O king, of this deed of utter iniquity I behold this expiation whereby, O chief of the Kurus, thy son, freed from sin, may win back his position among good men.
And, indeed, on the spot to which he will carry thee, there shalt thou he freed from my curse.
By journeying, O son of Kunti, to those places, with the Brahmanas and ascetics that are with thee and with thy blessed brothers, thou wilt be freed from anxiety!
Nothing more hinders a soul from coming to Christ, than a vain love of the world; and till a soul isfreed from it, it can never have a true love for God.
Is it because thou wouldst be saved from hell, or because thou wouldst be freed from sin?
Destructive as a poisonous snake, or like a savage tiger, or like a raging fire, the greatest evil in the world, he who is wise, is freed from fear of these.
Not in the sky, not in the midst of the sea, not if we enter into the clefts of the mountains, is there known a spot in the whole world where a man might be freed from an evil deed.
It falls out often, that when we think of delivery from death and wrath, we forget in the mean time the end and purpose of that, which is, that we may be freed from sin, and serve the living God without fear.
But as for the debt of love and benevolence, you must so owe that to all men, as never to be discharged of it, never to be freed from it.
If a man had his lusts subdued, and his affections composed unto moderation and sobriety, O what a multitude of noisome and hurtful cares should he then be freed from!
By the destructive distillation of dry sulphovinate of calcium; the product is freed from alcohol, &c.
The air under examination (freed from moisture) is measured into an accurately graduated tube over mercury, capable of holding about 30 cubic centimetres, and which it should 2/3rds fill.
By washing it several times in warm water it is freed from a great deal of its Acid, and so considerably sweetened.
Wherefore the prophet devoutly prayeth to befreed from them, saying, Deliver me from my necessities, O Lord.
We are willing to accept anything for comfort, and it is difficult for a man to be freed from himself.
Defn: The act of disburdening, discharging, or freeing morally from a charge or imputation; also, the state of being disburdened or freed from a charge.
Freed from desire, prevailing over joy and grief and attaining to tranquillity, strive thou to be happy.
Peaceful Sannyasins, freed from fear of rebirth in consequence of the destruction of all their sins and merits, obtain thee.
Freed from a former connection or dependence; disconnected.
The filtrate can be freed from lead by means of sulphuretted hydrogen and neutralised, and then forms a solution of co-enzyme free from phosphate and hexosephosphate but still containing combined phosphorus.
Immune serum can, in fact, be freed from complement by being heated at 57-60° for half an hour, whereas the amboceptor is unaffected by this treatment.
But when Stone referred to George's perfect alibi, Janet looked relieved, as if freed from a great fear.
But then, dear, how can you be freed from suspicion?
And, indeed, on the spot to which he will carry thee, there shalt thou be freed from my curse.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "freed from" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.