How can he, O son of Kunti, wait whose life is shortened every moment, even like a quantity of collyrium that is lessened each time a grain is taken up by the needle?
And the two shafts fell upon the boar with a loud sound, even like that of Indra's thunderbolt and the thunder of the clouds falling together upon the breast of a mountain.
When those high-souled ones went from hence that Rakshasa of fierce soul obstructed their nocturnal patheven like an immoveable hill.
Alas, how shall I comfort her who is even like a cow without her calf!
Collectors of honey see not the fall that is before them; I am even like them.
Without doubt, Partha is even like a surging fire, and, without doubt, O tiger among men, Krishna is like the wind.
What were his thoughts linked in the morning sun, Among those reptiles, stingless with delay, 4505 Even like a tyrant's wrath?
He is even like a crow that caws uselessly in the woods.
Indeed, he is even like a peacock that dances while showing such a part of his body as should be ever concealed from the view.
Concealing (from thee) the faults of thy servants, I am living in thy abode in constant dread of danger, even like a person living in a room with a snake within it or like the lover of a hero's wife.
The earth, well protected by the king, yields crops and gold (to the ruler and the ruled) even like a gratified mother yielding milk to her child.
Having the glory of God: and her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal; 12.
It is described as "having the glory of God, and her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal.
We have strict statutes and most biting laws, The needful bits and curbs to headstrong steeds, Which for this fourteen years we have let slip; Even like an o'ergrown lion in a cave, That goes not out to prey.
But senseless man, as you have killed me, disguised as a deer, at such a time, thy fate shall certainly be even like mine.
O amiable and cheerful girl, I have been bitten by Kama who is even like a venomous viper.
And Ruru thereupon lifted up in anger his staff, even like to the staff of Death, for the purpose of killing it.
May he be powerful, strong, energetic, and handsome, even like thee, and may he also be endued with virtue!
I don't know who the person could be that would think of carrying away that princess who hath such powerful protectors and who is even like a walking embodiment of the hearts of the sons of Pandu?
Then all the creatures saw that Rakshasa of terrible strength slaughtered by Bhima, even like a bull slain by a lion.
Duryodhana, in consequence of this intoxication, forcibly driveth away luck and prosperity from his kingdom, even likean infuriate bull breaking his own horns himself.
Let the illustrious son of Dharma, always adhering to virtue, who is even like Indra, himself declare whether he is not thy lord.
Thy behaviour, O Bhishma, is even like that of the old swan.
Even like health's hope-reviving breath To one upon the bed of death.
They don't even like to strip for a medical exam--which they hate in the first place.
He isn't too fond of non-humans, and he doesn't even like many of us.
I could not withhold my tears: I wept like a child, even like Khalid's mother.
He battens, even like a Tammany chief, on political jobbery, on extortion, on usury.
Why dost thou desire me, even like an infant lying on its mother's lap wishing to catch the moon?
And that slayer of foes grasping with his arms that tree measuring ten Vyamas, uprooted it, even like an elephant, and placed it upon his shoulders.
And overpowered by the force of Rakshasa, Kichaka reeled and fell down senseless on the ground, even like an uprooted tree.
And though old, he moved on the field, mace in hand, even like a lusty youth.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "even like" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.