These latter managed, between threats and false representations, tooust the Carthaginian commander who was already in possession of the citadel, invited Appius in, and offered to deliver the city into his hands.
But what he was most anxious about was the election; being desirous to secure the office of Strategus for one of this party, and to oust Aratus in accordance with his settled plan.
He had no desire to oust him unfairly; he was proud of being always fair; yet he did long to engross the whole estate under one title.
We may feel that we are working in the public interest [the Board smiled knowingly], if we employ all possible means to oust this old nuisance from among us.
In 1504 he arbitrated on the differences between France and Germany, and concluded an alliance with them in order to oust the Venetians from Faenza, Rimini and other towns which they occupied.
Of the cavalry in England Fairfax was to be general, but no officer under him was to hold a higher rank than that of colonel, a rule which would enable Cromwell's opponents in Parliament to oust him from his position in the army.
Arlington, seeing how things stood, and wishing to oust the Catholic Clifford from the Treasury that he might be his successor, put up a member of the Commons to propose a Bill which soon became law under the name of the Test Act.
Brutally, at this moment, he acknowledged that he had only wished to hear her voice and to touch her hand: to make for himself so indispensable a place among the necessities of her life that no one could oust him from it.
And still shrewder to infer that it was all part of a scheme to oust him from the sort of little kennel or box in which he carried on his trade in a street half a mile off.
But there was many a little memory of Marianne in the earlier days that he would have to oust from the future unless his every hour was to be cross-textured with a weft of self-reproach.
But, I repeat, I shall use all my powers to oustyou and take your place.
Crosby has called "man-hours" the third-rail system is beginning to oust steam as a motive power from trunk-lines.
He performs an old task with new economy, as when he devises a mowing-machine to oust the scythe; or he creates a service wholly new, as when he bids a landscape depict itself on a photographic plate.
A great love is always the best cure for a puny affection--a Juliet for a Rosalind; and when a pure patriotism arose to oust this spurious lip-loyalty, there resulted the Rebellion of 1837.
The advanced Radicals, who formed themselves into a party to oust the Family Compact, called themselves Liberals.
Tremendous efforts were made by his opponents to oust him, and the contest was one of the sharpest ever known in the annals of New Brunswick.
You wish to oustyour neighbour, and get the land for yourself.
To oust this growing dissatisfaction which had sifted into the indolent drift of her life and was gradually embittering it, Anne had literally taken to her heels.
In her present chastened mood she was determined to oust the personal factor.
In September, Ratcliffe, Smith and Martin entered into an agreement to depose President Wingfield and to oust him from the Council.
The Burgesses were chagrined at the order to oust Major Robert Beverley from all public employment.
It was, he said, an assumption of regal power to oust thus unceremoniously one of his officers, and he was resolved to send Harvey back, if for one day only.
And, knowing that the fewer be they that share great riches, the greater their ease, 'tis the study of each how best by declamation and intimidation tooust others from that whereof he would fain be the sole owner.
I cannot follow him the wife I cannot oust from his soul?
And now, could I only discover some means of bringing it about, I should be more than half resolved to oust this unmanageable King from his throne.
Thou thinkest to oust the Sanghurst thence -- to gain Basildene for Raymond?
It becomes an active force every time a great idea comes to oust the mean preoccupations of everyday life.
It was as if a little picture of a cut vein grew brighter, and struggled to oust from his brain another picture of a cut falling short of the mark.
In those I remember one view would begin like a faint ghost, and grow and oust another.
There was something in Lumley's intrigue to oust the government with which he served that had an appearance of cunning and baseness, of which Lord Saxingham, whose personal character was high, by no means approved.
The Free State people are not friendly to it, and many politicians in Cape Colony would like to recover it for the Colony, while many white adventurers would like to prospect for mines, or to oust the natives from the best lands.
But they do not oust the natives, except sometimes from the best lands, and the contact does not reduce the number of the latter.
The Protestants, banding together under the name of Peep o'Day Boys, proceeded to oust the intruders, burning some of their houses.
The Norman could not subdue the Celt, the Celt could not oust the Norman.
United States could arrange to oust England from control of the Atlantic and make an alliance with Germany, these two countries would rule the world.
The Germans were ready to oust the English from their place in the sun!
We Russians feel that our one salvation is to oust the Turk and get to the Mediterranean.