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Example sentences for "mischievous"

Lexicographically close words:
mischief; mischiefe; mischiefes; mischiefs; mischieuous; mischievously; mischievousness; miscible; misconceive; misconceived
  1. He was an arrogant and brutal fool; everybody feared him, and his wife as well; and indeed, they were both mischievous and dangerous characters.

  2. When I saw and heard what was going on, I resolved to keep myself at as great a distance as possible from this mischievous child's-play.

  3. It is the fashion to believe that they are all paupers, which is a foolish and mischievous belief, as we shall presently see.

  4. Out of a mischievous delight in making his uncle angry, Harry frequently alluded to this point; but the story of the houses was a better solution still.

  5. The girl smiled into my eyes, with a mischievous twinkle, and minded not at all.

  6. Tom; how very opportune his mischievous doings--for Mademoiselle!

  7. The mischievous creature got into the pantry, and somehow upset a bottle--indeed, broke it to pieces.

  8. As she paused expectant, there was a half-mischievous smile in her pretty eyes; and yet they held a suspicion of tears.

  9. I did not see the tall man nor the mischievous old one of last year; but there were here many disposed to act like them.

  10. From this astonishment on their part at our appearance, and especially from their flight, knowing well then who we were, it was not improbable that they knew the men were absent on some mischievous scheme affecting us.

  11. More confined to the society of men, the former acquire a fondness for humour and mischievous tricks; whilst the latter, mixing frequently with well-bred women, catch a sentimental cant.

  12. They all laughed except Miss Verjoos, whose gravity was unbroken, save that behind the dusky windows of her eyes, as she looked at John, there was for an instant a gleam of mischievous drollery.

  13. In some cases the figure is that of a mere trickster, a mischievous being, the hero of countless stories, who acts from caprice or malice, though his actions may result in advantage to men.

  14. Considering the cruel and mischievous policy which he pursued there, it seems incredible to us that Barclay should have been able to like him.

  15. In a letter of Christian Barclay's, written after her husband's death, I find a sad instance of that mischievous overvaluing of silence, which did so much harm amongst the Quakers in the eighteenth century.

  16. Even if I expected to I wouldn't own up to it," said Patty, as she gave him a mischievous glance.

  17. Her curly golden hair was wreathed with soft green water-grasses, and her rosy cheeks and dancing eyes made her look like a mischievous water sprite.

  18. Yes, your consulship, forsooth, is a salutary one for the state, mine a mischievous one.

  19. I have no fear of any of those men who delight in tranquility becoming a mischievous citizen.

  20. And what is this but exhorting young men to be turbulent, seditious, mischievous citizens?

  21. He returned to his soldiers; then came that mischievous assembly at Tibur.

  22. She's growing up without any sort of training; and I think if she keeps on she will be mischievous to herself and every one else.

  23. I hardly remember what they were; but I must have expected to be a sort of Lady Bountiful here; and now I think a Lady Bountiful one of the most mischievous persons that could infest any community.

  24. Saltash in a mischievous mood was not always easy to restrain.

  25. She looked like an alert and mischievous boy.

  26. He offered Cibber snuff, and the two satirical animals grinned over the snuff-box, like a malicious old ape and a mischievous young monkey.

  27. When she was not in her tantrums, the mischievous imp was as sacred from check or remonstrance as a monkey or a lap-dog; and several female servants left the house on his account.

  28. If we contrast the rapid progress of this mischievous discovery with the slow and laborious advances of reason, science, and the arts of peace, a philosopher, according to his temper, will laugh or weep at the folly of mankind.

  29. This they commonly did by feeling for the mischievous deity till they found him, when they smothered him between the palms of their hands.

  30. The writer never will forget the mischievous pranks of a huge fellow among a herd of elephants tethered in a pen in Central Park, New York.

  31. A mockingbird which frequented the grounds of a gentleman in Virginia was noted not only as a most mischievous fellow, but as one of the most divine songsters of his tribe.

  32. I have an idea that the face of Murillo's St. John has a certain mischievous intelligence in it.

  33. During the session some mischievous young barrister occupied himself with sketching the judge in pencil; and, being handed about, it found its way to me.

  34. It's acquired," said Patty, with a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

  35. And perhaps," with a knowing look--the mischievous lad!

  36. He was an affectionate, simple-hearted lad, and now that his mischievous days were done, was taking to thorough hard work.

  37. A merry twinkle kindled in her eye, a flush was on her cheek, and mischievous devilry played about her lips.

  38. No man was more vituperated; yet, in my conscience, I believe that he acted with both discretion and pluck, and arrested a mischievous movement that might have led to much bloodshed.

  39. Thus Jacob and his sons were delivered from all anxiety as to their womankind, and were given a free field in which to exercise their mischievous ingenuity.

  40. They are as mischievous as monkeys, and quite as ready at discovering and taking advantage of the slightest opportunities of doing something which they know is forbidden.

  41. It is not nearly so mischievous as many of its compeers, but sits for the greater part of the day on some chosen perch, and thence surveys the objects around.

  42. His mischievous propensities are proverbial, and anybody who keeps one of these birds must be prepared for the commission of every imaginable delinquency.

  43. A sentiment half inquisitive and half mischievous made me snatch it up and withdraw as abruptly as I entered.

  44. We were never together but he played some cruel and mischievous prank, which I never failed to resent to the utmost of my little power.

  45. He figures as a mischievous tale-bearer, braggart, and cunning schemer, and resembles Loki of Scandinavian mythology.

  46. Skasa-it (Robin) is Blue Jay's elder brother, and his principal occupation is making sententious comments on the mischievous acts of his relative.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mischievous" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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