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Example sentences for "linkage"

Lexicographically close words:
liniment; liniments; lining; linings; link; linkages; linked; linking; linkmen; links
  1. Hence the formula for lecithin indicating the linkage as shown above is the correct one.

  2. The actual binding linkage is undoubtedly between carbon atoms, as indicated in Willstaetter's formulas for aetiophyllin and aetioporphyrin (see page 109).

  3. It is evident from these experimental data, that a part of the unsaturated linkage in the carotin molecule is of a type which can easily be saturated by direct addition of oxygen, while the remainder may be saturated by iodine.

  4. Examples of each of these three types of linkage are found among the common disaccharides, as will be pointed out below.

  5. Amygdalin has been the object of very extensive studies, and even yet the exact nature of the linkage between its constituent groups is not certainly known.

  6. However, this linkage (reproduced here in figure 18) had no detectable influence on Watt or on subsequent practice.

  7. In order to make the linkage attached to the beam of his engines more compact, Watt had plumbed his experience for ideas; his experience had yielded up the work done much earlier on a drafting machine that made use of a pantograph.

  8. According to Sylvester, a linkage consists of an even number of links, a "link-work" of an odd number.

  9. This linkage was invented by George Lankensperger, coachmaker to the King of Bavaria.

  10. The significance of the linkage apparently was not generally recognized.

  11. The crosshead of the reciprocating air pump is guided by a Peaucellier linkage shown at the center.

  12. The linkage causes the flywheel to make two revolutions for each double-stroke of the engine piston rod B.

  13. These principles are demonstrated by a study of mechanisms already in existence, such as the linkage of a retractable landing gear, computing mechanisms, mechanisms used in an automobile, and the like.

  14. On the contrary it shows that any claim that factors can themselves be changed can have no finality until the claim can be tested out by means of the linkage test.

  15. These were isolated by means of their linkage relations, and their mutual influence on the production of truncate wings was shown.

  16. By means of linkage experiments it was shown that at least three factors were present that modified the wings.

  17. It has been shown that they are linked to each other and the linkage is so close that it has thus far been impossible to obtain the dominant recessive.

  18. Once the Z-wave linkage is established by its forerunner of radio, it is complete and can not be broken.

  19. Remember, this radio works because of the previous linkage by communication in accordance with our hypothesis.

  20. The first linkage had been computed and started so that a small group of men (of which Paul was one) could race from star to star checking-in the arrival of the radio beam.

  21. The life-sex linkage was better than the death-sex linkage, and the one and only woman feeling better than the promiscuous amorousness which any beautiful woman can arouse in the male.

  22. The sex-death linkage had no more relation to the glow I'd felt back in the lakeside tavern than it did now to her as an individual.

  23. For all of these differ, however close their logical linkage may be; and in so far as they differ, each of them is a counted unit, and so they are many.

  24. The linkage fairly snapped together and shrank instantaneously to a point.

  25. Helped by the androids, the Earthmen formed themselves into the powerful telepathic linkage called "peyondix" to invade the Strett planet itself.

  26. Apply a few drops of engine oil to all linkage joints.

  27. See that control linkage operates freely, that all connections are tight, and that brake is adjusted so that end of hand lever has 1/4 free travel before meeting resistance.

  28. Examine linkage for loose or worn pin or clevis, and for missing washers or cotter pins.

  29. See that brake control linkage operates freely, and that all connections are secure.

  30. See that gearshift lever and linkage are in good condition, secure, and not excessively worn.

  31. If it still drags, equalize shoe assemblies, and adjust linkage (par.

  32. One decoration was undoubtedly the case for the sensory-linkage apparatus.

  33. From four o'clock to eight, at irregular intervals, he turned on the sensory-linkage device for a second or two at a time.

  34. And four children upon a desperate voyage, without adults to reassure them, would need this close linkage with their fellows.

  35. Well, with the direct linkage of minds the work should go faster.

  36. He stopped for a moment, remembering that first linkage with Horng, and Tebron's memories.

  37. Tomorrow he would effect a mass-linkage of minds and broadcast his orders for reconstruction.

  38. He told Malhomme of his linkage with Horng, the contact with the memories, the mind, Tebron, and of the interview with the machine that was Kor.

  39. I made a linkage with one of the Hirlaji, and tapped the race-memory.

  40. That would mean staying up all night preparing the communication, for it was impossible to maintain complete planet-wide linkage for too long and Tebron had many plans.

  41. But this direct linkage business does seem to be the best way we have of checking on them.

  42. As the two minds, Earthman and Hirlaji, met in direct linkage they became almost one.

  43. Later a method was devised (Bridges, 1915) whereby mutations of poor viability could be worked with in linkage experiments fairly accurately and whereby the residual inviability of the ordinary characters could be largely canceled.

  44. Because of the change that takes place as the culture grows older (the abnormal changing to normal), this character is not of much value in linkage work.

  45. Linkage of vermilion, sable, and bar with balanced viability.

  46. At present vermilion, whose locus is at 33, in being used more frequently in linkage work.

  47. The females of the next generation should give data upon the linkage of vermilion and sable, while the males should show the linkage of all three gens, facet, vermilion, and sable.

  48. Indeed, the linkage data show that this lethal, which may be called lethal 1b, lies extraordinarily close to white, for the distance from yellow was 0.

  49. The fourth lethal which Miss Stark found (May 1914) in the inbred stocks of Drosophila has not been located by means of linkage experiments.

  50. The unusual linkage necessary to create these unequal strokes in the Atkinson engine made it seem impractical for a carriage engine, where compactness was desired.

  51. The lever which controls the supply of air through the primary air intake is so arranged that if desired it can be connected with a linkage on the dash or control column by means of a flexible wire.

  52. The linkage between deposits and trade is definite, causal, positive, statistically demonstrable.

  53. The linkage between reserves and deposits is, at most, negative--if reserves get too low, deposits and loans may be checked in their expansion.

  54. If we represent graphically the impacts in the second unit of time, we perceive that they point to a configuration in which the double linkage is between the carbon atoms 1 and 6, and the single linkage between 1 and 2.

  55. An acetylenic or triple linkage is associated with a rise in the boiling-point; for example, propargyl compounds boil about 19.

  56. In general, therefore, it may be considered that the double linkages are not of exactly the same nature as the double linkage present in ethylene and ethylenoid compounds, but that they are analogous to the potential valencies of benzene.

  57. But now that he had established a firm mental linkage with one of the greatest physicists in the Soviet Union, he could begin to send information that would be of tremendous value to the United States.

  58. Spaulding had known that there were weaknesses in the telepathic communication linkage that was the mainspring of Operation Mapcase, but he had thought that they could be overcome by the strengths of the system.

  59. But the great debt which we owe to Calmette was the linkage of the dispensary and the home by means of the home visitor.

  60. They retain the Marxian rationalization apparatus, and the linkage with Moscow.

  61. Yet, the total picture of his life in these years lacks the connecting linkage which binds his childhood, his school days, and his mature career.

  62. Let us consider the linkage with feeling first.

  63. The linkage is practically not deceptive, because mental transformations are indeed signs of changes in bodies; and so long as a cause is defined merely as a sign, mental and physical changes may truly be said to cause one another.

  64. The Occurrence of Sex-Linkage in Lower Forms Renders Experiments Possible.

  65. Fortunately, however, such sex-linkage also occurs in lower animals and we are able therefore to verify and extend our observations by direct experiments in breeding.

  66. R is the shrinking response, linked strongly to the stimulus A and only weakly to the stimulus B, which has several other linkages fully as good as the linkage B-R.

  67. The {403} linkage between rabbit and shrinking is later strong enough to work alone.

  68. By dint of being exercised in this way, the linkage S--M becomes strong enough to arouse the motor response directly, and I is then very likely to be left out altogether.

  69. As exercise improves the linkage between stimulus and response, so disuse allows the linkage to deteriorate.

  70. The linkage of a response to a stimulus is strengthened when the response is a success, and weakened when the response is a failure.

  71. This new linkage can sometimes be established by simply giving the original stimulus and the substitute stimulus at the same time, and doing so repeatedly, as in the conditioned reflex experiment.

  72. That wish of long ago played its part in linking the response to the stimulus, but the linkage became so close that that precise wish was no longer required.

  73. A full line in the diagram denotes a linkage strong enough to work alone, while a dotted line denotes a weak linkage.

  74. Its only linkage is with reactions actually made by you in response to the real object.

  75. Now the response R2 was in part aroused by T, and its pre-existing weak linkage with T is so strengthened by exercise that T, or we may say S, comes to give the correct response without hesitation.

  76. After this has occurred a number of times, the linkage B-R has been so strengthened by repeated exercise that it can operate alone, so that the rabbit brings the shrinking response even in the absence of A, the noise.

  77. This linkage may however be extremely loose and feeble, and wholly incapable by itself of arousing the response.

  78. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "linkage" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    accord; addition; adjunct; affairs; affiliation; affinity; agglomeration; agglutination; aggregation; alliance; approximation; articulation; association; bond; closeness; combination; communication; concourse; concurrence; confluence; congeries; conglomeration; conjugation; conjunction; connection; contiguity; contrariety; coupling; dealings; deduction; disjunction; filiation; gathering; homology; intercommunication; intercourse; intimacy; jointure; junction; liaison; link; linkage; marriage; meeting; merger; merging; nearness; pairing; propinquity; proximity; rapport; relations; relationship; similarity; splice; symbiosis; sympathy; tie; unification; union; whole