It was Lord Canning's old friend and Eton chum, Lord Granville, who obtained this tardy justice for Yule, instigated thereto by that most faithful friend, Sir Roderick Murchison.
He had at first obtained the sovereignty of the Keraits by the murder of two of his brothers and several nephews.
It is obtained from a kind of vein in the earth, and is of very fine quality.
China in 1288: perhaps the idea was obtained from the Malays or Arabs.
We find in Teixeira that the ruler who succeeded in 1290 was Amir Masa'úd, who obtained the Government by the murder of his brother Saifuddin Nazrat.
Mr. Shaw has since obtained a route between Ilchi and Lob on very good authority.
He obtained sanction to a code for the latter, which removed these people entirely from the Court system, and its tribe of leeches, and abolished all intermediaries between the Sahib and the Sonthal peasant.
Reduced from a facsimile obtained on the spot by Dr.
Reduced from a facsimile obtainedon the spot by Dr.
The numbers that were slain on both sides were very great, but in the end Chinghis Kaan obtained the victory.
He entered at Pembroke College, Oxford, where he obtained a scholarship in 1861.
Although well educated, he enlisted as a private in the army for foreign service; a commission however was subsequently obtained for him by his friends.
Thereupon the Parisian police discovered that our military envoy had corrupted some clerks at the Ministry of War and had obtained from them some very important confidential documents.
But at last the husband, thoroughly alarmed by the rapid changes in her appearance, obtained an unlimited leave and took her away from the capital to his parents in the country.
The mistress of a certain senator obtained a large sum of money.
Hunting up my friend, the reporter, I begged him to tell me where he had obtained the facts from which he made that leading article in the Star which had so startled all Washington on the evening of the Jeffrey wedding.
He has been made so much better than the angels, as He hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they.
He sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high, being made so much better than the angels as He hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they.
At any rate his condition was rather precarious till 1835, when Lord John Russell and Lord Lansdowne obtained for him a Civil List pension of three hundred pounds a year.
The whole, except the things which he did not himself care to reprint, can be obtainednow in one volume; but the print is not to be recommended to aged or weakly sight.
It is easy to say that a man of his talents, when he had once obtained a start, might surely have gone his own way and lived his own life, without taking up the position of a kind of superior gamekeeper or steward at rich men's gates.
With the aid of these troops from Buenos Aires, Artigas obtained a signal victory against the Spaniards at Las Piedras, which enabled him to lay siege to Montevideo.
My fears as to the secret having been obtained by foul play are therefore entirely set at rest; and the stain removed from my poor father's memory.
Would he, I wondered, recognise in this monk the description he had obtained of Paolo Melandrini, the unknown man who was to be Mabel Blair's secretary and adviser?
During the weeks I had been confined to my room I had obtained a quantity of books, and discovered certain facts concerning the late Cardinal who had divulged the secret--whatever it was--in return for his release.
One evening by judiciously bribing the old servant with twenty francs, Carlini obtained the letter in question, and brought it for me to see.
There was evidently some strong motive why he should appoint him controller of Mabel's fortune, yet it was all an utter enigma, just as much as the mysterious source from which the millionaire had obtained his vast wealth.
He had, however, since the breaking up of his band, become a reformed character, and rather than profit by certain knowledge that he had obtainedwhile an outlaw, he worked for his living on board an English ship.
I then obtained from her a few facts concerning her padrone.
He held a secret, he told me, and by knowledge of that secret, he obtained his vast wealth.
As they had obtained 8,750 pounds for a vessel worth about one-quarter of the sum, they had good reason to be satisfied.
The trap was baited with "medicine," an oily substance obtained from the beaver.
The conspiracy was detected in the following manner: a mulatto girl, residing in Santa Fe, had married one of the conspirators, and had by degrees obtained a knowledge of their movements and secret meetings.
The profile obtained from civilian polls or from propanal can then be paralleled in the field.
Desired civilian action can often be obtained by the use of clear instructions transmitted in leaflet form.
Analytical and historical studies, gauging the results obtained by Black operations in relation to their cost, are not yet available.
More legitimate are the goals actually obtained by propaganda, such as "encouragement of a spirit of factionalism which may assist defeat .
On addressing the list to the Prince de Neufchatel, Madame Campan added to it the names of four other pupils, and all the ten obtained a pension of 300 francs.
Parliaments would never haveobtained his consent to the convocation of the States General.
Some ladies of high rank, who took an interest in the welfare of her family, obtained for her the place of Reader to the Princesses.
A knowledge of the locality thus obtained will be found of great advantage in case of a fire breaking out.
If the water be obtained from a pond or river at a little distance, one engine may be stationed close to it, and that engine made to pump the water into another at work.
Much valuable information is frequently obtained from the latter, as to the division of the premises, the party-walls, and other matters connected with its locality.
Any buildings, supposed to be particularly dangerous, should be carefully examined, and all the different places where supplies of water can be obtained for them noticed.
If the cisterns are nearly empty, the pressure cannot be obtained till they are filled.
The method of proving by an engine is considerably better than this; but when a proving-pump can be obtained it is infinitely better than either.
If water can beobtained at an elevation, pipes with plugs or firecocks on them, are preferable to any other mode at present in use for the supply of fire-engines.
By the latter method, no certain measure can beobtained by which the pressure can be calculated.
Such premiums could not be paid on wholesale transactions, therefore the Liverpool people themselves obtained an Act of Parliament, 6 and 7 Vic.
But when the plugs are full open 1-3/4 diameter, a sufficient quantity of water isobtained from each to supply three engines, each of which will give a jet equal to the plug if confined to one jet.
Such is the ignorance of many teachers, and even of the most intelligent men in the community, in regard to school-books, that many works of this kind have obtained a circulation to which they are not entitled.
If there had been other facts to be obtained, calculated to settle the question as to the origin of the first Americans, these, or other writers would have obtained them.
When once a clear understanding had been obtained there was no difficulty in designing suitable propellers, with proper diameter, pitch, and area of blade, to meet the requirements of the flyer.
Further corroboration of the tables was obtained in experiments with the new glider at Kill Devil Hill the next season.
The results obtained were most astonishing, for it appeared that the total horizontal pull of the machine, while sustaining a weight of 52 lbs.
From data thus obtained we expected to prove or disprove the accuracy of our propeller calculations.
For in that battle he so overwhelmed and discomfited the enemy, that on account of it the praetor Nerva was hailed Imperator and my grandfather obtained his cognomen and so was called Scrofa.
Hernando was instantly admitted to the royal presence, and obtained a gracious audience.
Before quitting the new settlement, Pizarro caused the gold and silver ornaments which he had obtained in different parts of the country to be melted down into one mass, and a fifth to be deducted for the Crown.
When the sky was overcast, and the face of the good deity was hidden from his worshippers, which was esteemed a bad omen, fire was obtained by means of friction.
Emeralds they obtained in considerable quantity from the barren district of Atacames, and this inflexible material seems to have been almost as ductile in the hands of the Peruvian artist as if it had been made of clay.
This information was obtained by an admirable regulation, which has scarcely a counterpart in the annals of a semi-civilized people.
The money obtained by blackmail and threats of various kinds was divided among a few men, but most of the funds went to Lupo and Morello.
In this way I obtained the signature and handwriting of a number of the gang, but failed in the main purpose, namely, that of obtaining a sample of Lupo's handwriting or his signature.
Even if a conviction of the distributor of the bad money is obtained, no definite information can beobtained from the convicted man.
Here is another letter that had been sent through the mails and obtained by Morello in the usual manner.
It was very seldom that sufficient evidence could be obtained to punish such nefarious traffickers.
I fear that a high premium is obtained by persons who kidnap girls in the high prices which they realize on sale to foreigners as kept women.
Flarey went to an inspector, and obtained money to be used in tempting the mistress of Christy.
Later objects in the collections have been given a six-digit National Museum of History and Technology (NMHT) accession number, which serves for all items obtained from one source at a given date.
Other benefits of removing blood, including the lowering of blood pressure, can be obtained by the use of antihypertensive drugs.
Data on the numbers of breast pumps patented was obtained from the files of the U.
In addition to horn cups, the ancients employed bronze cups in which a vacuum was obtained by inserting a piece of burning flax or linen into the cup before its application to the skin.
He had been very much fatigued, had obtained but small refreshment, and yet he had sat up thinking, wasting time which would have been better employed in repose.
He received a small pension from the Earl of Angus up to the day of his death, which the earl would certainly not have paid if the count had obtained possession of all his uncle's wealth.
By passing the night in it and burning incense, women who wished to have a son obtained a son: those who wished for a daughter obtained a daughter.
Then the pair chose a suitable day for their journey, and obtained horses and palankeens.
This their employers refused to give them, and sent to Wales, where they obtained workmen at the former price.
Here the encaustic decoration, so plentifully employed in the other rooms, is dropped, and an effect even more brilliant obtained by the united use of marble and gold.
By applying an hour before the appointed time, we obtained admission to the Royal Library.
The collection of antiquities is large and interesting; but it is said that the old Count obtained some of them in rather a questionable manner.
By good fortune, I obtained a stand, where I had an excellent view of the scene.
Then, having obtained a bottle of beer from the captain, he poured it solemnly over the stern of the vessel into the sea.
Here we obtained a guide, and descended to one of the caves which can be entered from the shore.
Sources: The first and seventh of these documents are obtained from MSS.
The following documents are obtained from the "Cedulario Indico," in the Archivo Historico Nacional, Madrid: 7.
He was well liked and respected in these islands, for his affable manners had obtained for him much popularity.
The following documents are obtained from the Ventura del Arco MSS.
XXVII of this series), and other matter obtained from letters which the editor had received from Manila; we present here such part as is new.
Sources: The first of these documents is obtained from a MS.
Having gone round by the parade-ground, they went up to the governor, where Father Belin thanked his Lordship for the liberty that had been obtained through his mediation.
The following document isobtained from a rare printed pamphlet in the Museo-Biblioteca de Ultramar, Madrid: 11.
On the occasion of an expedition which Lucero made to Taulan, the Spaniards obtained by a clever plan and stratagem a crowd of captives, both men and women.
After twenty years spent in these labors, he obtained permission (1631) to go to Spain, and miraculously escaped from the wreck of his ship in the very port of Cavite.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "obtained" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.