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Example sentences for "clearly defined"

  • This arrangement, which is clearly defined in the dog (Fig.

  • One of the first requirements in the development of a successful organization is that the duties of every employe be clearly defined, and that each employe be fully informed as to his duties.

  • Each clerk in the office should have his work clearly defined.

  • The duties of the individual workman in the shop should be as clearly defined as are those of his foreman.

  • In fact, a class is not an ideal, but a clearly defined group of things between which internal relationships exist, similar to those of kindred.

  • Xanthus and now in the British Museum, is apparently a copy, cut in the solid rock, of a portable shrine, in which the wood construction is clearly defined.

  • Equity and good faith forbid it; but they equally enjoin, that the extent of these alienations be clearly defined, and that the rights of others be not compromised by them.

  • These various duties, whether relative or direct, will be clearly defined in the course of the following sections.

  • These alienations, as far as it was justly in the power of the sovereign to make, must certainly be held sacred; but their extent should be clearly defined, that the rights of others be not compromised by them.

  • It is probable that Doon himself was one of the last personages to be clearly defined, and that the chanson de geste relating his exploits was drawn up partly with the view of supplying a suitable ancestor for the other heroes.

  • Dollinger's attitude to the new community was not very clearly defined.

  • These were so clearly defined that a child would have had no difficulty in following them.

  • By and by the path was as clearly defined as the trail connecting the settlement and the block-house.

  • They were now pursuing a clearly defined policy.

  • It seeks ever to make energy a substitute for a clearly defined plan,—the result is ever as hopeless as trying to transform a hobbyhorse into a real steed by brisk riding.

  • Health is but the living of a physical life in harmony with a few simple, clearly defined laws.

  • Yet even if the drama may have the widest range of any of the arts, none the less are its boundaries clearly defined.

  • A play, on the other hand, is likely to fail to please audiences in the theater unless it sets before the spectators a clearly defined struggle, a conflict of desires, a stark assertion of the human will.

  • Like every other work of art a play ought to have a single subject, a clearly defined topic; in other words, it ought to have Unity of Action.

  • This is indicated by the fact that the earlier mythological creations contain no clearly defined notions of a beyond.

  • Yet the boundaries of this period are naturally much less clearly defined, or sharply demarcated as to beginning and end, than are those of the preceding primitive age.

  • Under the influence of poetry every god has here become a clearly defined personality, whose individuality was fixed by formative art.

  • Higher up the forests dissolved in a sombre, formless mass, over which rested a fleecy mist like shimmering gauze, but at the mountain's base, every tree and shrub was as clearly defined as in the full light of day.

  • She gazed anxiously into his face, clearly defined in the bright moonbeams, and an involuntary terror came over her; she seemed to gaze into the face of her dead father.

  • He saw enveloped in its military cloak the tall figure which, clearly defined in the moonlight, strode over the terrace; he heard the step grow fainter and fainter in the distance, until its last echo died away.

  • We only begin to understand these historically when we can mentally place them in an intelligible connexion and conceive them as the acts of a clearly defined personality.

  • On the Johannine question he takes up a clearly defined position, denying the possibility of using the Fourth Gospel side by side with the Synoptics as an historical source.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "clearly defined" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    about business; clearly defined; clearly enough; clearly seen; clearly shown; considerable thickness; did not know how; divinely inspired; each division; ecclesiastical discipline; free and; good dishes; machine shop; more prudent; motive force; musical director; nervous system; oblong shape; opera house; press together; really ought; stale bread; tablespoons sugar; ten years; though very