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Example sentences for "passes over"

  • As to the Eretrians, making mention of them only by the way, he passes over in silence a great, gallant, and memorable action of theirs.

  • He allows that Orestes justly avenged his father's death by killing Aegisthus; but he passes over in silence the murder of his mother.

  • By causing the air continually to absorb heat from the human body which it passes over.

  • Because the polished metal and woollen cloth part with their heat so slowly, that the vapour of the air is not chilled into dew as it passes over them.

  • Cenellipsis passes over into Ellipsidium by the production of radial spines on the surface (corresponding to Heliosphaera).

  • By unequal development of both spines it passes over to Ellipsostylus.

  • The hole shown at a, passes over an iron peg or stud in front of the rolley, so that the horse may be quickly attached or disengaged.

  • Descending from the ridge, it passes over a barren country, broken by deep chasms and ravines, for about twelve miles, when Horse Creek is reached.

  • When this network assumes the form of a truncated pyramid (with a central mesh on the apex), Dictyocha passes over into Distephanus.

  • If these become closed by lattice-work, Clathrocircus passes over into Dictyospyris.

  • As soon as any form of Plagonida begins to produce meshes by concrescence of meeting branches of the spines, it passes over into a corresponding form of Plectanida.

  • The three internal cortinar bars of the collar stricture are present; when they become lost this species passes over into Bathropyramis quadrata (Pl.

  • Its relation to what goes before is thus strikingly designated by Calvin: "After Isaiah had spoken of the restoration of the Church, he passes over to Christ, in whom all things are gathered together.

  • Longing is here pushed to a pitch where it passes over, as in Wagner’s “Tristan and Isolde,” into the desire for annihilation.

  • When the respiratory organ is hoisted up into the head, and there becomes an organ of sensation, it passes over into a sense.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "passes over" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    and take; bids them; coming away; dark reddish; dear grandfather; excellent effect; eyed goddess; flow through; her native; high misdemeanor; make progress; marine origin; military stores; more agreeable; murmured the; national scale; passes over; passes through; reddish color; returned quietly; save souls; stopped before; that one