I cannot refrain from mentioning here an anecdote which is very typical of Balzac.
It was pleasant to me, at such a distance of time and place, to meet with one whom this trifling anecdotecould amuse.
Anecdote of Archdeacon Paley; who declared that he considered such a concession to the Irish nation expedient.
On another occasion, the irregularity of Josephine in the article of expense, led to an incident which reminds us of an anecdote in the history of some Oriental Sultan.
One Spanish verse was given him; to have taken any other credentials might have proved fatal, and there was an anecdote connected with this which would sufficiently authenticate his mission.
A still more curious anecdote respects a watch, which the most eminent artist of Paris had orders to finish with his utmost skill, in a style which might become a gift from the Emperor of France to his brother the King of Spain.
A curious anecdote is related of this original Pinckney, which is about all that is now known of him.
An anecdote related of this period reveals the French side of his character.
At one Royal Academy I attended I found throngs before a melodramatic anecdote by John Collier, entitled The Fallen Ideal.
Every form of torture from boiling oil to retelling a stale anecdote is shown.
Perhaps the anecdote has been overdone; Maupassant has related it in the preface to Pierre et Jean, and in the introduction to the George Sand-Flaubert correspondence--now at the head of the edition of Bouvard et Pecuchet.
An anecdote will, however, serve to illustrate the character of the men who first subdued this wilderness.
Our anecdote represents its hero a man of resources.
Howard Paul is responsible for this anecdote of Lillian Russell.
In issuing the invitations the guests are informed that one and all will be expected to contribute to the general enjoyment by relating some story or anecdote of Lincoln.
I suppose they have told you how near Mr. Alcott went to the jail, but I can add a good anecdote to the rest.
A gentleman who was travelling in company with Sir A--- told me an anecdote of him, and how he treated an impertinent fellow on board one of the lake boats, that greatly amused me.
I heard a gentleman exclaim with honest indignation, when this anecdotewas told in his hearing--"If a man were wanting to hang that monster, I would do it myself.
This anecdote is doubtless apocryphal, although the oak table upon which the joint was supposed to hare received its knighthood, might have been seen by any one who visited Friday-Hill House, a few years ago.
He used to tell an amusing anecdote in reference to this mission.
In relating an anecdote he often spoke in five or six different tones of voice; he imitated the manner and action of those he knew to such perfection, that laughter had to pass into admiration.
One anecdote he used to relate to us convinced us of that.
This {113} anecdotehe used to relate with peculiar tact and a most graphic imitation of the old lady's manner.
He told an anecdote about how the first of these sports fell into disfavour with him.
His bishop told a very curiousanecdote about this.
For this anecdote and the next we are indebted to the Right Rev.
But this sensual indulgence was justified by miracle and mystery; and the anecdote has been communicated to the public by the Reverend Father Maracci in his Version and Confutation of the Koran, tom.
Such an anecdote may be rejected as an improbable fiction; but it is a fiction which would not have been imagined, unless in the life of a hero.
Footnote 52: This anecdote may be found under two different articles of the miscellaneous compilation of Suidas.
I heard ananecdote on this subject from two officers attached to that Prince's household.
This anecdote has been mixed up with the inventions respecting the Piedmontese prisoner.
Campan's father an anecdote which seems too remarkable to have remained unknown; nevertheless he was a man of honour, incapable of inventing this story.
Father was full of this anecdote when all met at breakfast the next morning.
These two were constant companions in those days, and after these walks my father would always have some funnyanecdote to tell us.
While I am writing of my father’s fondness for dancing, a characteristic anecdote of him occurs to me.
An anecdote might be told regarding "The Cavalier's Pets," further illustrating the rapid rate at which Landseer worked, and the fate which seemed to hang over his canine subjects.
We cannot do better than conclude with an anecdote which connects this great painter with the early life of Her Majesty.
He possessed greater power of satire than any man of his day, and Grattan quotes Horace Walpole's anecdote about his habit of annoying Rigby and the Government when he wanted to make himself disagreeable to them.
I must tell you a short anecdote which put him very much out of temper.
The ancients must sometimes have gone still farther, and contrived also an iris for the masks, according to the anecdote of the singer Thamyris, who, in a piece which was probably of Sophocles, made his appearance with a black eye.
With the same simplicity, flexibility, and noble elegance, he composed his Tasso, in which he has availed himself of an historical anecdote to embody in a general significance the contrast between a court and a poet's life.
Peter Pindar was rich in anecdote and grotesque humour, and profound in technical knowledge both of music, poetry, and painting, but he was gross and overbearing.
The young man's uncle, who was called Lovelace, told me thisanecdote while we were stopping together at Calais.
It savors a little of the hypercritical spirit that is very well illustrated by an anecdote of the witty Duchesse de Luxenbourg.
La Fayette; now it is a serious reflection upon the death of Turenne, a vivid picture of her own life, a bit of philosophy, a spicy anecdote about a dying man who takes forty cups of tea every morning, and is cured.
It distilled dignity, la convenance, and formality," says the Marquise de Crequi, who relates an anecdote that aptly illustrates the glamour which surrounded talent at that time.
But we may repeat the touching anecdoteof Bayle's friend, Mlle.
Gerard has continually to stop his description that he may repeat to his readers some anecdotewhich he remembers.
Moore gives a simple but striking anecdoteof the first arrival of the poet at the domains of his ancestors.
Scott was full of anecdoteand conversation during dinner.
Rarer than the phœnix is the virtuous man who will consent to lose a good anecdote because it isn't true.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "anecdote" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: account; chronicle; description; epic; fiction; joke; memoir; narration; narrative; story; tale; yarn