Her child remained her only earthly hope; and now she felt that another was tosupplant him, and thus disappoint all her expectations.
Judah and supplant the Davidic dynasty by a Syrian vassal-prince.
Gunpowder did not at once supplant the crossbow, and the cannon was long held to be inferior to the catapult.
Neither did the steam engine immediately supplant water power and the direct application of human labor.
Nothing seems at all likely ever to supplant the Gilchrist biography.
Some of its young would probably inherit the same habits or structure, and by the repetition of this process a new variety might be formed which would either supplant or coexist with the parent-form of wolf.
William the Conqueror could not change the language of South Britain--was it likely that a few Saxon fugitives at the Scottish court could supplant that of their benefactors?
He knows, if you once go into the world, you will be surrounded by admirers who may eclipse and supplant him.
About the time that he was endeavouring to supplant his brother in Edward’s affections, he tried to induce the boy-King to write a letter for him to the Parliament, which was to meet in the November of that year.
Christ has not yet begun to supplant God; to Paul he is the Son of God confronting the Son of Destruction, the divine man opposed by the man of sin.
How many centuries must have elapsed to enable the oak to supplant the pine, and the beech to supplant the oak, can only be vaguely conjectured.
So far was New York from being able to supplant London that, as we have seen, the United States had to make special arrangements to tide over the difficulty which London's claims on her had produced.
There is a world of infinite space where no one can supplant another; it is only in the everyday world that exclusiveness exists, thought she to herself.
Forbes, as ambitious and reckless as himself, of course soon quarreled with him, and left him, and endeavored first to supplant and then betray him.