When Castelar was dictator and the Republic proceeding upon conservative lines, the sheep hung prominently at his side.
But the dictator made a greater display of practical politics in the selection of a United States senator to succeed Nathaniel P.
It is strange enough that the man who wrote as a dictator of public opinion in the Tribune on the 9th of November could write two days later the letter to Seward, dissolving the political firm of Seward, Weed, and Greeley.
He has been called the draftsman of the Continental Congress, the constitution-maker of New York, the negotiator of the peace treaty, and dictator under the Confederation, and he came very near being all that such designations imply.
The dictator Posthumius wounds King Tarquin, whom he had encountered at the first onset.
These others formed alliances against which the dictator was powerless.
When he arrived, attempts were being made to have the six banished men put to death, but the coming of the great dictator put a stop to this.
The pressure was too great, and one day the unhappy king handed over the seals of office to the greatdictator Gen.
The long-discussed plan of piercing the Corinthian isthmus, which the dictator Caesar had conceived, was subsequently attempted, first by the emperor Gaius and then by Nero.
It was the government of Claudius that first took up the plan of the dictator afresh and carried it out.
Sinope obtained from the dictator Caesar the rights of a Roman colony, and beyond doubt also Italian settlers (iv.
The copestone of the republican epoch was the atonement for the sack of Corinth made by the greatest of all Romans and of all Philhellenes, the dictator Caesar (iv.
It is well that you did not live in old times when they took a Dictator from the plow; when the men who made Rome what it is cultivated their own land, but did not covet the land of others.
As he was returning to Rome after the last of these campaigns, the great Dictator himself headed the crowd that went forth to meet him, and saluted him as Pompey the Great, a title which he continued to use as his family name[5].
Here he had received the title of "Master of the Horse," an honor which gave him the rank next to the Dictator himself.
To look into the details of a particular case makes us better able to imagine what it really was to live at Rome in the days of the Dictator than to read many pages of general description.
Yes, their supreme lord and dictator was there, though hitherto unseen by any eyes not permitted to penetrate into the now sacred retreat of the cabin.
They planned a scheme of attack against the dictator who imperilled the life of all, and from whom it was consequently necessary to take away life and power, so as to be sure of one's life.
Robespierre ruled yet, he was the feared dictator of France!
But that this letter was neither a protest nor in the nature of a protest, is evident from its text: I observe that Your Excellency has announced yourself dictator and proclaimed martial law.
This letter of July 18th, informs the Department: Aguinaldo has declared himself dictator and self-appointed president.
Though he figured only as the first vice-president of the Transcontinental Company, Hardwick McVickar was really the active head of its affairs and the dictator of its policies.
During the long pause following this curt ultimatum the masterful dictator of railroad policies deliberated thoughtfully upon many things.
But that isn't all," the railroad dictator went on remorselessly.
As he explained his plans for restoring order--he was to have the powers of a dictatortill that was done--a frightful sound was heard.
The Strategy of Fabius The dictator took over the consul's army from his deputy, Fulvius Fleccus, and marching through the Sabine land came to Tibur on the day which he had fixed for the gathering of the new recruits.
Caesar the Dictator vpon the victorie hee obteined against Pharnax king of Bithinia shewing the celeritie of his conquest, wrate home to the Senate in this tenour of speach no lesse swift and speedy then his victorie.
Forthwith they set out, the Dictator leading the foot soldiers by their legions, and Tarquinius the horsemen, and each bidding them that followed make all haste.
Then the Dictator rode forward to see, so far as the darkness would suffer him, how great was the camp of the Æquians and after what fashion it was pitched.
There was also assembled a very great concourse of the people, fearing much how the Dictator might deal with them, for they knew what manner of man he was, and that there was no limit to his power, nor any appeal from him.
The next day before dawn the Dictator came into the market-place, and appointed one Lucius Tarquinius to be Master of the Horse.
So the legion went forth, it being yet night, to the battle, and as they went they shouted, that the Dictator might be aware.
This the Dictator gave wholly to his own soldiers.
Camillus, a famous dictator in the early days of the Roman Republic.
His eyes had been opened at last to the designs of the dictator and immediately upon his return to Texas he had warned his countrymen in a great speech.
But Santa Anna pushed him back, and then the face of the dictator quickly underwent another transformation.
The dictator had adopted Octavius as his son; so his name became Caius Julius Cæsar Octavianus.
Having put down all his enemies, Sulla caused himself to be proclaimed dictator for an unlimited time (81 B.
Then marching to Rome he had himself appointed dictator and consul for the year 48 B.
Garibaldi was proclaimed dictator in the name of Victor Emmanuel.
He proclaimed himself dictator with the title of Liberator.
The Dictator resigned, but was unanimously elected President and given absolute power in all provinces which were the actual theater of war.
After the withdrawal of San Martin, Bolivar becameDictator of Peru.
His place was taken by Dr Jose Maria Linares, the originator of the revolution, who, taking into his own hands all the powers of government, and acting with the greatest severity, caused himself to be proclaimed dictator in March 1858.
They made Caesar dictator even while he was away, and appointed Mark Antony his master of horse.
Crassus, who was a man of vast wealth and a great friend of Caesar's, was associated with him in this plot, and was to have been madedictator if it had succeeded.
It hadn't occurred to me before, but, until Rojas is free, I guess I am the Dictatorof Olancho.