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Example sentences for "compared"

Lexicographically close words:
comparaison; comparative; comparatively; comparatives; compare; comparee; compares; comparing; comparison; comparisons
  1. Cases of intermarriage with natives have, I believe, already occurred; the children of such marriages are not unlikely to combine the bad qualities of both nations, and may be compared to the Pullani of Crusading times.

  2. Thus the present lake may be compared to one of the little pools on its own banks, left by the waves in the hollow of a rock, and gradually evaporating, surrounded by a crust of dry white salt.

  3. Picturesque as is the scene, especially from among the palms on the east, Ramleh is nevertheless a modern place, when compared with the high antiquity of sites near to it.

  4. As compared with other Judean mountains, the outline of Gerizim is very fine; the lower part consists of white chalk, which has been quarried, leaving huge caverns visible above the groves which clothe the feet of the hill.

  5. He may be compared with Marion, the American guerrilla fighter in the Carolinas during the American War of Independence.

  6. For boldness and ruggedness these foremen may well be compared with the American pioneers who crossed the prairies in the forties.

  7. He is referred to as the Argentine tyrant and has been compared to Nero for his wanton cruelty.

  8. A lady friend and her child and nurse also came on a long visit to us, the air of Sarawak being considered quite a tonic compared to the sea-breeze at Singapore, which was at times visited by a hot wind from Java.

  9. I wondered to see the sky so near the earth, and the trees almost like shrubs in height compared to our Eastern forests.

  10. He felt his words to be very cold compared with the sympathy that was stirring in him.

  11. Compared with hustling with horse-collars it's luxurious.

  12. There were minutes in which he was very near to it, minutes in which the dishonour, if dishonour it were, looked as nothing to him compared with the joy of having her for his wife again.

  13. But think of Henry's Riding into London compared with the Lord Mayor's Show!

  14. Yet how slow and clumsy does it remain compared with the routine changes of the photoplays.

  15. But here the theater, in spite of the reality of the actors, appears thoroughly unreal compared with the throbbing life of the street scenes and of the foreign crowds in which the camera man finds his local color.

  16. It was thus surely only the shadow of a true theater, different not only as a photograph is compared with a painting, but different as a photograph is compared with the original man.

  17. Compared with these negative pictures, the positive afterimages are short and they last through any noticeable time only with rather intense illumination.

  18. At last they saw the town in the distance, and under the mountain whole lines of houses and cottages, which, compared with the size of the church, seemed as small as birds' nests.

  19. There is not another such man in the Commonwealth; and of the former men only Prince Yeremi first, and second Konyetspolski, the father, might be compared with him.

  20. The pictures and the marbles of the Vatican and Louvre are faded, crumbling things, compared with his, in which perfect color gives to perfect form the glow and movement of passion's highest life.

  21. We have already compared the benefits of theology and science.

  22. What are seas and stars compared with human hearts?

  23. What is the quarry compared with the statue?

  24. Compared with what is in the mind of man, the outward world almost ceases to excite our wonder.

  25. It should be carefully compared with the same item in statements furnished in the past.

  26. A memorandum of the number of pieces reported for the different operations by the employes should be kept, and at the end of the week compared with the quantities shown by the daily mail reports.

  27. For instance, they usually require that a certain number, generally ten per cent, of all packages shall be opened and compared with the shipping list.

  28. Compared with White, what is his efficiency?

  29. Except upon the mountain ridges, the climate, as compared with that of the United States in the same latitude, is extremely mild.

  30. Earth or rather mountain slides, compared to which the catastrophe that buried the Willey family in New Hampshire was but a pinch of dust, have often occurred in the Swiss, Italian, and French Alps.

  31. It is a new telluric force which in power and universality may be compared to the greater forces of the earth.

  32. But this was a small evil, compared with other destructive consequences that followed.

  33. Absolutely considered, then, the mass may be said to be large, but it is apparently very small as compared with the sand thrown up by the German Ocean and the Atlantic on the coasts of Denmark and of France.

  34. In nearly all these cases, the part which constitutes the motive for this wholesale destruction, and is alone saved, is essentially of insignificant value as compared with what is thrown away.

  35. According to Locke, the criterion is simply the greater degree of vividness and force that sensations have as compared with imaginations, and the actual pleasures or pains which accompany them.

  36. Compared with his later critique, these early "reflections" seem colorless, and give the impression that Leibniz desired to minimize his differences from Locke rather than to set them forth in relief.

  37. The activity of a monad may be advantageously compared to that of a supposed atom, granting, for the sake of the illustration, that there is such a thing.

  38. It brought him to the centre of intellectual civilization,--to a centre compared with which the highest attainments of disrupted and disheartened Germany were comparative barbarism.

  39. She has compared me on different occasions to a love-lies-bleeding and a black prize Minorca hen.

  40. It is hard to be told that one is of no use in the world, and to be compared with a black prize Minorca, however good a layer!

  41. The Maya, with its many affiliations, may be well compared in its grammatical construction and capacity to the Aztec.

  42. If the religion of the Mexicans be compared with that of the Greeks and Romans, it will be found that the latter is the more superstitious and ridiculous and the former the more barbarous and sanguinary.

  43. Then Wankanaga, seeing that it had been defiled, took his club and smote a neighboring rock, and the rock burst forth into clear bubbling water, so fresh and so grateful to the palate that no other water can even be compared to it.

  44. It is sonorous, and its intonation has even been compared with that of the Spanish, being not at all guttural like the Euroc.

  45. III'-19] As compared with that of the Thlinkeets, the Nootka language is neither harsh nor disagreeable.

  46. Tezcatlipoca is the only deity that can be fairly compared with the fitful Zeus of Homer--now moved with extreme passion, now governed by a noble impulse, now swayed by brutal lust, now drawn on by a vein of humor.

  47. VII'-1] The Pima as compared with the languages of their northern and southern neighbors is represented as complete, full, and harmonious.

  48. Strong took a quick look at the pirate's position and compared it to the positions of the converging fleet.

  49. He compared the position to that of the other fleet ships and decided that they were still too far away to tighten a ring of armor around the pirate.

  50. If you question that, just analyse your attitude to the Prodigal in our Lord's wonderful story, compared with that toward his respectable, cold-hearted and priggish elder brother.

  51. The power and increase of every passion, and its persistence in existing are not defined by the power, whereby we ourselves endeavour to persist in existing, but by the power of an external cause compared with our own.

  52. But, as its force and increase is defined by the power of an external cause compared with our own (IV:v.

  53. The force and increase of any passion and its persistence in existing are defined by the power of an external cause compared with our own (by the foregoing Prop.

  54. If these statements be compared with what we have pointed out concerning the strength of the emotions in this Part up to Prop.

  55. But those were pebbles compared with shot that can only be lifted to the mouth of the guns by machinery.

  56. The extraordinary cheapness on one side of the Neutral Ground, as compared with the dearness on the other, is a temptation to smuggling which it requires more virtue than the Spaniards possess to resist.

  57. This puts it at an advantage as compared with any port or city or country which is not free, and they have to suffer from the difference.

  58. It was, therefore, as compared with Egypt, an advanced position; but still it lay within the range of very dangerous influences.

  59. The right of property in outward things is as nothing, compared with our right to ourselves.

  60. It is said, however, that the slave, if not to be compared to the free laborer at the North, is in a happier condition than the Irish peasantry.

  61. All other considerations will weigh little with him, compared with its moral character and moral influences.

  62. Let us show that we have principles, compared with which the wealth of the world is light as air.

  63. They have fallen into the common error of enthusiasts, that of exaggerating their object, of feeling as if no evil existed but that which they opposed, and as if no guilt could be compared with that of countenancing or upholding it.

  64. Were the slave-holder stript of his fortune, he would count the violence slight, compared with what he would suffer, were his person seized and devoted as a chattel to another's use.

  65. Scar the back, and you have done nothing, compared with the wrong done to the soul.

  66. They form a very, very small amount of suffering, compared with what is inflicted by abuses of power too minute for notice.

  67. But it must not supersede or be compared with Individual action.

  68. All other rights are weak, unmeaning, compared with this, and in denying this all right is denied.

  69. We lose one hundred thousand dollars annually in the price of butter and cheese alone, when compared with the prices obtained by Lewis and the northerly part of Oneida, simply because they are nearer the Canal and the Rail Road.

  70. Sir 22:1 A slothful man is compared to a filthy stone, and every one will hiss him out to his disgrace.

  71. Wis 7:29 For she is more beautiful than the sun, and above all the order of stars: being compared with the light, she is found before it.

  72. Sir 22:2 A slothful man is compared to the filth of a dunghill: every man that takes it up will shake his hand.

  73. Wis 7:9 Neither compared I unto her any precious stone, because all gold in respect of her is as a little sand, and silver shall be counted as clay before her.

  74. Wis 15:18 Yea, they worshipped those beasts also that are most hateful: for being compared together, some are worse than others.

  75. The diameters equaled diameters of very young colts' hoofs: too small to be compared with marks of donkey's hoofs.

  76. Some observers compared the spectacle to a fleet of airships: others to battleships attended by cruisers and destroyers.

  77. Compared with some of the scientific explanations that we have encountered, there's considerable restraint, I think, in that one.

  78. What are all those things compared with the idea behind them?

  79. They compared the merits of their respective college cooks three or four times a term, and contended for the superior vintage of the common-room port.

  80. Really, when one compared our actual progress with the Augean labour which was to be gone through, it required a large amount of faith to believe that we were all "going up for honours in October.

  81. The criminal has already died many deaths, and the new existence, thus tardily bestowed, can be compared only with the revival of the seeming dead in his coffin.

  82. His agony rose almost to suffocation; he compared his own destiny with that of the being whom he was about to deprive of life, and he felt that he could not unwillingly have taken his place.

  83. And Mrs. Ford may not inaptly be compared to the chilly spectator on the dark side of the pane.

  84. In all these branches there was an entire want of apparatus; and the standard, compared with that which now exists, was extremely low.

  85. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "compared" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.