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Example sentences for "exploded"

Lexicographically close words:
explicitly; explicitness; explique; expliquer; explode; explodes; exploding; exploit; exploitable; exploitation
  1. One had had his head crushed in by a piece of iron from the exploded water cart.

  2. Round the exploded water cart was a yawning hole, and lying half in it was the mangled carcass of the horse of one of Buonaparte's dragoons, blown almost all to pieces.

  3. Well, the greatest damage we can do will be done by mines like their own--either to destroy their mines before they have time to explode them, or to drive the enemy back when they have exploded their mines and seized the houses.

  4. The mine so laboriously excavated had exploded with complete success, and between the French and the English raged the boiling torrent, which effectually forbade present pursuit.

  5. At three in the afternoon three huge mines, charged with more than two tons of powder, were exploded beneath the University, which was carried with a rush.

  6. Some French engineer officers, who had not heard of the cessation of hostilities, exploded a mine, and the jet of stones ascended to such a height that it was visible to the whole town.

  7. Unhappily, the French have exploded mines in the neighbourhood of Santa Engracia, and the most heroic efforts of our men have failed to dislodge them from the ground they have gained.

  8. Jack had exploded in each case one of the arms of his Y-shaped mines, and for the time both houses were cleared of the enemy.

  9. The fougasse exploded with a terrific crash.

  10. If Bucks had exploded a keg of powder on the sidewalk there could not have been a greater change in the outlaw's manner.

  11. Had a bomb been exploded on the platform the marauders could not have scattered more quickly.

  12. And yet I aimed better than I knew, for, with a loud report, one of the great blisters upon the creature's back exploded with the puncture of the buck-shot.

  13. Something whizzed past me in a trail of smoke and exploded with a loud, hissing sound, sending forth a cloud of steam.

  14. So it was that the air-gas mixture exploded in a cylinder rushed out to force the piston into unbelievable speed.

  15. But when the powder is exploded it expands into gases that would fill a house.

  16. They could not face eight ounces of tonite exploded in their midst.

  17. The bomb hurtled past the mainmast and exploded forward of the galley house on the starboard side of the ship, where three refugees were crouched.

  18. The shot he fired exploded against the break of the forepeak and missed the open forecastle companion.

  19. Grantly could hardly get himself out of the cathedral porch before he exploded in his wrath.

  20. The gun-powder exploded much too soon, and poor Miss Thorne felt that she was blown up by the strength of her own petard.

  21. Almost instantly after it was ignited, it exploded with most awful violence, and with very disastrous results.

  22. The Indians, hearing the report, looked quickly about them, and seeing the fragments of an exploded mule rocketing through the air, were frightened nearly out of their wits, and fled precipitately.

  23. This shell exploded in the plate when about two-thirds through, with the result that a hole was blown in the plate as big as a barrel, and the plate shattered into fragments.

  24. This time, there was considerable penetration of the target, and the walls of the building where the test took place were penetrated in many places, not with the bullet, but with the fragments of the exploded weapon.

  25. We had made half a dozen tests before this, and all of the shells had exploded except one.

  26. We had successfully fired several of them into a sand-butt where they exploded with great violence.

  27. It is surely a wonder that the drunken man had not exploded this mass of dry fulminate in the rough handling he had given it.

  28. He then took a hot iron, which he had brought to a white heat in a forge, and thrust it into the half barrel of the infernal mixture, to show that it simply could not be exploded except with a very powerful exploder or detonator.

  29. The shell that enters into this story was exploded under similar conditions.

  30. The financier conceived the idea of converting anthracite coal directly into diamonds by subjecting it to enormous pressure of gunpowder exploded in a strong steel cylinder.

  31. This belief is that five hundred pounds or so of dynamite exploded upon a warship or upon coast fortifications would destroy ship or fortifications, and that a few of such large bombs of dynamite dropped in a city would lay the city in ruins.

  32. He thought that possibly the Indians had captured the gunpowder and exploded it purposely, but he did not dare to emerge from his hiding.

  33. The first shell contained nineteen pounds of high explosive, and it passed through the plate, leaving a clean round hole, and exploded behind the plate without breaking it.

  34. While half a thousand of them were crowded in close upon the mine, marveling over the mystery of this flotsam, one of their number began to investigate it with a hammer, and, hitting the fuze a heavy blow, exploded the mine.

  35. The name is founded on the now exploded supposition that all of them are animated, which was the general belief of naturalists when attention was first drawn to them.

  36. The test was thoroughly satisfactory, nothing exploded in the air, and there was no damage except possibly that incidental to landing.

  37. It exploded noiselessly, in a great flash of sapphire flame, then vanished completely.

  38. Shells continued to tear through the air, but none exploded in the vicinity of the men, and they took advantage of the lull in the battle to light their pipes.

  39. They will never hit it," volunteered one, as a shell exploded ten yards distant from the leathern mark.

  40. Bullets were flying high over him, and the shrapnel of the enemy's guns exploded far behind him.

  41. The artillery officer who was in charge of the gun when the dynamite was exploded in its muzzle was convicted of neglect of duty and was disgraced before the army.

  42. Do you suppose something exploded and set it on fire?

  43. It struck the tail of the Ariel, rebounded, descended perhaps a hundred feet and exploded in mid air.

  44. His rage and passion simmered, occasionally exploded into raucous curses.

  45. We've got the stolen money back, Joy," exploded her father.

  46. Mr. Pope is the last of the exploded sect of the Ranters.

  47. Screen after screen exploded in glittering, flaming sparks, but the ship rode the lashing charge, finally halted the thrust of power.

  48. The box of matches exploded with a gush of red that was a dull flash against the blue blaze of the gun.

  49. Fireworks exploded in space when the bolt struck Craven's ship.

  50. At last a shell exploded a few feet below the "Albatross," and then she mounted into the inaccessible regions of the sky.

  51. At a sign from Robur, these cartridges were fired at the hillock, and as they reached the ground exploded like so many small shells.

  52. The blast from that exploded bomber blew him there.

  53. Even as he looked it exploded in mid-air.

  54. As he went crashing to earth the automatic exploded harmlessly, then fell into the tall grass.

  55. They regard him alternatively as a sun-myth or an exploded fiction.

  56. More bombs exploded still nearer, in close contact with the giant hull.

  57. It might not have destroyed the Isis if it had exploded in space, but it would not have done it any good.

  58. They built small entrenchments of stone and lay firing from behind them, and the shells exploded and our Mauser bullets rained upon these small fortifications.

  59. I have never heard anything more awe-inspiring than when those great shells exploded there.

  60. We had just emerged from the wheat-fields when the English hurled shells at us, but it was marvellous to see how these shells exploded in the open spaces between the burghers, without doing any harm.

  61. Five minutes before the close of the hour the bombardment would begin, and as each clock exploded the owner would grab it up frantically and depart for the next recitation in a gallop.

  62. The protest that rumbled and growled in the under-form houses exploded in the Dickinson.

  63. At the height of his eloquence Shrimp choked, clutched at his mouth, exploded into laughter and tumbled ingloriously to his seat amid the delighted shrieks of the class.

  64. Suddenly, from the direction of Foundation House, a series of shots exploded amid yells of excitement.

  65. And that's funny, because it reminded me of Anti out there--" A fist exploded in his face.

  66. In the center glimmered a tiny world, a fragment of a long-exploded planet.

  67. But as I have already pointed out, the most important portion of this food is either made over into our own life-jelly, or else it is changed into sugar and exploded in our muscles.

  68. But we who have blood, use that to carry off our exploded sugar and other things.

  69. However, I started to tell you something about the burnt up food and exploded muscle-sugar, While it is still in the body, before blood and lungs and skin and kidneys have combined to carry it away.

  70. The Baltimore, however, notwithstanding that a few of these deadly missiles exploded on her deck, wounding eight of her crew, continued her course till within 2500 yards of her antagonist.

  71. June 7, a mine exploded in his vicinity, smashing several of his comrades.

  72. I base this estimate on comparisons made with shells I saw exploded beside me before this one.

  73. Towards the end of July, while he was in the trench, a grenade exploded a short distance from him, causing slight abrasions at the nape of the neck and in the fleshy part of the left calf.

  74. In particular, one thinks of the physical changes within an aneroid barometer, which have been shown to come about when something is exploded near by.

  75. This soldier was driving an ammunition wagon at the front, when a shell exploded under the wagon, killing one horse and severely wounding the other.

  76. Curiously enough, after the appearance of the first symptoms, a shell exploded nearby without any marked psychical effect.

  77. He was sent to the Isonzo in May and was slightly injured in the nape of the neck and the left calf by fragments of a shell that exploded near by.

  78. The patient was suffering not at all, but said that after the shell exploded he felt a forcible shock, was stunned for a moment, and when he wanted to rise, found that his legs were inert.

  79. On the 26th a number of shells exploded near him.

  80. After reaching the front he had to have a hernia operation and on getting well went back to his place and a few days later a mine exploded near him.

  81. A young soldier, a peasant, fell down unconscious when a mortar exploded killing several men.

  82. The shell exploded and seriously injured a soldier one meter away.

  83. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "exploded" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    belied; confounded; deflated; denied; discarded; discredited; dismissed; disproved; disputed; exploded; exposed; impugned; invalidated; moot; overthrown; rejected; suspect; disputed; exploded; exposed; impugned; invalidated; moot; overthrown; rejected; suspect