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Example sentences for "entering upon"

  • We seem thus to be entering upon an economic competition not entirely unlike that which existed between Germany and England.

  • It is doubtful whether these chances which we should lose by an unaggressive policy, are sufficiently important to justify us in entering upon a conflict with Japan or with Japan and Russia.

  • I find, however, that I am entering upon subjects in which I am but little versed, and digressing from my narrative.

  • Like a skilled strategist, as he was, he had well reconnoitred the ground before entering upon it.

  • Entering upon an official career, he soon retired and devoted the rest of his life to books.

  • Entering upon a public career, he neglected his work for gaming and drink, and after a short spell of office he retired.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "entering upon" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    entering the; entering upon; except only; feel kind; knew him; large characters; lawful prize; like creatures; many believed; mutual consent; nine guns; shall dwell; think upon; this road; through patience and comfort; till they reached the; took his; transshipment point for illicit drugs from; when behold; will lend; will not give thee; will read; young bird