And at first it would probably be so, but a singer's appetite forflattery grows.
But in vain by respectful condescension and kind flattery this matchless mother tried to soothe the sorrows of her daughter in-law.
By these means, and the assistance of flattery and assurance, they often insinuate themselves into the acquaintance of strangers, and, by consulting their dispositions, become necessary and subservient to their prevailing passions.
She knew that if he once got into the true spirit of applying the oil of flatteryto the landlord, he would have rubbed him into a perfect froth ere he quitted him.
Peter was naturally kind-hearted, and found that his firmest resolutions too often gave way before the open flattery with which he was assailed.
I am dying for information of my beloved young cousin, and you launch into irrelevant gallantries--flattery that is thrown away, let me tell you, upon one of my age and gravity!
It was not only flattery they used, they appealed to his loyalty to his first wife.
And Fanny was there to keep it alive by her flattery of his money success.
In midst of grandees whose confidence he thought he possessed, and of courtiers whose flattery he received, a voice was heard.
The poison of flattery was artfully mingled with remonstrances, which appeared to be dictated by a disinterested zeal, and made a deep impression on the King.
To reign by flattery has been the common practice of the courtiers of all despotisms, the favorites of all tyrants; it is an old and trite method, but none the less odious for that.
No, dear, I do not flatter you; flattery would be absurd from me to you; I tell you the simple truth.
This tone, at least, is new; but flattery Exhausts itself.
Flattery and inhospitality, deceit and cruelty,--what are more hideous than these?
For his flattery and his cruelty let the bat never presume to fly abroad until the sun goes down," he cried.
Her praise never went further, and indeed all those people hated flattery as they did the devil and frowned upon conceit She said that when the love of flattery got hold of one he would lie to gain it.
Vanity, flattery and Deceit are the three disgraces.
If anyone spoke of him in my hearing I said every word of flattery at my command.
Vanity is the curse of cities,' he continued, 'and Flattery is its handmaiden.
It must be confessed, that flatterycomes mighty easily to one's mouth in the presence of royalty.
Nobody could accuse him of the flattery generally imputed to his species; through the course of a long and varied life, he had never once been known to say a civil thing.
Without flattery to you, I take it for granted, that you are the best looking and most agreeable person at Garrett Park, and it will, therefore, be a most unpardonable fault if you do not make Lady Roseville of the same opinion.
Perhaps the title was a piece of flattery on the doctor's part, or the novelist may have imagined that his marrying a Countess conferred on him letters of nobility.
This flattery was the jam enveloping the information that he had drawn on his publisher for another fifteen hundred francs; there was also a promise made that he would come back with his pockets full of manuscripts.
Too opportune to be sincere, this condemnation of his first liaison cannot but be regarded as an incense of flatteryoffered to the coy goddess of his later vows.
You must not expect to "leap with a single bound" into the society of those whom it is not flattery to call your betters.
I give you her exact words, though her flattery was somewhat embarrassing.
Mary Beton smiled, not displeased at the adroit flattery of her junior.
Lip-service and flattery are more welcome to princes.
He became a courtier for the occasion, and thought how he could serve his own dear mistress with a well-timed compliment, and a little apt flattery to her rival ‘Good Sister.
Illustrious enough already it had seemed to her, as eve of that ultimate flattery vowed her by the Duke.
Sometimes she was followed to her door--crude flattery which she was too innocent to fear.
That if my maister crack his credit here, As I am sure long flattery cannot hold, I may haue meanes within the English Court 1920 To scape the scourge that waits on bad aduice.
A little flattery more were but too much, Villaine what art thou that thus darest interrupt a Princes secrets.
Judicious flattery is incomparable as a means of pleasing.
How to Please greatly by delicate Flattery of Eye and Manner.
Yes, faith, a dedication without flattery will be worth the seeing.
It does not seem to be flattery in me to praise you, Mademoiselle; heaven knows that I do not wish to flatter; but my rude tongue knows not how to express what my heart feels.