He is the author of many articles which have appeared in various publications and which have treated of literary as well as educational subjects, and he has published in Germany a volume entitled History of English Literature.
The result of his investigations was published in 1855 in a volume entitled, The Day Star of American Freedom: or, The Birth and Early Growth of Toleration in the Province of Maryland.
Mr. Stockbridge were published by the Maryland Historical Society in a volume entitled, Papers Relating to the Early History of Maryland, by S.
But it was not until 1909, on the publication of a volume entitled "The Poems of Aldo Palazzeschi," that it was realized that there had come upon the scene a poet who might quite easily get a fame equal to that of Carducci or Pascoli.
In 1878 he published a volume entitled "Postuma" which purported to be the work of one Lorenzo Stecchetti which caused prudish Italy to shiver, prurient Italy to shake, and literary Italy to be enormously diverted.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "volume entitled" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.