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Example sentences for "volume entitled"

  • He is the author of many articles which have appeared in various publications and which have treated of literary as well as educational subjects, and he has published in Germany a volume entitled History of English Literature.

  • The result of his investigations was published in 1855 in a volume entitled, The Day Star of American Freedom: or, The Birth and Early Growth of Toleration in the Province of Maryland.

  • Mr. Stockbridge were published by the Maryland Historical Society in a volume entitled, Papers Relating to the Early History of Maryland, by S.

  • But it was not until 1909, on the publication of a volume entitled "The Poems of Aldo Palazzeschi," that it was realized that there had come upon the scene a poet who might quite easily get a fame equal to that of Carducci or Pascoli.

  • In 1878 he published a volume entitled "Postuma" which purported to be the work of one Lorenzo Stecchetti which caused prudish Italy to shiver, prurient Italy to shake, and literary Italy to be enormously diverted.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "volume entitled" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    average daily; constant tendency; could judge; eyes narrowed; four shillings; four states; gentle voice; grows rapidly; immeasurable prowess; larger growth; miracle plays; moral freedom; not likely; rational creatures; shall thee; she finished; small libraries; then goes; thou whose; turned again; unburnt brick; volume edition; volume entitled; volume form; volume novel