Gage is a document which, in my sight, if you had filled me with bread when I was starving, if you had set up to nurse my father when he lay a-dying, would yet absolve me from the bonds of gratitude.
When he saw the friends about his bed kneeling in prayer, he raised his hand, with the words, "By His authority committed unto me, I absolve thee from all thy sins.
No, father--since I request you toabsolve me of my vows.
Let it be recollected that he professed to absolve me from his original charge of dishonesty up to February 1.
I willabsolve you from your oath; and, enjoining you only to strictest secrecy, will pray you to depart at once, lest your irresolution should be communicated to the others.
I will absolve you of your oath, my son," said Dr.
At first a veto was put on its administration by clerical hands; but in 1256 Alexander IV authorized the inquisitors and their associates to absolve one another for such acts.
Either you must give me sufficient proof of Randal's unworthiness, to absolve me from my promise, or I must again entreat, you to try and conciliate the poor child in his favour.
After which confession, the priest shall absolve him (if he humbly and heartily desire it) after this sort.
Come, I absolve you from the sin of egotism, in favour of the intention which makes you commit it.
If this became impossible, they would ask the Pope to absolve them from their vow and betake themselves to whatever work for the good of souls His Holiness directed them to do.
The Supplication was presented on the 30th, and in its terms the Queen besought the Legate toabsolve the realm for its disobedience and schism.
They use the infallible Pope to depose the monarchs who do not suit them, to absolve subjects from their oath of fealty, to overthrow constitutions, to annihilate every right.
Will the handful of ritual priests in this city cease to sit in their pews or their libraries to hear and absolve penitents?
The Sovereign Pontiffs have claimed and exercised the right to deprive princes of their principality, and to absolve their subjects from the oath of fidelity.
I tell you, my dear, I cannot absolve myself from the promises I make to these helpless creatures.
If they'll pour out coin for me, I'll absolve them--skin and bone!
The fathers of the Society of Jesus drew up other printed conclusions, in which they declared that it was not a rash or sacrilegious idea but a very pious one to absolve such a penitent.
This is the direct statement; he gives its scornful converse: "Could the Pope absolve me from my oaths and duties, I'd let other sureties go and fasten to him alone.
I undertook to do what I could--and I inwardly hoped that circumstances would absolve me from the necessity of doing anything at all.
If you wish for your freedom, cost me what it may, I will absolve you from your engagement.
The Estates of France readily refused their assent, and the Pope was, as usual, willing, for political reasons, toabsolve Francis from his oath.
What the world needs is a few more Peter Coopers--rich men who do not absolve themselves by drawing checks for charity, but who give their lives for human betterment.
It is hard to me to understand how you, Gagabu, who so often absolve where we condemn, can so relentlessly judge so great a benefactor to our temple.
She proceeded to answer: 'He never said anything about the power of the Church to absolve us, if we should happen to go astray a little in good company, like your Reverence.