It is frequently convenient to stack large pieces on the side, in which case they may be raised a little in the same way.
Trays and plates may be placed on edge with small stilts between, although the expert firer may stack safely on edge without stilts as long as the glazed surface of one piece is touched only by an unglazed bottom or rim of the one next.
Stack the china so that it will not wedge at any place, and so that ventilation of air may circulate about the pieces.
At the end of a plain that ran down to the edge of the sea, some peasants were erecting a stack of corn.
Around thisstack of corn there is rather more comfort than one would usually associate with a scene of this kind.
They are constructing that simple and yet so important thing, which is above all else the happy and almost unvarying monument of human life taking root--a stack of corn.
But it was something less harrowing he saw--a prosaic stack of wooden boxes six feet high and eight feet square.
Willy-nilly he must stack them now--an unpleasant operation, reminiscent of another stacking under the cold eye of Sanders.
There will be a palaver," said Sanders briefly, and bade the crestfallen chief, Ofesi, to come down and stack his spears.
I looked up and thought the stack was belching sparks from its fiery bowels.
Illustration: Cape St. Elias] The steamer belched forth the smoke from its stack as we moved slowly along the coast toward Katella harbor, the next port of entry.
While he was still gazing at the picturesque old mansion, and noting the huge chimney-stack we have mentioned, a gigantic figure issued from the garden gate.
The rioters then turned out Cameron's wife and two small children, and burnt the house, having in the two days burnt five houses, two corn shades, and one stack of hay.
They also burnt a large stack of hay, purchased by Reid.
The day after their arrival at Otter Creek they were viewing the land, where they saw a crop of Indian corn, wheat, and garden stuff, and a stack of hay and two New England men.
We came to the bank, and on the stack of firewood found a flat piece of board with some faded pencil-writing on it.
I came upon more pieces of decaying machinery, a stack of rusty rails.
With a doubting glance at Howle, old Stoneman shoved a stack of blue chips, worth fifty dollars, over the ace, playing it to win on Howle's judgment and reputation.
You can't pick up too much information when aiming to stack up against smart lads like this Slippery Slim.
A square stack, or one with corners, is easily kept balanced, but in turning the corners there is too much fullness at the heads of the bundles, and when the stack settles there will usually be a sag on each side to catch water.
These stacks look very ornamental on a premium farm and will save well, but take more time to build than ordinary stack tops.
For an X stack draw in sides and ends; build center straight up.
Don't let a stack stand over night at this stage if it can be avoided, but put on the next two loads as quickly as possible, for the outside of the stack will settle rapidly.
If the stack is flat and as near an ellipse as the eye can judge, laying out and keeping the stack properly balanced will be very easy.
The elliptical form I have found the best; with a load driven to the side of the stack, the pitcher is never very far from the stacker; the stack is easily kept balanced, and at threshing time the grain is readily got to the machine.
A boy to hand bundles is usually more damage than good until a stack is half built, and then he should not be allowed to stand on outside course.
If a stack has been properly built it will receive but little injury if top bundles should blow off.
Turning the corner of a thicket, he came against a donkey feeding, and saw behind the trees a little cottage, with a great stack of wood by it much higher than itself.
The wagon was standing behind the summer-house, by the place where the stack was to be made, and Thomas was busy unloading it, and laying the wood in a proper form, ready to lay the hay on.
When the herd were foddered from the stack or barn, or fed with pumpkins in the fall, she was always first served.
No: the heat of a stack of hay, or reeking dunghill, though very great, is not sufficient to produce light.
Damp hay soon decays, and undergoes a state of fermentation; during which, carbonic acid gas is given off, and the stack catches fire.
Why will a HAY-STACK CATCH FIRE if the hay be damp?
Everyone in the cockpit saw the fighter's red-hot exhaust stack as he bore down on us.
I went over to the MO file and pulled out the stack of cards behind the tab "High-Speed Climb.
One day Lieutenant Cummings came over to my desk and dropped a stack of reports in front of me.
The shadow of the straw stack fell sharp across his wrist, and in the palm of his hand she saw a silver dollar shining.
He was a painter by trade, and he fell off a seventy-foot stackinto the East River.
Near the road, Nils Ericson was lying against a straw stack in Olaf's wheat-field.
That was a matter of such tremendous importance in the eyes of all that every fellow had to share in bringing the fuel, and helping to stack it, according to the directions of Allan.
His quick spin had brought him back against the stack of old bricks and tile.
The next day he helped the mountain woman stack the corn.
Next, something flashed somewhere in the dark, and a stack of computer printouts lying next to the door burst into flame.
She didn't say anything, just turned back and sorted through the stack of yellow pages till she had it.
I'm sitting here right now watching Jack O'Donnell blow his stack at a press briefing down in D.
With the NEC supercomputer blown to pieces, as well as Jim Bob, there was absolutely no way Noda could cancel that stack of buy orders we'd seeded all around the globe.
She glanced at the stack on her desk, then grabbed a pile and handed them to me.
With the music cranked up to "8," we proceeded to give Jack a quick summary of how the stack of memos on the table had come into our hands.
And her MITI friend, whose name was all over that stack of memos on the table downstairs?
Mori, an incongruous peacock of designer elegance in the midst of the bustling, short-haired staff, was poring over a stack of printouts assembled on a desk in the center of the floor.
We will move along now to that stack of chimneys coming through the roof four feet below the ridge on the town side," Geoffrey said.
This was accordingly done, and for an hour and a half they sat down on the roof with their feet against the stack of chimneys.
The chance is too much; the Bob-cat can't stand it an' resolves to get his stack down first.
One couldn't have sold the pony for a stack of white chips in any faro game of that neighbourhood (Las Vegas) and they were all crooked games at that.
You wouldn't track up on no sim'lar weaknesses among the palefaces an' you-all can put down a stack on that.
But jest the same, I'd give a stack of reds if Peets is here!
The deceitful Silver Phil will have a stackon one of 'em, coppered with this yere ha'r copper.
The grub is born in a casket surmounting thestack of food but not communicating with it.
Back home we used to stack the wheat to let it sweat and harden.
At the end of that time, with the hay instack and the mowing-machine loaded into the wagon for the rough journey to the ranch, Tim unburdened his mind.
One end of the great trencher was heaped with brown bacon; a stack of bread stood at Swan's left hand, a cup of coffee at his right.
They made three stacks of it, each stack having twenty-six sheaves.
He burnt a stack of hay, and made a bath for her of the ashes, and she recovered so soon as she had bathed in it.
The sixth is shivering on the top of a huge stack of wood all in a blaze, and exclaiming, "Oh, how cold I am!