According to Metchnikoff it may be that the mechanism of natural death also consists in an auto-intoxication by the progressive accumulation of toxic products during the whole of life.
Thus the obvious cause of the death of the moth is an acid intoxication by toxic urine secreted in the bladder.
Berthelot and Wollman, on the conditions which cause the diminution within the organism of the toxic products of intestinal microbes.
In reality that is not always the case, and very often the organism, now made refractory to certain microbes, remains sensitive to their toxic products.
Metchnikoff ascertained through systematic researches that the intestinal flora includes several kinds of putrefying microbes which secrete highly toxic products.
Any and all the above constituents may be contained in sewer air in larger or smaller doses, in minute or toxic doses.
The Use of Copper Tanks The toxiceffect of metallic copper upon typhoid bacteria in water gives some hints as to prevention of the disease by the use of copper tanks.
It must be observed that in a number of cases where toxic researches had been made in the past, these bases had been mistaken for poisons which were believed to have been introduced into the organism with criminal intent.
The extract of kidney made rapidly by cold process by triturating the washed kidney with glycerin, and precipitating the glycerinic solution with alcohol, contains toxic ferments to which the name "hystozymes" has been given.
When an organism subjected to the toxic action of a bacterial infection does not succumb to the intoxication, it emerges from the test gifted with a new property, which may be augmented by habituation, and which borders on immunity.
The above division groups together various miscellaneous toxic principles, none of which can at present be satisfactorily classified.
According to the experiments of Berenger-Feraud and Porte,[958] the perchloride in the above cases was taken under conditions peculiarly favourable for the development of its toxic action, viz.
Toxic mydriasis, or toxic dilatation of the pupil.
The toxic action of picrotoxin on fish and frogs has been proposed as a test.
Entrance of the carboxyl or sulpho groups weakens toxic action.
Entrance of hydroxyl groups in the catalytic poisons of the fatty series weakens toxic character; on the other hand, it exalts the toxicity of the substituting poisons.
There is another toxic principle present in certain other varieties of fungi called muscarine; both these poisons act very similarly.
The form of confusional disease in which amnesia is the out-standing feature is due to toxic or infectious disease, or is a Korsakow phenomenon, i.
Instead of being like the toxic confusional amnesia, an anterograde amnesia of fixation, the Shell-shock amnesia is apt to be antero-retrograde.
The retrograde amnesia which follows toxic delirium is the same in principle as that which follows hysterical delirium.
Régis and others have remarked upon the necessity of differentiating these battle deliria from toxic and infectious psychoses.
There later developed a slight edematous neuritis of the nerve, corresponding to the evolution of a chronic retrobulbar neuritis of toxic origin.
After admission he passed into a deep toxic state.
According to Régis, however, the common oniric delirium of toxic or infectious origin is nothing more than a sort of somnambulism.
Régis pointed out that suggestive hypnosis could bring back the memories in both types of disease, as well as from the toxic delirium as from the hysterical somnambulism.
The tremors were somewhat suggestive of toxic tremors.
Nor does there seem any evidence that these tremors were of cerebellar, paretic, goitrous, or of any definite toxic origin.
The internal cell environment being free from toxic material, and the cell itself better nourished, the cell's resistance to disease is increased, the possible source of disease being limited to the external body environment.
As among the general results the author finds that mercuric chloride is the strongest chemical used in its toxiceffect upon the fungi, while potassium cyanide is remarkably weak considering its great toxic action on animals.
A toxic dose causes unpleasant symptoms, but in certain cases, such as this, it may require very many times a toxic dose to produce the lethal effect.
In large toxic and in lethal doses the activity of the spinal cord is lowered.
In small therapeutic and in small toxicdoses atropine stimulates the motor apparatus of the spinal cord, just as it stimulates the centres in the medulla oblongata.
Toxic doses of atropine--and therefore of belladonna--raise the temperature several degrees.
That the use of pyramidon has been until recently practically restricted to physicians may account for the fact that its toxic effects are not as well known as are those of antipyrin, acetphenetidin, acetanilid, etc.
The first ampule was labeled “A comparatively non-toxic organic arsenic compound, representing 247 Mg.
These toxic actions should be known to the practitioner.
The exploiters are extremely positive in their statements regarding the non-toxic character of the preparation.
Some of these, indeed, may exhibit a toxic behavior.
To promote appetite, digestion and the elimination of toxic and waste material prescribe the Bell-ans.
It is safe to say that a quinin which will not produce the toxic symptoms--cinchonism--either is not absorbed in sufficient quantity or has been so changed that it no longer has the therapeutic properties of quinin.
Rose Bradford, for instance, states: “Squill is not used to any extent in the treatment of cardiac disease and cardiac dropsy, digitalis being a far more efficient and less toxic substance.
As the east and west headings advanced further and further from the portals, the problem of ventilation grew more acute, and it became increasingly difficult to exhaust the toxic fumes produced by the black powder blasts.
It is difficult to imagine whether the smoke, the steam, or the toxic fumes from the roasting ore was the more distressing to the miners.
DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) a colorless, odorless insecticide that has toxic effects on most animals; the use of DDT was banned in the US in 1972.
A few toxic compounds belonging chiefly to the class termed alkaloids have, however, been definitely isolated.
The exact chemical nature of this extremely toxic substance is not certainly known, but it is generally conceded to be of an albuminous nature.
In large-enough doses and repeated often enough," continued Kennedy, "I suppose the toxic effect of the drug might be to produce insanity.
Invariably," the article went on, "it is the result of some toxic substance circulating in the blood.
All the new organic insecticides, the organic phosphates in particular, are to some degree toxic not only to many insects but to man and animals as well.
Technical benzene hexachloride is a mixture of several isomers, the gamma isomer being the most toxic to insects.
DDT is very toxic to the natural insect enemies of plant-feeding mites and therefore the mites build up to injurious numbers.
I have found no real evidence that walnuts of our planting are toxic to other trees standing immediately beside them.
These include methoxychlor and TDE, neither of which is, on the whole, as useful as DDT but both of which are of value and have an important advantage over DDT in that they are reported to be lesstoxic to warm-blooded animals.
Even the most toxic ones can be used, however, without harmful effects on the operator, provided all the cautions issued by the manufacturer are properly followed.
Carbolic acid is readily absorbed, and may thus producetoxic symptoms.
Where extensive areas of mucous membranes are to be anesthetized, as in the rectum or urethra or bladder, one of the less toxic drugs is preferable.
It was designed to obtain anesthesia with cocaine with the elimination of the toxiceffects of the latter.
Furthermore, substances which are really active germicides very often produce a marked toxic effect upon the patient and produce a very decided irritation of the skin with which they come in contact.
Kreolin+, a preparation made from coal tar, is a germicide without irritant or toxic effects.
A given quantity of the drug in great dilution will, under normal conditions, give no toxic symptoms, whereas the use of the same amount in a more concentrated form will give rise to pallor, cyanosis and even syncope and collapse.
It hinders the development of bacteria and directly antagonizes the toxic products of germ life.
It has a decidedly toxiceffect when used in stronger solutions than 2 per cent.
A general thickening over the periosteum, and over several or many of the bones of the body, also occurs in the disease known as toxic osteoperiostitis ossificans, seen in diseases with long continued suppuration.
These are due to efforts on the part of the general economy to eliminate toxic substances.
The reaction might occur at the point of entrance of the bacteria, or constitutional symptoms may evidence their invasion into the blood, or the absorption of their toxic products.
He writes: "I have no doubt that in this disease, as in hay fever, the gastro-intestinal tract is the birthplace of the toxic material.
As he finds rag weed more toxic than the English timothy, his actual first dose is one-half of this theoretical dose.
He thought that the Old Tuberculin conferred only a toxic immunity, not bacterial.
Some toxic substances may be more active (not having been subjected to heat).
Toxic secretions of the tubercle bacilli into the culture fluid, or such of them as are soluble in 50% glycerine 4.
It is perfectly true that the asphyxiating and toxic substances, used during the war, produced a higher percentage of deaths than the other three classes, but the latter were responsible for many more casualties.
I have not touched the part in which they played the most deadly game against us, and that was where they used their chemical works to produce thosetoxic gases.
Let us assume that the production of some vitally important new organic compound involves four different steps, and that the last step produces the toxic substance.
The toxic compounds were so called because of their specific effect upon particular parts of the organism such as, for example, the nervous system.
Under toxic (poisonous) but not dangerous doses, the headache is often very severe, so that the patient buries his head in the pillow.