Some describe her as a native princess, whose reign was marked by great wisdom and many miracles, and who was apotheosized after death.
He was no more seen of men, some said one thing and some another; but, however he might have disappeared, he was apotheosized by the Toltecs of Cholula, who raised him a great mound and built a sanctuary upon it.
Michizane was apotheosized under the name of Tenjin.
He expired a few days afterwards at the age of seventy-five and was apotheosized as Tosho Dai-Gongen (Light of the East and Great Incarnation).
Nor was it love for his cousin that inspired it, save in this: he had apotheosized Virginia.
Kato Kiyomasa, the determined enemy of Jesuit Christianity, and Hideyoshi's greatest captain, has been apotheosized both by Buddhism and by Shinto.
In these cases the worship assumes a very curious character, the worshipper always appealing for protection against the same kind of calamity or trouble as that from which the apotheosized person suffered during life.
A greengrocer might have been apotheosizedinto a merchant.
Another son which was born to him later was killed by lightning, andapotheosized on that account.
I question if any rulers have ever been more truly apotheosized by any nation than the Emperors of Japan.
Religion apotheosizedancestral knowledge and customs, thus effectively condemning all conscious use of this faculty.
Stories of theapotheosized chief or king, joined with stories of his companions and amplified by narratives of accompanying transactions, formed the first histories.
Amid the joy of the moment, Gates was apotheosized in the hearts of his countrymen, and they * The engraving exhibits a view of both sides of the medal, drawn the size of the original.
The newspapers were filled with accounts of the murder and the funeral, and little Christopher Snyder was apotheosized as the first martyr in the cause of American liberty.
The correlative deities of the mandarins are only of equal rank, yet the fact that they have been apotheosized makes them their superiors and fit objects of worship.