The Prophet shuddered to the depths of his being, but he was now embarked upon his enterprise and must crowd all sail.
The Prophet shuddered and longed to flee, but the two kids, as if divining his thought, now clasped his hands and led him firmly forward to a yellow villa, fringed with white Bath stone and garnished plentifully with griffins.
The girl shudderedand placed her hands over her ears; her companion set his teeth and muttered: "The dog!
He did not dare look again upon the loving light that stretched its warmth out to him as he shuddered and cringed on the threshold of his own home, almost within the clasp of those adoring arms.
His numb fingers felt for the knife that lay sheathed in his overcoat pocket, and he shuddered as they touched it.
Aliturus was accustomed to scenes of hardened wickedness, but he shuddered in expectation of the nameless horrors which pagan slander led him to suppose he would witness.
I saw the contrary; and my soul shudderedat the sights my eyes beheld.
When left to himself, he always plunged into difficulties, and then shudderedfor the consequences.
Doubled over until his chin rested almost upon the sharp points of his knees, he gazed steadily at the beacon, and as he looked it shuddered and grew dark, like a firefly that suddenly closes its wings.
His head was twisted so that his face was turned to the glow of the lamp and Nathaniel shuddered as he saw where his shot had struck.
Gerald shuddered as the rays from the lamp revealed for the first time the appalling change which had been wrought upon that once beautiful countenance.
Every one presentshuddered to behold its expression--it was that of fierce, inextinguishable hatred.
I shuddered lest I should adore a vision which the first ray of morning could smite to the grave.
But though impressive the outlook was unyielding in its severity, and the girl shuddered and, for relief, was glad to return to speech.
For a moment this alarm shuddered through her body.
Frank shuddered when he thought how intense must have been the suffering that could work so great a change.
Jim shuddered again and again as he recalled that awful struggle and compared his escape with his father's cruel fate.
The frightened maids to whom she spoke shuddered at her words.
Mordant shuddered as he awoke, for he had been asleep for some time, and the evening was closing in as he rose from the damp grass.
It came just as the match flamed up in her fingers, and an answering shriek from her bosom tore its way through her clenched teeth, and she shuddered like one in an ague.
But when, knowing that thence no ray could reach the outside, she struck a light, and the spot where he had so often shuddered was laid bare to his soul, he gave a cry and turned and would have rushed away.
Then she had laughed and dared him; now she shuddered to remember.
The color mounted in his neck almost to the point of apoplexy, and his voice bellowed forth an oath so bleak, so fraught with peril to the human race, that Jerry shuddered and turned away her head as from a blast of flame.
He took a swallow and shuddered as the fiery liquid seemed instantly to cause every part of his being to tingle.
All at once he shuddered again, and, with a sudden cry, fell prone near the spring.
Athalaric shuddered as he replaced the cup upon the marble table.
I shuddered as I thought, but a moment later I saw all three abreast just as they had been.
Here I shuddered as my imagination gave me an instantaneous picture of the two helpless women in the toils of the raging sea amongst those grim rocks and borne by that racing tide which had done poor Lauchlane Macleod to death.
She shuddered a little and drew closer to me; I felt that the movement was one of protection rather than of fear.
Although his wife positively shuddered at the idea of Helen's running wild, she did not attempt to gainsay him, and after this there was no more discussion about the matter.
A slave squatting upon the floor at the foot of his couchshuddered and touched her forehead to the floor.
They had not been long in this strange country, yet they thought that they were hardened to dangers, for daily they had had encounters with ferocious creatures; but this day--she shuddered when she thought of it.
The girl shuddered as she said, "But your interference with the formula?
He shuddered sometimes now as he thought of what an awful past was linked with that name.
Ruth Adrian shuddered as she pictured Marston hurried into crime, reckless of everything, because of her conduct to him.
The prisoner shuddered as he passed the lodge-gates, and looked fearfully at the doorway.
He shuddered although the warm spring sunshine was pouring in at the window.
Their position was now truly awful; and the old man shudderedat the sight.
Oliver shuddered at De Moreville’s tone and manner; and, as the baron’s words sank instantly and deeply into his heart, visions of the dungeon and the gallows rose before his imagination.
Miss Mapp positively shudderedas she tried to realize what her state of mind would have been, if she had seen him thus coupled with Diva.
His ears shuddered at the anticipation of hearing from near at hand the report of pistols, and once a back-fire from a motor passing along the road caused him to leap high in the air.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "shuddered" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.