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Example sentences for "decoction"

Lexicographically close words:
declines; declineth; declining; declivities; declivity; decoctions; decode; decoded; decoding; decollation
  1. Cinchona bark or any preparation containing tannin, as tea, decoction of oak bark, etc.

  2. Tea, decoction of oak-bark, carbonate of potassium or sodium as antidote.

  3. There and then he set to work and wrote a prescription, which he handed to Chia Jung, the purpose of which was: Decoction for the improvement of respiration, the betterment of the blood, and the restoration of the spleen.

  4. It consisted of a decoction of tea and other leaves which had got into the pail, and a part of a loaf of bread.

  5. This decoction is an extract from the faculties of the mind, sometimes extremely strong and spirituous, and sometimes altogether as weak; for very little care is taken in the preparation.

  6. Handel prescribes a warm fomentation with a decoction of soapwort.

  7. They should occasionally take half a pint of the decoction of lignum-vitæ, boiling an ounce of it in a quart of water for five minutes.

  8. Have a thin solution of glue or decoction of linseed oil ready, into which pour the soda until quite thick.

  9. To extract the Fat Oils of Plants by Decoction in boiling water.

  10. None of it appeared in distilling the extract made by decoction, but arose in distilling the boiled Bones, that were exhausted of almost all their other principles by the decoction with water.

  11. Indeed, these points seem, in some measure, to be determined, by what he says of the quality which the water of the last decoction ought to have.

  12. The Wort is then drawn off the grains, and boiled to a proper degree of inspissation; the decoction is suffered to cool, and afterwards put into casks to be fermented as the process directs.

  13. To extract the Fat Oils of Plants by Decoction in boiling Water.

  14. When we come to deliver the methods of making extracts by decoction and by infusion, we shall see what are the advantages and disadvantages of preparing Extracts by heat.

  15. This solution being mixed with Fixed Alkalis, in various proportions, doth not grow turbid, nor drops any precipitate; but with a decoction of galls it makes ink.

  16. For roundworms he recommended especially a decoction of artemisia maritima, coriander seeds, and decoctions of thyme.

  17. A vinous decoction of wild mint and of pepper he considered particularly beneficial, though he thought that dentifrices, either powder or liquid, should also be used.

  18. The dyeing is done in a bath made from a decoction of 40 lb.

  19. Boil first for one hour with a decoction of 8 lb.

  20. The addition of a little chlorine to the decoction of logwood has been recommended as increasing the dyeing power of the wool.

  21. In those happy days, if a physician had given decoction of a certain bark, only because in numberless instances that decoction had been found to strengthen the patient, he would have been a miserable empiric.

  22. A plain Decoction of Rue in White Wine, with a little Vinegar added to it, is highly commended by others.

  23. Some others commend a Decoction of Guaiacum, to provoke Sweat with it, as in the cure of the French Pox.

  24. It is said that at certain seasons of the year the Indians make a strong decoction of the leaves, which makes them vomit freely, and after drinking and vomiting for a few days, they consider themselves sufficiently purified.

  25. The patient was confined in a closed and heated chamber, was placed on the lowest possible diet, and, after liberal purgation, was made twice a day to drink a milk-warm decoction of the wood.

  26. Alpinus (1592) mentions the employment of their decoction in Egypt in ophthalmia and in uterine and other complaints.

  27. Gladys was not hungry, but she accepted the proffered hospitality frankly as it was given, though the tea tasted like a decoction of bitter aloes.

  28. In this teapot a black decoction brewed all day, and was partaken of at intervals by the two; sometimes they ate a morsel of bread to it, but other sustenance they had none.

  29. Country practice hath added another, to provoke the after-birth, and in that case the decoction is given unto Cows.

  30. I know that a decoction of wild gourd or Colocynthis (though somewhat qualified) will not from every hand be dulcified unto aliment by an addition of flower or meal.

  31. Footnote 4: On inquiry I find this to have been the decoction of Peruvian bark.

  32. Shepherds anoint their hands with a decoction of wormwood, and keep large fires burning to protect themselves from them.

  33. At the end of a few months, she experienced singular movements in her stomach, as if something were crawling up and down; and alarmed by the sensation, consulted a medical man, who prescribed a dose of orvietan in a decoction of fumitory.

  34. But she sipped it as she would have done the decoction of some bitter herb, and frankly confessed that she did not like it as well as the forest substitutes, namely, sassafras, dittany, and spicewood.

  35. Of this nutritious dish our meals generally consist, with boiled or fried bear's bacon, and a decoction of sassafras tea.

  36. We put on old clothes, and having set the tub containing the decoction near the lean-to door of the barn, caught and brought forth the lambs, one after another.

  37. Addison set about preparing a half-hogshead tub to hold the poke decoction for immersing the lambs after the sheep were sheared.

  38. In later times it was believed that a decoction of vervain and rue, mixed, had such a remarkable effect on gun-metal that anyone using a gun over which the liquid had been poured would shoot 'as straight as a die.

  39. The continual drinking the decoction of it helps red faces, tetters, and ringworms, because Mars causeth them.

  40. The decoction of foxglove should also be mentioned here, as great effusions of urine frequently follow its exhibition.

  41. An antimonial powder was once given, but instantly rejected; a spoonful of decoction of bark was also exhibited with the same event.

  42. And a decoction of madder is recommended for the same purpose; because the bile of animals, whose food was mixed with madder, was found always in a dilute state.

  43. Four ounces of the fresh leaves of the foxglove should be boiled from two pounds of water to one, and half an ounce of the decoction taken every two hours for four or more doses.

  44. Could a warm bath made of decoction of bark, or a cold fomentation with it, be of service?

  45. Ten grains of bone-ashes, or calcined hartshorn, twice a day, with decoction of madder?

  46. At one time a decoction was prepared from them and recommended in pectoral complaints.

  47. A kind of thick paste, known as jujube paste, was also made of a composition of gum arabic and sugar dissolved in a decoction of jujube fruit evaporated to the proper consistency.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "decoction" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    boil; boiling; brew; broth; combination; composition; concentrate; concentration; concoction; confection; decoction; distillate; distillation; ebullition; elixir; essence; expression; extract; extraction; impregnation; infiltration; infusion; mixture; penetration; permeation; potion; pressing; purification; quintessence; refinement; rendering; rendition; saturation; seething; soaking; solution; spirit; squeezing; suffusion