Death and disgrace awaited his return home; death or the acquisition of wealth capable of appeasing the royal resentment, was the alternative which attended a bold onslaught on the Spanish shores.
Court of Rome regarding his divorce from Catherine, and then by his stupendous onslaught on the monastic and cathedral property.
Partly it was that Reginald's onslaught made him see for the first time certain weak points in the situation; partly it was that his private care became too clamorous, and he could not keep on further.
The rampant wind blew the half-frozen rain in my face with such force that I could scarcely breathe, while my eyes smarted so under the onslaught that I could see only with great difficulty.
So fierce, at times, was the onslaught that the tense telegraph wires could be heard humming even above the demoniacal glee of the storm.
At the first onslaught they saw Delmotte fall apparently dead.
The boldness of their onslaughtargued the presence of reinforcements in the neighborhood.
Always behind him he expected the sudden onslaught of the bearded, blear-eyed followers of The Sky Pilot.
It was the heroic resistance of the British troops that defeated this furious onslaught and destroyed by enormous losses to the German troops this dark scheme of their high command.
This fog and the British machine-gun fire, which caught the German waves, checked the pace of their onslaught and caused heavy losses.
Arranged accordingly that to-night the great onslaughtshall he delivered.
But Illann called the troops together and fared forth, and made so deadly an onslaught that he slew three hundred of Concobar’s men.
How many did Illann the Fair slay in that onslaughtof his?
The infantry pressed on irresistibly behind the line of bursting shell, and once more this almost impregnable position fell before the unconquerable onslaught of our wonderful battalions.
On the 29th fighting was still very severe, but our front line was now more firmly consolidated, and it began to look as though the tremendous onslaught had been checked not only here but all along the British front.
Joshua therefore sent a small detachment of his men against Ai, but at the first onslaught they were repulsed, and many of them were slain on the field of battle.
King Sennacherib collected a large army, with the intention of making an onslaught upon Judah as well as upon Egypt.
Would the small but heroic army, under the guidance of the Maccabees, be able to resist the onslaught of a numerous horde, provided with elephants?
But the small troop of Judaean soldiers left behind, unable to withstand the desperate onslaught of the left wing of the Syrian army, was routed, and when Judas returned from the pursuit he was obliged to resume battle with the latter.
On the 2d the 1st Corps joined in the movement, which now became an impetuous onslaught that could not be stayed.
The three attacks on Antwerp by a Zeppelin airship brought into action the long predicted onslaught by forces of the air against the ground.
Amid theonslaught of overwhelming masses of the enemy, the Italians fell back slowly.
The whole Selo line fell before the heroic onslaught of the Italians, and the loss of this important position was a serious blow to the Austrians.
The first onslaught was repulsed by the British, but on the following day, April 25, the enemy succeeded in gaining about a mile of ground.
The onslaughtwas more furious than any which had preceded it.
Already three of their kings and many of their principal leaders had fallen, and at last, finding themselves unable to withstand the impetuous onslaught of the Saxons, they turned and fled in confusion towards their camp.
The sloping banks alone would be but a small protection against the onslaught of the Danes, but stone walls are another matter, and could only be carried after a long siege.
Yet as soon as he had found himself at the Grotto, the idolatry of the worship, the violence of the display of faith, the onslaught upon human reason which he witnessed, had so disturbed him that he had almost fainted.
Beaver-dams two feet thick and frozen like rock yield to the ripping onslaught of its claws.
A beaver-dam two feet thick cannot resist the onslaught of the wolverine's claws; how much less will this round nest of reeds and grass and mosses cemented together with soft clay?
The violence of my onslaught bore him to the ground, and I, not to release my choking grip, went with him.
Neath the fury of his onslaught I was compelled to break ground more than once, and each time he was so swift to follow up his advantage that I had ne'er a chance to retaliate.
How different this mere demonstration from the bold and crushing onslaught planned by General Stevens!
It is this rapid onslaught from Montana to Texas that produces those notorious blizzards of that section called northers, during which the cattle used to be frozen on the hoof.
Its first onslaught is always represented as being the fiercest of the whole storm and gradually lessening as the center drives farther away.
Although no rain may have fallen while the wind was in the southern quarter yet that constituted the first half of the storm and the onslaught of rain and thunder the second.
Then came theonslaught in full, almost overpowering strength.
The operations were practically suspended after the Jordan had been crossed at the end of March, 1918, when it became necessary to recall some of the best British divisions to France to meet the last German onslaught in France and Flanders.
The onslaught was organized in two parts, the northern advance being directed against Byng's Third Army from the Sensee River to the Cambrai road, and the southern attack from the Flesquieres salient opposite Cambrai to St. Quentin.
The onslaught was so furious that the Normans staggered and reeled before them, and hovered for a moment on the verge of an utter rout and stampede.
The Count sprang to his feet, whipped out his sword, and savagely stood at bay, awaiting the onslaught of the sturdy Saxon.
Meanwhile, the loud oaths, coarse laughter, and unchecked speech of the Normans told plainly the feelings of contempt they entertained for the foe, and the little apprehension they had of the onslaught awaiting them.
While the irregular and halting line was passing I made onslaught upon it and dragged from the ranks my friend Barnard O'Keefe, who had no right to be there.
Once, in a park, driven by hunger, he had committed an onslaught upon a bottle of peptonized infant's food in the possession of an occupant of a baby carriage.
Perhaps he only contributes his name, and the onslaught really comes from a far different quarter.
Perhaps the Baron would have shown himself less obstinate, had the signal for the general onslaughtbeen given by any other than George Winterfeld.
As yet I have never feared a foe, nor shrunk from a contest, and this onslaught would have moved me as little as the rest.
Robert, sitting by with his head on his hand, felt that there, at any rate, his onslaught had told.
The fire crackled cheerfully, the wind outside made every now and then a sudden gusty onslaught on their silence, dying away again as abruptly as it had risen.
It is plain, then, that the object was to take Verdun, win a decisive victory, and start a tremendous onslaughtwhich would bring the war to a triumphant close.
Neither the onslaught of the first period nor the battles of fixation had brought about the desired end.
During the night of the 18th a savage onslaught was made against the woods of Avocourt, without the least success.
The peoples of Europe had had at least some warnings of the coming storm, but to us such a blind, savage onslaught on the ideals of civilization had appeared impossible.
Frau Hadebusch did all she could to bring Philippina around, but every time she made a fresh onslaught Philippina put her off.