It was not long before Mr. Fulton invited the attention of his scholars to a little apple tree, on every twig of which were buds and blossoms.
As the orchards were all in full blossom, Mr. Fulton reminded his scholars of the beautiful change which had taken place in the appearance of the trees within the last few weeks.
I commend those who make such specious promises, and should commend them much more, if they did not falsify and contradict themselves, by thinking one thing, and teaching their scholars another.
The Gospel according to Matthew" is believed by the majority of biblical scholars of the present day to be the oldest of the four, and to be made up principally of a pre-existing one, called "The Gospel of the Hebrews.
He and his followers practiced asceticism, and peculiarities of diet and clothing, similar to the Essenes, which has led some scholars to believe that he instituted the order, but this is evidently not the case.
It has been maintained by some scholars that this rite drew its origin from considerations of health and cleanliness, which seems very probable, although doubted by many.
To those who may think that his ideas are not the same as those entertained by other Biblical scholars of the present day, we subjoin, in a note below, a list of works to which they are referred.
As I was being escorted around the building, through shed after shed filled with these trays of silkworms, several of the scholars made up a sort of procession, and waited for the eulogy that I freely bestowed.
Scholars are taken on an agreement for three years, during which time they are fed and housed at the expense of the school; if they leave during the specified period they are fined heavily.
In Yün-nan, where little chance exists for the scholars to advance, the new learning has brought with it a revolutionary element, which would soon become dangerous were it by any means common.
So this Order consists of four sorts of persons; scholars or Jesuits of the first vows; professed Jesuits or of the last or four vows; spiritual coadjutors, and temporal coadjutors.
Various attempts were also made by those who were not professional scholars to bring the Bible into harmony with modern religious ideas.
Long years before George the Third was born, a struggling, unsuccessful schoolmaster gave up a school that was well-nigh given up by its scholars and came to London to push his fortune as a man of letters.
Some evidently are works of scholars who omitted to sign their names.
But all scholars agree that some tales are evidently myths of sun and dawn.
The origin of fairy tales is a question which has kept many very able scholars busy and which has not yet been settled to the satisfaction of many.
I took it all in, however, hanging on my storyteller's each and every word more single-mindedly than any of the 400 scholars had hung on the erstwhile words of Chief Rabbi Loew in the yeshiva of the three cells.
She imported foreign artisans for her manufactures; foreign engineers and officers for the discipline of her army; and foreign scholars to imbue her martial subjects with more cultivated tastes.
The king, whose naturally inquisitive mind no illness could damp, visited every part of the establishment, and attended the examinations, and listened to the public disputations of the scholars with interest.
We know that the Druids were, perhaps, better versed in the science of astronomy than the scholars of any other nation at the time.
Some of the most skilled surveyors and traveled scholars have so reported," he said, carelessly.
The three troublesome Sunday-school scholars fairly convulsed her by their life-like appearance.
Scholars have invariably attributed magical knowledge and practices to the church, popes and prelates of every degree having been thus accused.
The third man waited at the window till the scholars left, and then I saw he was none of that kind, but one who had been a slave of sin and now was free.
Bind up his sair heart and give him licht at eventide, and may the maister and his scholars meet some mornin' where the schule never skails, in the kingdom o' oor Father.
Perhaps one ought to have been ashamed of that school-house, but yet it had its own distinction, for scholars were born there, and now and then to this day some famous man will come and stand in the deserted playground for a space.
Fresnel, who had originally moved him to the undertaking, set about studying the new inscriptions, aided by the previous labors of the German scholars and his own knowledge of Arabic and the modern Himyaritic.
It is, however, really no more singular than that scholars in all Christian nations understand each others' music and arithmetic, after they have learned those sciences and the mode of notation.
Other reasons are adduced by scholars for fixing the date of the Lycian language not before the fifth century B.
Other expeditions are now planning, or in progress of execution, for penetrating into other parts of the country; and eminent scholars are busied in elucidating the treasures which the enterprize of travellers is bringing to light.
Neither of these scholars was aware at the time of the others' labors.
Such is the history of this great discovery, which has placed the name of Major Rawlinson among the most distinguished Oriental scholars of the age.
School had just taken up, and all the scholars were in their seats except us.
It does not say much for the judgment of our classical scholars that before the decipherment of the hieroglyphs they should have preferred the chronology of Herodotos to that of Manetho.
Every master was compelled by statute to exact contributions from his scholarsat the end of term at what was called "collection.
At the outset the library was accessible to all scholars at stated times; permission was now confined to graduates or religious, and, in the case of the latter, to those who were of eight years' standing in philosophia.
Of these three great conflicts between townsmen and scholars the first occurred in 1214.
At Oxford the bedels were bound to make summonses for scholars at their request, and to arrest wrong-doers.
Before the rise of colleges, the vast majority of scholars resided in halls, some of which were kept by laymen.
The earliest Chapel service--morning mass--was over before six, after which three lecturers were engaged for two hours in teaching and examining the scholars and bachelors and hearing their recitations.
It was therefore ordained that after grace had been said and the loving-cup had gone round, the fellows and scholars should, without long delay, betake themselves to their studies.
That the scholars indulged freely in the pleasant custom of hunting may, after this, be almost taken for granted.
The statute referring to the subject taxes teachers with favouring scholars in this way, for the "hope of gain," which points to corrupt dealing between them.
At this reply, which I found full of sense and wit, two scholars from Geneva and even Hedvig's uncle began to murmur and shake their heads.
Everybody applauded, but Hedvig remained quite calm; it was only the two scholars and Madame Tronchin who still seemed disturbed.
Old Brooks would perch high on his three-legged stool conning over some exercise while his scholars in their rows behind the knife-hewn inky desks hummed like bees upon their tasks.
But, Miss Dorothy, will you set your judgment up against the judgment of the learned divines and scholars of the churches?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "scholars" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.