Vulgarity of soul and innocence of mind--the worst of all conceivable combinations.
Capes seemed self-possessed and elaborately genial and commonplace, but she knew him to be nervous by a little occasional clumsiness, by the faintest shadow of vulgarity in the urgency of his hospitality.
And as regards a bad play, have we not all seen large audiences lured by the loveliness of scenic effect into listening to rhetoric posing as poetry, and to vulgarity doing duty for realism?
Personally, the king and his family might be models of high breeding; but the insolence of democracy would refuse the example, and untrained vulgarity would fail even in trying to adopt it.
This tendency is at once a cause of vulgarity and an exponent of vulgarity.
Indeed, more than one censorious person, who no doubt envied their success, attributed this to the innate vulgarity that showed itself when the contractor's lady was off her guard.
Everywhere vulgarity and ignorance can flaunt itself before the admiring eyes of the multitude, while gold hides with its glitter every defect.
Her soul rebelled within her; meeting with so much unexpected and cowardly vulgarity enflamed her sensibilities and ennobled her self-respect.
She saw how he was suffering, how Eleanore was suffering, how each was suffering on account of the other, and how both were suffering because of the despicable vulgarity of the human race.
I know one who has the egregious vulgarity to call the attention of his guests to the value of his goods and chattels.
Already, before I had touched my riches, I was tainted by the miserable vulgarity of seeking to pretend I had never been really poor, but only embarrassed by a little temporary difficulty!
Such a combination is perfectly possible when there is no stain of dishonesty or vulgarity in the character, and I had escaped such influences easily enough.
It is in the novel that the average vulgarity of German society, and its inferiority to the societies of France and England, are most clearly visible.
Why is it that this ostentatious parade of ugliness, this jarring vulgarity and grimacing is their way of finding expression and expansion in the great solitary and tranquil night?
This was his own account of the matter quite at the end of his life, and this is the only point of view from which we are secure against the vulgarity of counting him a deliberate hypocrite and conscious charlatan.
It is one of the chief tests of worthiness and freedom from vulgarity of soul in us, to be able to have faith that this expansion is a reality, and the most important of all realities.
The vulgarity of the lackey was never quite obliterated in him, even when the lackey had written Emilius.
I have seen drunken men on the stage over and over again, and there has always been a touch of vulgarity about them; but this drunken man of Danjuro's was an exquisite triumph of art.
They are dressed in black: therefore it would be considered as the height of vulgarity in him to see them.
Naturally, it is good to get away from the saccharine and the rococo, butvulgarity is always vulgarity and true art is never vulgar.
However, we all sat eyes right, square front, gazing at the tantalising curtain, and hardly speaking intelligibly, we were so afraid of being caught in the vulgarity of making any noise in a place of public amusement.
This is where Dickens's social revolt is of more value than mere politics and avoids the vulgarity of the novel with a purpose.
He died a few years ago, butvulgarity did not die with him.
Yes, I think you are right--vulgarity is immortal.
Perhaps thevulgarity of the Ulster patron is, after all, the most enduring of all the qualities that went to the production of this work.
Not that he was ever vulgar, for vulgarity implies affectation of refinement; but he talked loud and laughed loud if the whim seized him, and rubbed his great hands with a boyish heartiness of glee if he discomfited an adversary in argument.
Few could so closely approach vulgarity without being vulgar: of that privileged few, Mr. Vernon was one of the elect.
But they made friends and treated each other, and slanged the proprietor and ragged the pretty girls; while Rickie, as each wave of vulgarity burst over him, sunk his head lower and lower, and wished that the earth would swallow him up.
He did not love the vulgar herd, but he knew that his own vulgarity would be greater if he forbade it ingress, and that it was not by preciosity that he would attain to the intimate spirit of the dell.
Lady Dundas expressed many objections against thevulgarity of various teachers whom the young ladies proposed, and ended with saying that unless some German gentleman could be found, they must remain ignorant of the language.
If a man is coarse and vulgar himself, he usually has manhood enough left not to take his wife and children where coarseness and vulgarity are sure to be witnessed.
How superior in their security from infusions of evil persons, from vulgarity and second thought!
If you will cultivate a hatred for vulgaritywhile you are a boy, you will hate it when you are a man.
No young knight would play and associate with a girl who uses cigarettes, vulgarity or swears.
One blast upon his bugle horn” had been worth all the senseless vulgarity from Princes’-street, and all the piddling inanity of Tweedale-court.
It was infinitely more cutting in showing the misfit of vulgarity with beauty than in showing vulgarity alone.
Gillingham's taste was revolted by the gross vulgarity of this practical suggestion.
This, it cannot be too much repeated and insisted on, this and no prurience of porcine appetite for rotten apples, no vulgarity of porcine adoration for unctuous wash, is what lies at the root of Blake's sensual doctrine.