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Example sentences for "displace"

Lexicographically close words:
disperst; dispirited; dispiritedly; dispiriting; dispise; displaced; displacement; displacements; displaces; displacing
  1. Thus coal-gas, to which a small proportion of acetylene has been added, may advantageously displace the richer oil-gas and acetylene mixtures.

  2. If this is conceded, the victim may be assured of the best work and the most favors until her seducer becomes satiated with possession, when means will easily be found to displace her for some new favorite.

  3. In factory towns, moreover, we should always expect to find a very large amount of immorality, which would somewhat displace open and avowed prostitution for hire.

  4. He styled the Duke "General Brunswick," and said he was determined to destroy his city, and displace his family for ever.

  5. If we displace a coloured object by refraction, there appears, as in the case of colourless objects and according to the same laws, an accessory image.

  6. On this account there are Protectionists who deprecate any attempt to displace the Government at this time, or force upon a reluctant majority in the House of Commons a change in the present commercial policy of the country.

  7. Scarcely had Guerrero been seated in the chair of state when it became known that there was a conspiracy to displace him.

  8. Men from the ranks conspired to displace him, but no leader ever ventured, or perhaps even conceived the idea, whilst under his orders, of superceding the hero of the Mexican conquest.

  9. But Hugh's heart had been touched for the first time, and when his eyes were opened he was loth to displace his idol, even though he knew that common clay was its substance.

  10. The steam engine made the coal and iron deposits of northern England of immense value, and the "smoky mill towns" that arose in the north began to displace southern agricultural England in population, wealth, and importance.

  11. The wish of the minister was to displace Hastings, and to put Clavering at the head of the Government.

  12. His disgrace would not be much regretted here, where we have it in our power to place or displace Ministers in certain States, whenever and as often as we like.

  13. We cannot move through stone walls because we cannot displace solid matter, but we can move through air and water because we are able to displace these.

  14. My mind is filled with images of the romantic German scenery, whose real beauty is beginning to displace the imaginary picture which I had painted with the enthusiastic words of Howitt.

  15. The theory advocated by Lavoisier came to displace the phlogistic conception; but at first its acceptance was slow.

  16. Examination of the absorption spectra of coloured compounds shows that certain groupings displace the absorption bands in one direction, and other groupings in the other.

  17. If its followers refused exceptional powers, they must displace the Ministry, and let in the Tories, who would doubtless obtain such powers, and probably use them worse.

  18. These Delegations undoubtedly control the ministry of the Empire, or at all events do in practice displace it by their votes.

  19. We rejected the first, and could hardly help doing so, for to accept it would have been to displace our own leaders.

  20. It was in the course of our usual political warfare that two groups, each hating and fearing the Ministry, should unite to displace it.

  21. Its methods are a longer working day, stepping up the intensity of labour, and increasing output by technical improvements which enable the substitution of female and juvenile for male labour and in some cases displace adult labour altogether.

  22. English trading vessels began to displace even the ships of Venice.

  23. France had managed her colonial affairs in America and in India so well that it seemed as if she might in both places displace England.

  24. I was going to say, my disgraced friend--How delightful to have a character so unspotted, that the word disgrace recoils on those who displace you!

  25. Perhaps it would be better to say that it would still continue to rise slowly because that additional something would itself displace some additional air; but if the added weight is a solid body, its own buoyancy in air is negligible.

  26. Amateur Dirigibles The French Zodiac types of "aerial runabout" displace 700 cubic meters, carrying one passenger with coal gas or two passengers with a mixture of coal gas and hydrogen.

  27. Again, changes in methods of production through the introduction of new machinery frequently displace large numbers of workingmen, who, on account of age or other reasons, fail to get employment along new lines.

  28. And while, as we shall see later, coöperation can never displace competition in industry any more than elsewhere in life, yet increasing coöperation characterizes the higher types of industry as well as the higher types of society.

  29. Even when ground value has risen so high as to displace many of these slums, the tendency is for the latter to spring up and thicken in districts not far removed from the centre.

  30. The direct and first effect of the introduction of machinery is, as we have seen, to displace labour.

  31. Hence it follows that wherever the efficiency of labour power depends chiefly upon the output of muscular force in motive power, or precision in the regulation of muscular force, machinery will tend to displace human labour.

  32. Continual increments of labour-saving machinery displace a number of workers, compelling them to remain wholly or partially unemployed, until they have "adjusted" themselves to the new economic conditions.

  33. The fact that the main part of the Fifth Air Force was unable to displace forward to Leyte made it possible for the Japanese to reinforce their Leyte garrison and thus prolong the campaign.

  34. Colonel Clifford decided to displace a platoon at a time during the day.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "displace" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    attend; banish; boot; bounce; break; bump; bust; can; cashier; degrade; deport; depose; deprive; dethrone; disarrange; discharge; disjoint; dislocate; dislodge; dismiss; displace; disturb; double; downgrade; eject; emanate; ensue; exchange; excommunicate; exile; expatriate; expel; fire; follow; furlough; ghost; issue; kick; lag; liquidate; lose; manhandle; move; oust; overtake; overthrow; purge; release; relegate; relieve; relocate; remove; replace; represent; result; retire; sack; send; shift; shunt; side; spell; strip; sub; substitute; succeed; supersede; supplant; surplus; suspend; track; trail; transplant; transport; understudy; unhinge; unmake; unsaddle; unseat; uproot; usurp