Romane lieutenant Paulinus was called backe by the rebellion of other of the Britains, as before ye haue heard.
But whatsoeuer she was, it appeareth by the writers of the Romane [Sidenote: Fabian.
After these followed his brethren, wife, and daughters: and last of all came Caratacus himselfe, whose countenance was nothing like to theirs that went afore him.
They ad moreouer that Thomas archbishop of London preached, read, and ministred the sacraments there to such as made resort vnto him.
Notwithstanding Polydor Virgil is of a contrarie opinion, supposing the one to be Colchester in déed, and the other that is Camelodunum to be Doncaster or Pontfret.
But by this meanes both he & his issue were firmely locked in obedience to the Sea of Rome; for that vpon the authoritie of that place the validitie of his marriage, and consequently the legitimation of his issue seemed to depend.
This enterprise was much aduanced by the authoritie and industrie of Henry Newborow Earle of Warwicke, who appeased all opposition that was made against it.
Which the Kings Ambassadour taking to be a degree of yeelding, did more earnestly insist, and said: that the King his master would not for the Crowne of his Realme, loose the authoritie of inuesting his Prelates.
But Anselme auowed, That as he was ready to depart the Realme, so would he take his authoritie with him, though he tooke nothing else.
All these hee stripped of their states, and in place of them aduanced his Normans: insomuch as scarce any noble family of the English blood did beare either office or authoritie within the Realme.
Take againe From this my hand, as holding of the Pope Your Soueraigne greatnesse and authoritie Iohn.
O what authoritie and shew of truth Can cunning sinne couer it selfe withall!
An Oath is of no moment, being not tooke Before a true and lawfull Magistrate, That hath authoritie ouer him that sweares.
Studie is like the heauens glorious Sunne, That will not be deepe search'd with sawcy lookes: Small haue continuall plodders euer wonne, Saue base authoritie from others Bookes.
For saying so, there's Gold: Mine owne escape vnfoldeth to my hope, Whereto thy speech serues for authoritie The like of him.
It is in mine authoritie to command The Keyes of all the Posternes: Please your Highnesse To take the vrgent houre.
My Lord that's gone made himselfe much sport out of him, by his authoritie hee remaines heere, which he thinkes is a pattent for his sawcinesse, and indeede he has no pace, but runnes where he will Laf.
To proue by authoritie a passage to be on the Northside of America, to goe to Cathaia, and the East India.
I praise my God, I this day leave you victour of your enemyes, promoted to great honouris, and in credytt and authoritie with your Soverane.
Neither wald I that your Grace should feare that this your humiliatioun before [God] sould, in ony caise, infirme or weaken your Grace's just and lauchfull authoritie befoire men.
Yf anye of the nominated be noted with publict infamye, he aught to be repelled; for it is not seamlie that the servand of corruptioun shall have authoritie to judge in the Churche of God.
The Papisticall Preastis have neather power nor authoritie to minister the Sacramentis of Christ Jesus; becaus that in thair mouth is not the sermon of exhortatioun.
Neathir yit must ane Minister be permitted to frequent and commonlie hant the Court, onless it be for a time, when he is eathir send be the Churche, eathir yit called for by the Authoritie for his counsall and judgement.
Heerevpon soone after, he with one Calen Campbell, a noble man & of much authoritie (vnto whome this Walter had doone a great despight) and with other of the nobilitie fell straight in consultation about the calling home of their king.
England as Ireland, not long before entred vpon by his authoritie and aduise, had not that successe that he looked for.
I aske nowe of you, what Prince soeuer you be, hauing the authoritie of a Prince, what you would doe with such monsters as these are, giuen ouer after this sort to such diuelishnes?
Alderman, or ouerseer, who haue both authoritie sufficient, and large priuileges to mainteine the good gouernement of their portions withall.
Diuorcement was not permitted without a iust cause and authoritie of Iustice, among those who were openly married, but the other sort might be as easily forsaken as taken.
Cortes layde hande vpon Alonso de Mata, bicause he named himselfe the kings Notary, and shewed no title or authoritie for the same.
He was also highly estéemed with Iaymes Velasques, and put in authoritie to dispatch businesse, and to giue order for edifices.
Troian race, and that of great authoritie in that countrie.
And thus being made strong with such assistance, by consultation had with them that were of most authoritie about him, wrote vnto the king of that countrie called Pandrasus, in forme as followeth.
First her authoritie regall Is the circle compassing all: The dominion great and large Which God hath geuen to her charge: Whithin which most spatious bound She enuirons her people round, Retaining them by oth and liegeance.
All which might haue bene said in these few words, when euery man in charge and authoritie doeth his duety, & executeth his function well, then is the common-wealth happy.
For these witnesses & saiengs of famous doctors being true, I am onelie the vndubitate heire to lord Richard Plantagenet duke of Yorke, adiudged to be the verie heire to the crowne of this relme by authoritie of parlement.
Most commonly theauthoritie of them that teach, hinders them that would learne.
I have no authoritie to purchase beliefe, neither do I desire it; knowing well that I am not sufficiently taught to instruct others.
But when the vicars were thought to vse themselues no better, but rather worse than the other before them, they were likewise put out, and moonks placed in their roomes by authoritieof pope John the 13.
King Egbert hauing ouercome his enimies of Wales and Cornewall, began to grow in authoritieaboue all the other rulers within this land, in somuch that euerie of them began to feare their owne estate, but [Sidenote: Bernulf king of Mercia.
Thus haue Gyldas & Beda (following by likelihood the authoritie of the same Gyldas) written of these first warres begun betwéene the Saxons and Britains.
Ile) theauthoritie of Nennius a Briton writer may be auouched, who wrote aboue 900.
No church censure shall degrade or depose any man from any Civill dignitie, office, or Authoritie he shall have in the Commonwealth.
If there be any just cause of correction complaint shall be made to Authoritie assembled in some Court, from which onely she shall receive it.
Who gave him authoritieto make convocation of my lieges?
Upon the other side, Sir Alexander Livingstoun bearing the authoritie committed to him by consent of the nobilitie, as said is, contained another faction, to whose opinion the Queen mother with many of the nobility very trewly assisted.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "authoritie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.