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Example sentences for "placing them"

  • Placing them carefully in the saucepan, Adelaide poured over the peaches one-third of their weight of sugar, and let them stand over night.

  • Placing them in the saucepan, she added cold water until it came nearly to the top of the apples.

  • This gave her time to wash the jelly tumblers, after which she sterilized the same by placing them on a rack in a pan of cold water deep enough to cover them, then putting them on the stove and bringing the water to the boiling point.

  • After washing the currants, placing them in the colander and dipping it up and down several times in a pan of clear cold water she poured them into the saucepan and mashed them with the wooden potato masher.

  • Water is also removed from many substances by placing them in a dish over a vessel containing a substance absorbing water under a glass bell jar.

  • A bouquet of freshly-cut flowers may be preserved alive for a long time by placing them in a glass or vase with fresh water, in which a little charcoal has been steeped, or a small piece of camphor dissolved.

  • A casserole of potatoes, which is often used for ragoûts instead of rice, is made by mashing potatoes rather thickly, placing them on a dish, and making an opening in the centre.

  • But if the leaves can be quickly dried off by placing them in the open air on mild days, or moderately near the stove, the foliage may be syringed.

  • Skins may be "tawed," as it is called, by placing them to steep in a strong solution of alum and common salt.

  • The hair may be removed from hides by soaking them in lime-water or placing them in the earth for a few days.

  • Drain the greasy moisture from them, by placing them on a cloth in front of the fire for a minute or two; pile them on a white d'oyley, and send them quickly to table.

  • Separate the apparently well animals from the sick by placing them in a separate lot.

  • Upon the range the cattle are usually controlled by casting or by placing them in a "squeezer" connected with a corral.

  • The chiefs, no doubt, are watched, as their canoes are repainted, decorated, and greater care taken by placing them in sequestered spots.

  • This curious hardy perennial will grow in almost any soil, and may be increased by taking off portions of the root early in autumn, placing them in small pots till the beginning of spring, then planting them out.

  • These are not particular as to position or soil, but the best results are obtained by placing them in a deep rich mould where they can get a fair amount of sunlight.

  • As soon as the plants have made four or five leaves, transplant into soil that has been liberally manured and trenched, or dug deeply, placing them 18 in.

  • Coleworts may be sown in June, July, and August for succession, placing them about a foot apart, and cutting before they heart.

  • Such specimens may be relaxed by placing them in a tight tin vessel half filled with moist sand to which a little carbolic acid has been added to prevent molding.

  • Then, instead of pinning additional strips to hold the wings flat and securely in position, the pieces of glass referred to are used, placing them on the wings of the insect.

  • The method consists in placing them on a sand bath, heated by an alcohol lamp.

  • When there are no more available cards to play, proceed to deal out the remainder of the pack, turning the cards one by one, playing all suitable ones on the foundations, or placing them on the sequences of the tableau.

  • After dealing out the key (and if you have good luck, diminishing it) you next proceed to deal seven cards, placing them in two rows of four and three cards respectively.

  • The placing them on the foundations in contradistinction to placing them elsewhere.

  • It is therefore necessary to extinguish the life of the animal by heat, which is done either by exposing the cocoons for a few days to sunshine, by placing them in a hot oven, or in the steam of boiling water.

  • In treating the ore to obtain the metal, the first object is to separate the gangue, which was formerly done by filling crucibles with the mixed materials, placing them on the hearth of an oven, and exposing them to a moderate heat.

  • Urinometers should always be tested by placing them in distilled water at 60 deg.

  • Case hardening is a process that converts the surface of wrought iron into steel, which is accomplished by placing them in a box filled with bone dust, animal charcoal, or leather hoofs, etc.

  • The position of the plates with relation to the work should be such as to drive rather than to pull it, which is accomplished in narrow work by placing them as in Fig.

  • To drive all drills by placing them directly in the socket of the drilling machine spindle would necessitate that all the drills should have their shanks to fit the drilling machine socket.

  • These may be purified by placing them on a filter, and washing them with a little very cold water, followed by re-solution, in boiling water, and recrystallisation.

  • Then I gently lifted a leaf, carried it outdoors and, in full light, reproduced the female in the position in which she deposited her eggs, even in the act of placing them.

  • She dotted them in lines over the inside of her box, and on leaves placed in it, and at times piled them in a heap instead of placing them as do these moths in freedom.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "placing them" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    close together; fiery darts; fine point; force under; four women; full stop; larger portion; many cells; marriage portion; much elongated; none local short form; past participle; placing himself; placing the; placing them; price upon his head; quarrel about; quarters inches; standing committee; stewed rump; sufficient quantities; that are; wagon wheel; well aware