Popular indignation was very fierce with regard to the Earl of Chatham, and a scathing epigram was made on him, of which there are scarce two versions alike.
Prince of Wales, and his royal father, on the 12th of November, which was made the subject of a scathing satirical print by Gillray (November 20th).
But she controlled the impulse to make an equally scathing retort, and remarked, with a quiet irony that was tenfold more effective.
Professors still dismiss the Summa with a scathing line.
She said in a scathing arraignment: This committee is composed of thirteen men and seven constitute the deciding vote on our appeal for the Woman Suffrage Committee.
The management of this place one day refused information to a Call reporter, and the next morning its proprietor was terrified by a scathing denunciation of his firm.
I put a finger on a judge and retorted with scathing languidness: "Ancestor of mine.
It was in effect a scathingreply to those who, three years, before, had denounced Twichell and himself for standing by their convictions.
It is not unlikely that Moliere shared her dislike of the powerful and fastidious coterie whose very virtues might easily have furnished salient points for his scathing wit.
The survivors of so many heart-breaking tragedies, with their weary weight of dead hopes and sad memories, found no healing balm in the cold speculation and scathing wit of Diderot or Voltaire.
The frantic cheers with which each successive sentence of the scathing attack in the description was punctuated by the Liberal and Irish Benches, as Joe, with affected horror, read them out, sufficiently indicated what they thought.
Miss Carrington administered a scathing reproach to Pauline for intruding herself upon the Count's attention, and bade her put aside the scarab and hold her tongue.
With this somewhat scathing speech, Stone went away, leaving the angry Anita to be comforted by Haviland.
If we take up the scathing work of Tertullian, De Spectaculis, we shall be told that “every ornament of the circus was in itself a temple.
I heard a scathing murmur at my ear, 'Heap of muffs--go to.
The scathing bitterness of his satire is as clearly derived from Daumier as his pictorial style can be traced to Manet and Degas; but even in his painting he never suppresses the caustic spirit that drives him to caricature.
Inconsistency is written on the entire history of his life, and it has earned him the scathing contempt with which many writers have treated his memory.
The mutilated lines were the contributions of the two schoolboys, while Rowena looked down her nose once more, and dismissed the subject in a few scathing remarks.
Maud wriggled and spluttered, trying in vain to think of something scathing to say in return.
It contained a scathing satire on Cardinal Mazarin, in which he declared, with poisoned irony a propos of a certain treaty which Mazarin had signed, that "a Minister does not so much belong to the State as the State to the Minister.
It may be doubted whether the scathing indictment he received from his peers made any impression on him.
He knew that no earthly eloquence, no scathing wit, no brutal reply could possibly exasperate his wife as this must.
The facetious young villain had indeed declared that she had sent him the puppet as a piece of scathing irony, illustrative of his character as she conceived it.
One of his most discussed pictures was that of the "Slave Ship," which has in turn excited the most scathing ridicule and the most extravagant admiration.
It was then that Whittier wrote the scathinglines entitled "Ichabod": So fallen!
His former friend and editor, Griswold, published a scathing denunciation of the dead man in the New York "Tribune.
The pretty Countess demanded a good deal of his attention and attendance, and this fact brought down upon him some of Counsellor's most scathing jeers.
Valerie had been very silent, but the Colonel had more to say than usual, and his subject happened to be a very scathing condemnation of outside interference with the affairs of the Guard.
But the author was as scathing as ever in his invectives, and no one knew such strong depths of bitterness and indignation as he.
That scathing work made the Dictator writhe amid the splendours of his palace.
Scathing criticisms were uttered on Darwin's ideas, both on the platform and in print, by Doctor Noah Porter of Yale, Doctor Hodge of Princeton, and Doctor Tayler Lewis of Union College.
A few further points of minor interest remain to be noted concerning that popular and scathing personage Mr Pasquin.
The number for January 28 must not be overlooked, containing as it does, a scathing and humourous exposure of the profligate young sparks of the Town, from no less a pen than that of the Rev.
I glared upon the individual in the monkey-jacket as if he had been Mr. Jefferson Davis himself, and read him a scathing indictment.
When his wife grew angry, Sanford Embury grew more so and by harder words and more scathing sarcasms he--as he expressed it--took the wind out of her sails and rendered her helplessly vanquished.
Aunt Abby gave him what was meant to be a scathing glance, but which turned to a nod of admiration.
Then, after one scathing glance, she deliberately turned back to the window, and neglected to answer.
Eunice's glance was scathing and her tones full of scorn.
Coit is scathingin his criticism of the Positivist prayers, whether of Comte or of Dr.
He was dressed like a priest," muttered Barlow, evidently frightened at his commander's scathing comment.
Alice stood looking at the stalwart commander while Beverley was pouring forth his torrent of scathing reference to Hamilton, and she quickly saw that Clark was moved.