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Example sentences for "distichs"

Lexicographically close words:
distension; distention; disthress; distich; distichous; distil; distill; distillate; distillates; distillation
  1. All our readers have doubtless seen the two distichs of Sir William Jones, respecting the division of the time of a lawyer.

  2. Compare with these jagged misshapen distichs the neat fabric which Hoole's machine produces in unlimited abundance.

  3. One of the distichs is translated from some old Latin lines; the other is original.

  4. A Century of Distichs on the Death of Queen Margaret of Navarre.

  5. For nearly two and a half centuries they were laid side by side, until every inch of space was occupied, the graves being under the floor, and marked by a plain slab inscribed with a few Latin distichs of semi-barbaric style.

  6. Schiller did his task in Latin distichs which have been preserved.

  7. Nor can we extract much biographic interest from the later distichs and carmina which he turned out at school festivals.

  8. It is in distichs and begins thus: "He that made with his hand.

  9. It is in distichs beginning thus: "God {thorn}at ys so full of myght.

  10. But distichs of this sort perpetually occur in all their poems of any length.

  11. In the Cotton library is a volume of ancient English poems[891], two of which are written in this alliterative metre, and have the division of the lines into distichs distinctly marked by a point, as is usual in old poetical MSS.

  12. Often he introduces his plight in only one or two distichs of a poem, subordinating the topic to the poem's main theme.

  13. Pius II enumerates with satisfaction the distichs which his chief poet Campanus wrote on any event of his government which could be turned to poetical account.

  14. On one occasion when eight threatening distichs were found fastened to the doors of the library, Alexander strengthened his guard by 800 men; we can imagine what he would have done to the poet if he had caught him.

  15. Jones, Sir William, his distichs on a lawyer's division of time, i.

  16. The reader may not be displeased to have a specimen of the manner of rendering these distichs into French verse: 1.

  17. These last consist of elegiac distichs so written that the first words of the hexameter are repeated or "echoed" at the end of the pentameter.

  18. They are maxims of every-day wisdom expressed in distichs of two hexameters.

  19. These distichs were soon imitated, and similar maxims in one line--monostichs--were also written.

  20. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "distichs" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.