At the summit of the hill he passed by the crumbling church of St Peter's, but did not pass the Sun and Moon Inn.
The ancient manor-house was allowed to lapse into ruin, and now nothing at all remains but a few crumbling stones: "Through broken walls and grey The winds blow bleak and shrill; They are all gone away.
The place was not in a good state of defence; the braies were much dilapidated, the earthen boulevards crumbling away, while the ditches wanted clearing out.
He built also the noble Alcazar or citadel of Malaga, now unfortunately a mere mass of crumbling ruins, but which most probably exhibited in its interior similar elegance and magnificence with the Alhambra.
Granada into consternation; and which, sooner or later, must reduce thiscrumbling pile to a mere mass of ruin.
The verandas were long and broad and inviting; but it was well to know that the brick pillar was crumbling away under one corner, that the railing was insecure at another, and that still another had long ago been condemned as unsafe.
And there are few places in the Kingdom where one is so impressed with the spirit of the ancient order of things as when surrounded by the crumbling walls of Glastonbury Abbey.
Masses of ivy clung to the crumbling walls and all around spread a beautiful park, with soft, velvety turf interspersed with shrubbery and bright dashes of color from numerous well cared-for flower beds.
Few ruins are more charmingly situated than Kilchurn, standing as it does on a small island rising out of the clear waters--the crumbling walls overgrown with ivy and wall-flowers.
The ruins are not extensive, but the crumbling walls, bright with ivy and wall flowers, and with the soft green lawn beneath, made a delightful picture in the mottled sunshine and shadows of the English May day.
A little farther, upon a knoll directly overhanging the river, are crumbling piles of stone where once stood Clifford Castle, the home of Fair Rosamond, whose melancholy story Tennyson has woven into one of his dramas.
It is surrounded by trees, and a large elm growing in the very midst of the walls and arches flung a network of sun and shade over the crumbling stones.
The site of the castle is occupied by the railway station, though a few crumbling walls of the former structure still remain.
It stood alone in the midst of the wide valley; no caretaker hindered our steps to its precincts and no effort had been made to prop its crumbling walls or to stay the green ruin creeping over it.
He threw the glamour of his story around its crumbling ruins.
This, although the most recent part of the building, appeared to be crumbling away and was undergoing extensive repairs.
As a matter of fact, six months after the whiting plates were exposed, crumbling of the surface appeared, and twelve months was sufficient for the total destruction of the paint.
That scarcely audible "lip, lip" on the right meant that the water was close by, running an inch or two below a sheer yet crumbling edge of earth.
In addition she had filled up the time between her monosyllables in methodically crumbling her bread and ranging the results in a pattern, until the inanity of it had got on his nerves, and he had felt inclined to beg her to desist.
No, that would be too monstrous; that would mean no justice left in England, the whole fabric of society gone rotten and crumbling to dust.
It was irrational, bone-crumbling fear--something that defied argument, that nothing could allay.
She wished him dead and crumbling to dust in his coffin.
The fine tracery of the windows is now much broken, and is crumbling away with age, but its exquisite carving is still plainly seen.
The enormous accumulation of loose rubbish above them, not a hard compact mass, as at Nineveh, but continually crumbling and falling in, exposed the men to a risk scarcely warranted by the results of their labors.
My guests, choosing some convenient place underground near the parties who were at work, spread their carpets beneath the crumbling sculptures.
I ascended to the crumbling ruins, and examined the excavations in the rocks.
The cold wind whistled through the rotten wooden panels of the windows, for there was no glass, and the crumbling ceiling and floor threatened to give way together.
The upper vessels having been most exposed to damp, the metal had been eaten away by rust, and was crumbling into fragments, or into a green powder.
A few minutes more, and we are anchored beneath the spreading folds of the British flag, opposite a handsome building, not crumbling into ruins like its neighbours, but kept in repair with European neatness.
A struggle, a moment of suffocation, and I was extricated by strong arms, to be knocked down again by the rush of the water, to be again dragged up and hauled and hoisted up the crumbling bank.
Seen from the west, it presents a very wonderful likeness to an old-time cathedral, of the Gothic type, and at a distance might well be taken for the crumbling ruins of some such edifice, though of cyclopean proportions.
Their churches, venerable only for their age, but in this dating back to the Spanish conquest, were crumbling to ruins.
We left our donkeys to eat thistles in front, while we climbed up some dilapidated steps, and entered the crumbling hall.
But, just as she placed a triumphant knee on the summit, the crumbling fabric subsided beneath her weight, and she was projected in a highly indecorous fashion to the foot of the slope.
Others say that the sea had nothing to do with the fashioning of these hollows, but that they were made by the breaking and crumbling away of the more friable parts of the limestone under the action of air, frost, and water.
Witnesses of the human mind in different ages, all are crumbling and growing green together, sharing a common fate.
Its deserted towers and crumbling walls still crowned the height and made a habitation for beasts and birds.
To-day only a few crumbling ruins remain to mark the site of the first Russian settlement in America--an event of such vital historic interest to the United States that a monument should be erected there by this country.
Right he was, for the sand kept crumbling down from the top as soon as ever we made a bit of space below, and twice over some one called out `Warning!
In ten minutes nothing but a heap of glowing beams and embers, within four crumbling walls of adobe, remained of the "beetle shop.
It was a cool, lonely place, sweet with the breath of wild flowers, silent save the endless adagio in minors played by crystal fingers of the stream stealing down the broken, crumblingstone dam.
Instead of meeting solid brickwork as before, however, he felt his hands encounter crumbling earth.
Good idea," grunted Bob, immediately dropping into the hole and tossing out broken bricks from the crumbling walls.
The skeletons must have lain there for many years, for the bones were crumbling into decay.
There was but a raffle of broken bones and strips of parchment and crumbling wool.
The bluffs curved around it on three sides in a yellow, crumbling wall; on the fourth flowed the muddy waters of the Missouri.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "crumbling" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.