Thor defeats and puts to flight the giants; thus does thunder disperse noxious exhalations and purify the atmosphere.
The meaning of this, according to Finn Magnussen, is, that the noxious vapours and tempest on Hlesey were dispersed by a thunderstorm; and the iron clubs denote hailstones.
As noxious herbs and weeds incline To spread afar their roots, Fraud, rapine, evil to enshrine, Such are your main pursuits!
In every mythology the serpent seems to be the emblem of humidity and its noxious qualities.
In fact, the generally beneficial effects of a forest wall or other vegetable screen, as a protection against noxious exhalations from marshes or other sources of disease situated to the windward of them, are very commonly admitted.
The only apparent remedy for this evil is, to balance the disproportionate development of noxious foreign species by bringing from their native country the tribes which prey upon them.
Did nature bestow upon primitive man some instinct akin to that by which she teaches the brute to select the nutritious and to reject the noxious vegetables indiscriminately mixed in forest and pasture?
Other destroyers of cereal grains have since found their way across the Atlantic, and a noxious European aphis has first attacked the American wheatfields within the last four or five years.
The wandering savage grows no cultivated vegetable, fells no forest, and extirpates no useful plant, no noxious weed.
The carnivorous, and often the herbivorous insects render an important service to man by consuming dead and decaying animal and vegetable matter, the decomposition of which would otherwise fill the air with effluvia noxious to health.
In the rank hotbed of artificial life spring up those noxiousweeds that choke and destroy them.
You will conceive a bunch of grapes," said he, "which are covered by some infinitesimal but noxious bacillus.
It may be that he needs space to breed some fresh bacillus less noxious than the last.
The dry air seemed to dissipate all noxious emanations and decay--the very dust itself in its fine impalpability was volatile with a spicelike piquancy, and left no stain.
There was something in the odd association of this noxious plant with these memorials which occasioned a painful sensation to the master deeper than his esthetic sense.
The master took that opportunity to point out to her the noxious and deadly qualities of the monkshood, whose dark blossoms he saw in her lap, and extorted from her a promise not to meddle with it as long as she remained his pupil.
The juice of this plant is possessed of an acrid blistering property which renders it extremely noxious to reapers.
Priestley's house in a very flourishing state, in jars of highly noxious air.
His deadly and noxious wife, named Gisa, always kept him back from the remedies of clemency.
There were personal reminiscences connected with Mungo which rendered him particularly valuable to De Vonville, whom he had often saved from the stings of the noxious vermin to be encountered by those who dwell in tents.
The noxious insects are their materialized resentment at this fate.
Palace of noxious things and exercise a superintendence over the persons who come in and go out.
The use of noxious gas, aerial attacks on open towns and the U-boat warfare were means used in desperation against a merciless enemy, who left women and children to die of starvation and declared day by day that Germany must be annihilated.
When the meaning of the custom was forgotten, utility and humanity might unite in suggesting the substitution of noxious reptiles as victims in room of harmless and useful animals.
Having besmeared his face with paint, he performs many antics with the view of enticing all pestilential and noxious influences to attach themselves to him only.
We have already had examples of the custom of beating sick people with the leaves of certain plants or with branches in order to rid them of the noxious influences.
After that they use the same ceremony to the noxious animals: 'This I give to thee, O fox!
It was to his own interest to free the yashiki from suchnoxious vapours.
The Sensei reassured him--"It is but the noxious air of the cavern which has overcome them.
This destruction of bacteria, and other noxious organisms, has the biological name of phagocytosis.
The plant is sometimes attacked by a disease, the origin of which is unknown, when it suffers severely from certain noxious insects.
Fire-prigger--No beast of prey can be more noxious to society or destitute of feeling than those who plunder the unfortunate sufferers under that dreadful and destructive calamity, fire.
Her tenets are so absurd and noxious that I will pay the professor who teaches them wages less than I should offer to my groom.
Then it is that the sovereignty of the forest devolves upon the bramble: then it is that from a base and noxiousshrub goes forth the fire which devours the cedars of Lebanon.
Now, Sir, I do not understand how a power which is salutary when exercised virtually can be noxious when exercised directly.
That law had been intended to guard against two evils, which the Chinese legislators seem to have regarded with equal horror, the importation of a noxious drug, and the exportation of the precious metals.