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Example sentences for "rancorous"

Lexicographically close words:
ranchos; rancid; rancidity; rancke; rancor; rancour; rancours; randa; randan; rande
  1. There was always in the first place a reasonable fear of secret and perilous doctrines--Communism, for instance, under some modification, or rancorous Jacobinism.

  2. Tis their sport To turn back all things rancorous and malign From going down to the grave, and send instead The good and true.

  3. Odysseus, best of men, thine every word Hath my heart's praise, and my worst thought of thee Is foiled by thy staunch kindness to the man Who was thy rancorous foe.

  4. He hated his master with a bitter, rancorous hatred, but still he stayed on, for he foresaw the day when he might be revenged on him upon whom he now fawned, saw it dimly still, but opening wide possibilities.

  5. How we enjoyed the whole splendid display--a brilliant intellect playing with all the ease of its brightest and best powers; but, after all, what a flood of holy rage the whole thing was calculated to rouse in any but rancorous breasts.

  6. There came, then, a series of incidents which threw the House into convulsions of rancorous scorn and farcical laughter.

  7. He had served in Cromwell's army,[510] and had all that rancorous hatred of the Catholic Church so characteristic of the low class from whom the Puritan soldiery were drawn.

  8. The former faction assumed the appellation of Protestant Boys, and at last became the Orange Society, whose atrocities, and the rancorous party-spirit which they so carefully fomented, was one of the principal causes of the rebellion of 1798.

  9. The canvass was one of the most rancorous and bitter ever known in the State, but of this I have spoken in a former chapter.

  10. Randolph was rancorous in his hatred of Clay.

  11. He accepts every malicious and rancorous tale told against the Jews, and records as historical facts even such problematical stories as the murder of Hugh of Lincoln.

  12. A brave and self-confident, but rancorous old man, Jacob by his senseless regulations brought the Indian army to the verge of ruin.

  13. The meaning is "our rancorous hatred of the Romans has recoiled on our own heads.

  14. Nay, say some half a dozen rancorous breasts Should plant themselves on purpose to discharge Imposthum'd malice on his latest scene, Shall his resolve be struck through with the blirt Of a goose-breath?

  15. Fraught with this intelligence, the rancorous understrapper hied her home to the jeweller's wife, and made a faithful recital of what she had seen, communicating at the same time her own conjectures on that subject.

  16. But, if it were not so, then the imperial man paid the full penalty of his offence, supposing the rancorous remembrance of that one neglect were truly and indeed what armed the Ides of March against his life.

  17. In whatever way created, however, these enemies now used the advantages of the occasion with rancorous malignity, and persecuted him at every step with unrelenting fury.

  18. With respect to the pretender, the whig lords expressed such a spirit of persecution and rancorous hate, as would have disgraced the members of any, even the lowest assembly of christians.

  19. Those who adhered to the commander, and the others whom he impeached, were inflamed against each other with the most rancorous resentment.

  20. These were not the proceedings of candour and national justice, but the ebullitions of party zeal and rancorous animosity.

  21. It was Barron's constant excuse to himself for his own rancorous feeling--that Meynell had robbed him of his son.

  22. The voice was that of a rancorous obstinacy at last unveiled.

  23. This circumstance is the more fortunate, as they maintain the most rancorous and inflexible hatred and hostility towards the colonists.

  24. There the regiments necessarily remain for many years, and from this very circumstance, disputes of a much more serious and rancorous nature are apt to arise between the inhabitants and the military, than are known in this country.

  25. It also had a magistrate of the name of Walker, the most rancorous of all the disaffected magistrates in Canada.

  26. The British garrison, the governing officials, and the very few other English-speaking people of a more enlightened class all looked down on the rancorous minority.

  27. The sage, who at this time possessed the chair, was a person in years, whose countenance was a lively portraiture of that rancorous discontent which follows repeated damnation.

  28. He was gradually irritated by his misfortunes into a rancorous resentment against mankind in general, and his heart so alienated from the enjoyments of life, that he did not care how soon he quitted his miserable existence.

  29. The presence of one favourite man shall poison the enjoyment of a whole company, and produce the most rancorous enmity betwixt the closest friends.

  30. But his birth and wealth were accompanied by overweening pride and ambition, and by a restlessness of rancorous temper that made him for more than a generation a thorn in the side of every successive Government.

  31. We have marked how the various factions that felt uneasy under his sway, gradually coalesced into a rancorous opposition, that knew no bounds in the meanness of their intrigues, and in the barefaced falsehood of their accusations.

  32. Some of them he liked and was intimate with; but the majority disgusted him and made him utterly impatient with their rancorous folly.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rancorous" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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