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Example sentences for "interpolate"

Lexicographically close words:
interplane; interplanetary; interplanted; interplay; interpleader; interpolated; interpolating; interpolation; interpolations; interpolator
  1. Scott did not interpolate a single stanza, even where, as Hogg wrote, he suspected a lacuna in the text.

  2. Hogg was too good a Scot to interpolate the flight of Douglas; and Scott was so good a Scot that--what do you suppose he did?

  3. The relative slowness of our apprehension of visual elements has the other consequence that we interpolate objects in the lacun of vision *according to our expectations.

  4. In this fact is the danger in examining witnesses, inasmuch as we involuntarily interpolate the missing details in the skipping inferences, but do it according to our own knowledge of the facts.

  5. Masters and mistresses who feel inspired to give a personal address of not more than five minutes on any problem that may have been occupying their minds may interpolate their sermonette in the place of this lesson.

  6. But Hengstenberg has[130] examined these alleged anachronisms in detail, and shown that the objectors allow themselves to interpolate into the text a meaning of their own in order to show the inaccuracy of the Bible.

  7. Thus it is that men will not see in the phenomena what alone is to be seen; in their observations they interpolate and expunge; and this mutilated and adulterated product they call a fact.

  8. They interpolate still, which is not in the text.

  9. As a conflicting idea, therefore, we may safely interpolate the idea, "Be more moderate in your opposition, these are the same people who are to grant you the loan.

  10. Since he expressly rules out the reality of his uncle's action, then it is natural to interpolate an "if.

  11. If we interpolate these, then the phantasy yields as its content the idea that the dreamer is ready, as an act of patriotic duty, to offer her person for the satisfaction of the erotic desires of the army, officers as well as troops.

  12. The application of this law is so universal and so rigid that we need not hesitate to interpolate a missing term, and confidently assert that it either does exist or has existed.

  13. So rigid and invariable must this serial arrangement be that if a term in either series be wanting, we are authorized to hypothetically interpolate it.

  14. Mr. Chairman, I ask leave to interpolate a word to the group of interests adverse to these "musical-device" provisions of the bill.

  15. I think that I am warranted, in view of that late decision, in asking the committee to interpolate that word "lithograph.

  16. For latitudes not given, interpolate in the same manner as for the height of the style.

  17. It may be necessary to interpolate for a given latitude, as for example, lat.

  18. The idea of its being a 'thing,' whose permanent existence by itself he might interpolate between its successive apparitions has evidently not occurred to him.

  19. I will interpolate here a few remarks about the more modern portion of the Old Town.

  20. Action, in fiction, is action which plays a necessary part in the story, and the novelist should not interpolate insignificant events any more than he should interpolate his own opinions on life and morals.

  21. I interpolate here a profound observation of Mr. Roezl.

  22. I may interpolate a remark here for the encouragement of poor but enthusiastic members of our fraternity.

  23. If I may interpolate just to comment on that interesting German word “weltanschaulich”, I take it that ideological is about as close a translation as we can get, but the word means more than that.

  24. I may interpolate that when the British offer in evidence the Treaty of Versailles, you will see the detailed limitations which this document indicates an effort to avoid.

  25. I interpolate that I can but think that this is not a good translation of the German because to me the sentence seems meaningless.

  26. I interpolate to comment on the tremendous significance of the fact of a war, which engulfed almost the whole world, depending upon one man’s personality.

  27. No power on earth except a similar national convention had a right "to change or interpolate that platform, or to prescribe new or different tests.

  28. And here I may interpolate that the reviewer in question was Mr. George Venables, who was within a year to become a friend of mine.

  29. And here I may perhaps be allowed to interpolate another personal recollection.

  30. If, on the other hand, reciters had books of the words, they could interpolate at pleasure into them, and such books may have been among the materials used in the construction of a text for the Athenian book market.

  31. And here I may interpolate that, a soldier’s grandson as he was, all Stone’s boyhood longings were set on soldiering.

  32. Here I may interpolate the critique of Colonel Nolan, who was the first to apprise me of the occurrence.

  33. Here I am bound to interpolate a word of qualification.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "interpolate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    enter; foist; fudge; implant; insert; insinuate; interpolate; interpose; intervene; introduce; intrude; penetrate; refer; sandwich