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Example sentences for "could hope"

  • He tried to fathom men, to draw from them the instruction and the light that he could hope for.

  • Directly, in the form of help, he knew he could hope as little from them as from Boutwell.

  • He could hope to begin life in the character of no animal more moral than a monkey unless he could satisfy himself when and why robbery and murder were a virtue and duty.

  • Minister Adams had no friend in the Senate; he could hope for no favors, and he asked none.

  • From one faction he could hope for no cordial support.

  • The largest sum that he could hope to receive from Scotland in a year was less than what he received from England every fortnight.

  • I had obtained from her all that I could hope for, and given her quite as much as, if not more than, she desired.

  • It was not until Gioiachino and his Teresa were asleep that I could hope to discover what had affected Virginia.

  • By throwing on the devoted town an overwhelming mass of troops he could hope to capture it within a few days.

  • He was now entirely on the defensive, and, unless he succeeded in putting the loyalists to flight with his artillery, saw not how he could hope to win the victory.

  • Surrounded by stone walls, he could hope to wear out the troops of the Republic, and perhaps destroy them in detachments, but as it was he had no shelter.

  • Between them and the nearest settlements, there lay seventy miles of steep and rugged mountain-roads, over which they must drag their weary and aching limbs before they could hope to find a little rest.

  • The principal forces of the Huguenots were assembled in the neighbourhood of La Rochelle, and a considerable distance remained to be traversed before I could hope to fall in with the army.

  • The fierce looks of the irritated savages admonished me that I could gain nothing by force, and that it was by entreaty alone that I could hope to compass my object.

  • It was also by night alone that I could hope to accomplish my object, and then only by adopting the utmost precaution.

  • All these we would be obliged to cross before we could hope to arrive at our destination.

  • The only spot where he could hope to land without losing the boat was the little bay he had just before left.

  • All he could hope, therefore, was that the wind might moderate again as rapidly as it had risen.

  • Lee had called Longstreet back from the region of Atlanta, and had thus in effect massed all the force that he could hope to employ in that campaign.

  • In his front there lay a threatening army stronger than any that he could hope to bring together at any one point.

  • In such an assault he must have lost ten men for every one of his enemy's men whom he could hope to put hors de combat.

  • Sherman had hope of reinforcements sufficient at least to make good his losses on the march which he was about to undertake, while Johnston perfectly knew that he could hope for no reinforcement at all.

  • He must die to the world, to his family, before he could hope to revisit either.

  • The most that we could hope to accomplish by remaining where we are would be, perhaps, to occupy the attention of an additional steamer of the enemy.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "could hope" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    could bear; could carry; could devise; could discern; could distinguish; could feel; could find; could get; could hardly; could hold; could manage; could neither; could not have said; could not help being; could observe; could paint; could possibly; could sing; could sleep; could stop; could walk; couldst thou; exert himself; little over; pass through; widely used