The indictment was to this effect: "Socrates is guilty of crime in refusing to recognise the gods acknowledged by the state, and importing strange divinities of his own; he is further guilty of corrupting the young.
He also observes (522) that 'the elder thieves are continually corrupting young lads, and bringing them into prison.
You shall not force the corrupted and corrupting blood of that system into every vein and artery of our body politic.
That whoso for corrupting of youth erecteth stage plays, whore-houses, and other play-houses, and suffers the colleges and other seminaries of learning to be corrupted.
It is wholly free from corrupting influences--fresh, instructive, and eagerly welcomed by the boys and girls.
We greatly need all such publications for our young people, to save them from the corrupting trash that meets them on every side.
Superficially speaking, there is perhaps a reminiscence of Zola in this book, not in the manner of treatment, but in the subject, which is the corrupting influence of the higher classes upon the lower.
The act of corrupting or making putrid, or state of being corrupt or putrid; decomposition or disorganization, in the process of putrefaction; putrefaction; deterioration.
In a corrupt manner; by means of corruption orcorrupting influences; wrongfully.
Free from that which is corrupting to the morals; pure in tone; healthy.
The corrupting influence of corrupt politicians was evidenced in the conditions that developed in sections of the city left to their control.
In the first place, he perceived that there was a chance of corrupting his gaoler.
And with this same corrupting metal, and the sinister influence derived from a great historic name, he was but too sure of success.
Much has been said to show that war begets immorality, and that the cultivation of the military spirit has a corrupting influence on community.
Of themselves they can never exert an influence corrupting to public morals, or dangerous to public liberty; but as the means of preserving peace, and as obstacles to an invader, their influence and power are immense.
But to ransom a captive from pirates has always been held a humane and Christian act; and it would be absurd to charge the payer of the ransom with corrupting the virtue of the corsair.
Not only was he himself incorruptible, but he shrank from the loathsome drudgery of corrupting others.
Burnet accuses him of holding irreligious opinions, and corrupting everybody who came near him.
Burke, so early as 1790, declared in the House of Commons that twenty thousand pounds had been employed in corrupting the press.
We might as well accuse the poor Lowland farmers who paid black-mail to Rob Roy of corrupting the virtue of the Highlanders, as accuse Sir Robert Walpole of corrupting the virtue of Parliament.
There is no way to escape the corrupting power of capitalism.
There are bribery, fraudulent elections, and an infinite variety ofcorrupting methods.
Many of their enterprises could not be accomplished without corruptingthe servants.
It was impossible, from the nature of man, that he should extricate himself from the corruptinginfluence of idolatry.
For a succinct statement of the universal prevalence of false religions, and their corrupting influence, see Ryan on the Effect of Religion upon Mankind, passim.
In relation to modern idolatry, the world is full of living witnesses of its corrupting tendency.
If they are absurd and anti-social, they exert a disturbing and corrupting influence on the views of a whole generation.
Knowlton for corrupting the morals of the young, who have this book of Ezekiel put into their hand.
Parents are not less vulgarized, but the awakening and shock come when children are grown and are found to show the effects of what was innocent amusement, of what proves to have been deeply corrupting and degrading to the spirit.
In The Great God Pan the timeless menace comes to earth again, corrupting the souls of men and women, rendering them unbelievably vile.
Henry James based his ghost story, The Turn of the Screw, on an incident reported to the Psychical Society, of a spectral old woman corrupting the mind of a child.