The area of productive land is correspondingly great, and the character of the surface features is such that intercommunication is easy.
Not only do they present fewer obstacles to intercommunication than any other topographic features, but almost always they are deeply covered with the fine rock-waste that forms the chief components of soil.
Intercommunication becomes vastly easier; the cost of transportation is lessened by more than one-half; and the wear and destruction of vehicles is reduced to a minimum.
Intercommunication increases knowledge, and under the conditions that formerly prevailed, there was a lack of the breadth of knowledge that comes with the mutual contact of peoples.
The means of intercommunication are as primitive as those of Colombia.
Had he not thus acted this important intercommunication must have been suspended, at least for a season.
And second, that the increased intercommunication of this age brings us into closer contact with them.
With our present means of intercommunication we are brought face to face with them, and the contact of our higher vitality has aroused them from the comparative slumber of ages.
These considerations are strengthened, moreover, by the political effect of these facilities for intercommunication in bringing and binding more closely together the various parts of our extended confederacy.
As the countries improved and the facilities and occasions for intercommunication and commerce increased, the principle of political unity must needs comprehend a wider range.
Empedokles, assuming perception and knowledge to be produced by such intercommunication of the four elements, believed that not man and animals only, but plants and other substances besides, perceived and knew in the same way.
An intercommunication of life over a vast area extending 6,000 miles from the Thames valley on the west to India on the southeast is indicated by the presence of six or more similar or related species of elephants and rhinoceroses.
Most of the people went naked, except for a girdle round the loins, and there was no intercommunication between the islands.
Intercommunication between its inmates, despite strict discipline, is easy and frequent, and the most depraved exert a baneful influence over the whole.
The facilities it has afforded for epistolary intercommunication are so wonderful and self-evident, that we who benefit by them are blinded to the hidden impulses it has given to social improvement and to commerce.
To effect this, however, and no less to obtain rapid intercommunication between the different parts of the metropolis, required changes so complicated, that their details could not be set forth without wearying the reader.
By an interchange of ideas, the experiences of one are made known for the benefit of another, the inventions of one are added to the inventions of another; without intercommunication of ideas the intellect must lie dormant.
In some directions there are greater facilities for intercommunication (another essential of improvement) than in other directions.
Greater than all the other benefits bestowed by modern mechanical marvels is the knowledge of each other which has resulted from intercommunication between nation and nation.
Aircraft revolutionize the speed of intercommunication by letter, and banks and financial houses will gradually realize that large savings can be made by utilizing air mails for the transaction of business.
They supported each other in the intercommunication of ideas, but speech has triumphed because of its greater practical utility.
There never existed greater facilities for such a movement, and they ought to make use of all the abundant means of popular agitation and intercommunication which modern society allowed.
But there was much intercommunication between the Initiates of all nations, and there was a common language and a common symbolism.
Rapid intercommunication will bring about changes, whereat politicians and ethnologists shall wonder.
Its presence cannot be accounted for, in the quantities discovered, except upon the supposition that it was transported from a distance; which supposition involves, of necessity, intercommunication or migration.
Ages of fruitless endeavors have at length brought us to a knowledge of this principle of intercommunication with them.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "intercommunication" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.