed form and content which might be used to initiate the young and the outsider.
None the less, if the report were unfavourable, their first gesture would be toward the holster, signalling to Lanyard that the moment had come to initiate heroic measures.
Any member of Parliament or either house or the king could initiate a bill.
The initiate is brought into the presence of the present owner of the right, his hands and face are painted, accompanied by ritualistic prayers.
They all teach the Initiate the mysteries of creation, of man's destiny and his necessary Cycle of Material Probation.
To the Initiate into Urania's mysteries it is unnecessary to draw a parallel between the constellation and its astrological sign.
This method is applicable, for instance, to cases where the enemy is able to initiate action which, by its nature, would frustrate the execution of any of the commander's courses.
Battle Orders are generally limited to the despatches required to place a Battle Plan in effect, and to direct such changes in plan, or to initiate such detailed operations, as may be necessary during the progress of battle.
In such event each new basic problem will initiate a new series of problems, with corresponding directives, as described above.
Socially minded, it could announce and initiate the measures necessary to maintain peace and order through conformity to a common program of social action.
Should self-discipline and self-criticism falter, militant minorities must urge and initiate those revolutionary changes which are necessary for the health and well-being of any ailing human community.
To initiate a foreign policy is the prerogative of the Crown, exercised under the responsibility of constitutional Ministers.
It is for Parliament to inquire, to criticize, to support, or condemn in questions of foreign policy; but it is not for Parliament to initiate a foreign policy in absolute ignorance of the state of affairs.
At that epoch certain naïve elements in the Eternal City tried to initiate anti-Jesuit politics inside the Church.
Cæsar listened to them, and although with great coldness, said yes, that he was ready to initiate the scheme.
And where once the king reserved the right to veto and to initiate legislation, so now (as again in our Constitution) the people reserve the right to veto and to initiate legislation.
She cast but one glance at the confessor of her aunt, the mother-superior of a convent of Poor Clares, a rigid and fanatical old man, whose duty it was to initiate her into the mysteries of religion.
In those days of unbridled disorder, crimes were so frequent and passions so violent that the higher nobility often found itself compelled to initiate Maitre Antoine Beauvouloir into secrets both shameful and terrible.
Still less vital is its power to initiate measures.
The blood lost by a young initiate during the very violent operations he must undergo has very particular virtues: it is used in various ceremonies.
Among the Binbinga, the blood on the knife which was used in the sub-incision must be licked off by the initiate (ibid.
The initiate lives in an atmosphere charged with religiousness, and it is as though he were impregnated with it himself.
When the young initiateis introduced into the sanctuary of the clan, he is shown the churinga of his ancestor, and someone says to him, "You are this body; you are the same thing as this.
At the moment the Churches do not offer judgment on anti-Semitism which, incidentally, they reject utterly on Christian grounds; nor do they wish to initiate a discussion on the political measures taken against the Jews in general.
The pro-Nazi press frequently attacked "the Church's dogged opposition to attempts to initiate anti-Jewish restrictions".
General Hamilton therefore ordered the 7th Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders to initiate bombing attacks against each flank of the Brown line.
I shall not attempt to set forth either the many phases of the crisis which we experienced last March, or the many measures which you and I undertook during the Special Session that we mightinitiate recovery and reform.
General MacArthur immediately informed the Joint Chiefs of Staff here in Washington that he was prepared to initiate plans for an attack on Leyte in October.
I gladly note that measures which seek to initiate a government program for a balanced agriculture are now in conference between the two Houses of the Congress.
In a word, the people of California, had the amendment carried, would have been able to initiate the laws which govern them.
At last, anxious to reconnoitre the position of the enemy, he thought he might without danger initiate the vidame into the secrets of his situation.
Can I initiate myself with a laugh into the ambassador's part, if indeed diplomacy is as difficult as life?
And even as she spoke she swept him into the pettiness of that world by the attempt to initiate him into the vanities of a woman of fashion.
Frequently this voluntary exertion is only needed to initiate a train of ideas, which is afterwards continued without effort: as in recalling a series of past events or going through a familiar train of reasoning.