But it may be argued that neither an excess of food nor a superfluity in the organised fluids of the body necessarily induces variability.
This future universal inundation of books, this superfluity of knowledge, in billions and trillions, overwhelms the imaginnation!
His idea is simply that a superfluity of riches, instead of contributing to well-being, brings with it an inevitable vexation in the constant care which the management of a large fortune demands.
Light vapors, which rose here and there, and floated in fleecy clouds from rock to rock, indicated hot springs, which also poured their superfluity into the vast reservoir at our feet.
He looked like a man equally prepared to enjoy superfluity or total want.
Nothing like cant and methodism for producing a superfluity of bile.
Is, or is not, the system wrong that gives one married pair so immense a superfluity of luxurious home, and shuts out a million others from any home whatever?
He believed that in another hundred years to live in idleness and superfluity would be looked upon by most people as now we look upon a life of fraud and crime.
One went back to his superfluity of leisure, the other to his poverty and want, and those who had not been able to go at all, because they were too poor, remained after the service as they had been before it.
As to the means, there are so many rich people who hardly know what to do with their money that it is well to suggest to them any new useful end to which their superfluity may contribute.
The first we would counsel to supplement from the superfluity of the second that which he himself needs, and to give him as much of his dignity as he requires to borrow grace from him.
Now he knew the spot, and would in due time guide his starving friends hither and make one great camp, where all would live in undreamt-of ease, unrealisable superfluity of food.
His dress corresponds, whereas the white usurper of his territory--servile to the malignant impositions of custom and fashion--suffers from general superfluity and winces under his sufferings.
It lays him all night between its breasts; and is still emptying itself of all superfluity of naughtiness, and purging out all vanity and filthiness, that there may be more room for his Majesty.
I would think one great help to amend this, were to abate much from the superfluity and multitude of discourses upon others.
No unclean thing can enter into heaven, and he is trimming himself against that day, and setting apart all superfluity of naughtiness, and filthiness, and still all his righteousness is as menstruous rags.
When the superfluity of naughtiness is cast out, and all the faculties of the soul composed to quietness and calmness, then his voice will best be heard, and himself readiest to receive it.
But the mere fact that one has a superfluitydoes not oblige one to give alms.
Hence, one who has a superfluity is bound to give alms only when the proper conditions of time, place, person, etc.
It is evoked by such slight causes as physical movement and exertion, and is unaccompanied by pleasure; when habitual, it is a disease due to organic debility The latter happens during sleep, and may be caused by a superfluity of fluid.
That he avoided “any superfluity of words” later in life is not apparent.
This is why he wished for nothing but bare necessaries, fearing that superfluitymight lead him into some excess.
A little of your superfluity handed over to me would do us both good, by making you go more quickly and, me more slowly.
If he rob, why it is only to get possession of a little of the superfluity of the rich, and that he divides among the poor--that's all.
You may therefore see, master, that the Tulisan possesses himself of the superfluity of one person to satisfy several other persons with it.
Whatever knowledge is superfluous, in irremediable poverty, is hurtful, but the difficulty is to determine when poverty is irremediable, and at what point superfluity begins.
A reform must be introduced, and those who before had rejoiced in a superfluity of royal gifts had to be contented with a diminution of them.
The present days ofsuperfluity have not made me proud, and I have a vivid recollection of the past.