A third cause, which from the first had exercised a most baleful influence upon the arts and upon literature in Rome, had by this time matured its disastrous tendencies towards the extinction of the moral sensibilities.
Zal, a poisonous word, is a baleful compound of pain, sadness, secret rancor, revolt.
Give up thisbaleful existence--live with me again.
She seemed to belong to a class of damsels who were ordained under severe penalties to go masked during all religious festivals, to protect the pilgrims from the influence of their baleful charms.
Mary had been swayed by Mignon's baleful personality.
Mary must be rescued from her balefulinfluence at once.
The president finding that no peaceable agreement could be made with the Indians while under the baleful eye and influence of their pretended queen privately laid hold of her, and put her under confinement with her husband.
The scene of action was changed only from one place to another, and the baleful influence of those active and enterprising enemies soon appeared among the upper tribes of Cherokees.
But Sir Guyon, knowing a drop of it would have a baleful effect upon the drinker, boldly dashes it out of his hand.
Still guided by the birds, Sigurd next rode up a mountain, crowned by a baleful light, which he presently discovered emanated from a fire forming a barrier of flame around a fortress.
It was a brooding, ominous, baleful sort of a day, when shapes were distorted in the mists and all sounds were magnified in queer fashion and the echoes played pranks with distances and locations and directions.
At two o'clock, after eating three meals, he did not dare to brave the evident suspicions of that baleful cashier any longer.
I have watched your natal star; it is under the baleful influence of Scorpion, and fiery Saturn sheds his lurid glance upon it.
Yet this baleful tree hath a core so sound, Can nought so tough in the grove be found; From it were fashioned brave English bows, The boast of our isle, and the dread of its foes.
Glad then the hateful one Went with his riotous rout of retainers Baleful to his bedside, where his blood should be spilled Suddenly in a single night.
Then ends darkest death for those dear to the Lord; 500 Through the grace of God the good shall depart In clamoring crowds when this cruel world Shall burst into flames, into baleful fire; The earth shall end.
On the right, the Spooners gathered around the figures of the two returned defendants, while on the left the Falkinses drew about a raw-boned young giant whose baleful eyes never left the faces of Red Newton and Buddy Spooner.
As he half-turned, the fire fell on one side of his face, gleaming yellow and vermilion on the gaunt angle of his jaw and chin, and kindling the other and morebaleful fire in his pupils.
A fiercely baleful wrath shot instinctively through Newt's gray hawk-like eyes and smoldered in their deep sockets, but there still was need to leash his anger--and conceal his purpose.
As Kidson passed the group with a baleful scowl, the trammels of discipline snapped for once, and a burst of groans and hooting made him quicken his pace, lest worse things should befall.
The renegade Briton smiled a baleful smile as he brought his weapon from guard to point, as if the other was at his mercy.
There shall you meet with melancholy thoughts Whose baleful humours if you but uphold, It will conduct you to despair and death.
Glancing about him he recognized the attractors and repellers bearing upon him, ceased his efforts to escape, and hurled the full power of his baleful gaze into the black eyes so close to his own.
If truth must be told, baleful flashes, unmeasured both in number and expression, were exchanged in a spirit of true defiance between the interested and contending parties, as the close of the contest approached.
Ned, looking on her with a baleful glance, in which might be read equal ferocity and alarm.
If he aims to be a great Wall Street spider he must perforce fully acquaint himself with what material will go toward the spinning of that baleful tissue, his proprietary web.
Muggletonian, a baleful light burning in his eyes.
Under the baleful light vacant faces of dully honest English rustics became malignant, while the negro, dancing with long, outstretched arms and uncouth swayings to and fro, appeared a mirthful fiend.
Those who promise a terrestrial paradise are no less baleful to human energy.
Baleful to themselves, they were baleful to the men who became the slaves of their sombre dreams.
They hold you yet, and those who combat them, different priests, are sometimes priests more baleful still.
I meant to stop and rest by the wayside, but after a look at the map I thought on the whole I had better put another mile or two between me and the lady with the baleful eyes.
Winter is come, that blows the baleful breath, And after winter cometh timely death.
Seemeth thou dost their soul of sense bereave, All as the shepheard that did fetch his dame From Pluto's baleful bower withouten leave; His music's might the hellish hound did tame.
It was full of fatal and mischievous errors, and to its baleful operation have been ascribed many of the evils which centuries before and after the Anglo-Norman invasion afflicted Ireland.
Is it the prolonged and baleful influence of that little wood-cut map which monopolized a whole page in infantile geography--the map which presents Arabia arrayed in dots, which we were then and there informed meant desert?
In this way, a subtle and deadly poison has long been spreading its baleful influence among a certain class of intellectual Catholic young men not only in Germany, but also in France and England.
Nita groaned, and looked down with loathing eyes at the baleful jewel that hung loosely on her wasted hand.
Madame le Claire's unreasoning feeling of injury had been mitigated by the same baleful affair, and her sense of justice fought for Elizabeth; but no two women loving the same man ever met without antagonism.
And it was some little time, so far had he forgotten his peculiar position, before the baleful possibilities of this innocent and truthful remark occurred to him.
Madame le Claire was keenly conscious of the converging lines of fate, the meeting of which was so rich in baleful promise.
Strong man though he was he shivered under their baleful glare.
The physicians examine the corpse, and decide that he has been dead since nine o'clock last night, and suddenly a baleful whisper runs from lip to lip.
If they sleep, the adversary does not, but glides in the congenial darkness, sowing his baleful tares.
The first thing to be dealt with was Judah's sin; and that being taken away, all good and blessing would start into being, as flowerets will spring when the baleful shadow of some poisonous tree is removed.