The results of a number of foreign experiments on the digestibility of crude fibre by man are from 30 to 91.
My conclusion, given in condensed form, is this: Mr. Fletcher performs this work with greater ease and with fewer noticeable bad results than any man of his age and condition I have ever worked with.
Voit asserts, from the results of his experiments, that extract of meat is practically useless as a food, and other authorities are quite of the same opinion, although they may value it as a stimulant and drug.
It has been repeatedly proved that these good results are but transitory.
The reconnoissance of the day had more important results than were anticipated.
The Italicized words, with which the volume abounds, palpably mark the results of thinking, and arrest attention because they are not less emphasized by the intellect than by the type.
I should feel deeply indebted to any one who would write out, in a few short and intelligible sentences, the practical results that are aimed at in the "Song of the Shirt.
Your examination of the subject seems to have been thorough and I thank you for giving me the results of it.
Time and perseverance may eradicate the evil, which is increasing in importance, and which not only has brought obloquy upon our national character, but threatens to involve us in all disastrous results of civil discord.
A partially satisfactory reply may be had, however, by taking cognizance of the results of the efforts of the migrants in the various occupations in which they were engaged.
Believing that in the folk-music of a people is imaged the real soul, the author has made in this field researches, the results of which have been herein set forth.
Several steel mill superintendents said that they were agreeably surprised by the results of that sort of labor.
This pamphlet proposed to show that slavery was opposed to the public welfare and that it might be gradually abolished withoutresults detrimental to the rights and interests of the slave holders.
Certification of the election results was made to Governor Pierpont, who forthwith communicated the fact to the President of the United States.
The connection between slavery and cruelty, which results from the rigid discipline necessary to exact unnatural obedience, is alone sufficient inducement to excite the attention of the Philanthropist.
This results in a perpetual struggle for survival, or existence.
We will therefore state the results of some of our inquiries.
This is the only instance I know, where fatal results have followed such an accident.
No doubt he feels his wrongs most keenly, and a sullen feeling of hate and wrong is being garnered up, which may produce results disastrous for the peace and wellbeing of our empire in the East.
The enterprise and hardihood of these bold captains, who carried the war, as it were, to the very threshold of the enemy's country, were not without results both in England and on the Continent.
The frigate actions of 1812 had produced results almost as marked in England as in America.
The squadron had now accomplished such results that Hopkins thought it best to defer his operations on the southern coast, and made sail for home.
The "social psychology" promised on page 261 of the article just reviewed, turns out not a social psychology at all, but simply a summation of the results of many individual psychologies.
A man's social weight is not a thing independent of relations, a thing which can be thrown now here and now there with the same results in each case.
When tests are applied and precipitating reagents are added to crude luciferin and crude oxyluciferin solution, they give identical results in each case.
In albuminous urines it is very likely that they would live better, and it is possible that the luminous urines reported are the results of luminous bacterial infection.
The admission of oxygen results in aerobic conditions and luciferin in presence of luciferase can then oxidize to oxyluciferin with luminescence.
For convenience the results of this study are given in Table 8.
Mixing a solution of luciferin and luciferase always results in light production until the luciferin is again oxidized.
By bringing the solutions of luciferin and luciferase to the same temperature and then mixing them one can measure any increase or decrease of temperature which occurs during the luminescence which results from mixing.
When pursued or cornered it becomes a dangerous antagonist; and its furious rage often results in fearful catastrophes to both man and beast.
Our best trappers inform us that these animals will scent this odor for a great distance, and will fairly "squeal with delight," not being easy until the savory bait is discovered, which almost invariably results in capture.
And what, dear friends, must have been the agony and remorse of those misguided young men when they thus realized the results of their deliberate breaking of the holy day.
The movement on which Homer and Hesiod set their seal, of fixing the characters and attributes of the various deities, must have been long going on; and it led, as we see, to different results in different places.
With this caution we proceed to state the results which are considered likely to prove well founded.
These results were reached gradually: there is a great difference between the teaching of Amos and that of Jeremiah.
The results technically are far from satisfactory.
May this deep experience not be without good results for us: may the remembrance of the honoured one make us more worthy inheritors of his spirit!
The after results of this chapter of accidents cause it to assume an additional importance as being the "beginning of the end," alike of this narrative and of an eventful period in the history of Ronleigh College.
The resultsof these different observations may perhaps be reconciled, by considering the influence exercised upon the globules of pus by the blood, before its coagulating power has been impaired.
The sensual sentimentalist Isabella rouses the devil in Catherine and loathing in Heathcliff; the illusion of refinement in Edgar results in the terrible divorce of Catherine's body from her soul.
Although the controversy is by no means over, two results of it are very generally accepted as practically certain.
As the results of a life of intense energy and self-devotion, all these things had the appearance of total failure.
And, unlike bodily exercise, its good results are certain.
But the limits to all these good results are evident; and they are somewhat narrow.
An agreement of diplomatists indicating the results reached by them at a particular stage of a negotiation.
It is chiefly due to the hydrogen, and results in an increase of the resistance, and the setting up of an opposing electro- motive force, both of which tend materially to weaken the current of the battery, or that passing through the cell.
But when carefully and industriously worked, as they were in the days of Greece, Carthage, and Rome, they produce results which will for ever live in the history of the world.
It is by crossing or hybridizing that the most extraordinary results have been obtained.
Unfortunately no respect was paid to the economic practice of forestry, with very unfortunate results for the proprietor.
It is, however, in deserts when man has set to work and supplies water and strenuous labour, that the most wonderful results appear.
But it is in some of the cultivated plants themselves that one sees the most extraordinaryresults of selection.
The very rivers have been straightened and embanked; the rows of pollarded willows have been planted; they may, when in flood, overflow, but the resultsare very soon no longer visible.
So far, however, it cannot be said that the results have been at all satisfactory, for the propagation and infection of the living insects by fungus spores is not at all easy.
The vast majority of cases are certainly more amenable to modern therapeutic measures, and the results obtained so far place the disease in a much more favourable light.
There can be no gainsaying the convincing results obtained by Chervin's technique.
It is precisely because its victim cannot obviate the results of his own mental insufficiency.
This has been our reason for preceding our definitions by the results of clinical observation and pathogenic analysis.
The point we are desirous of emphasising, therefore, is simply this: that the results of O.
Equally satisfactory results are frequently obtained in mental torticollis from the maintenance of the antagonistic position by the hand or campimeter, or simply by order given.
The results were certainly encouraging, so much so that improvement could be promised if treatment was sufficiently protracted; cure, indeed, followed in various instances.
Facts of this description emphasise the desirability of considering rapid cures with reserve; where the improvement, on the contrary, is insensible, the results are much more likely to be permanent.
The commands for marking the "rods" with the names of the twelve tribes of Israel, for the purpose of laying them on the altar and awaiting results when the wishes of the Lord would be revealed, are given in Numbers xvii.
He certainly obtained astonishing results when consulting the Tarots, or a set of cards that were probably invented by himself, and which are now rare.
It seemed incredible that his defection had not been attended by results too horrible to contemplate.
A revival commenced with the accession of Philip V, but the results were not great.
When his policies were continued, however, in the person of Charles I, better known by his imperial title as the Emperor Charles V, the results were to prove more disastrous to Spain than beneficial.
The results of this marriage will be mentioned presently.
The immediateresults of this defeat as affecting Spanish action was the decision of Godoy, who had never enjoyed cordial relations with Napoleon, to seek an alliance with England.
It was at this time, indeed, that the Moslem world produced its greatest scholars and the Christian states became most strongly imbued with the spirit of Moslem culture, with permanent results on Spanish character.
Great as were to be the results of Charles' reign on its European side, it had nevertheless been a failure so far as Spain and Charles' own objects were concerned.
Two fundamental results of the centralizing, absolutist policy of the kings were the final establishment of hereditary succession and the development of consultive and other bodies about the king, the forerunners of modern bureaucracy.
The ideas of Gregory VII of the supremacy of the papacy over temporal rulers did not fail to produce results in Castile.
Great results were obtained in both periods, but the stimulus came for the most part in the sixteenth century.
Their inability to maintain economic independence resultsin vagrancy and destitution.
He finds reasons for great pessimism as regards the future in the results of the intelligence tests taken in the American Army during the war.
The results of all these studies are given to the school authorities with recommendations relative to the needed adjustments.
Apart from its directly deleterious influence on the teeth, the alteration of food values in the dietary necessitated by the inclusion of so much sugar results in digestive troubles and disturbed nutrition.
Wallace, of Glasgow, who has obtained some very satisfactory results with it.
Contrast this with the results in Massachusetts and Connecticut, where the disease has been repeatedly crushed out at small expense, and there can be no doubt as to which is the wisest course.
Scientific discovery has this advantage over almost every other form of successful human efforts, that its results are certain, that they are permanent, that whatever benefits grow out of them are world-wide.
Specimens have been received from the following correspondents, and examined, with the results stated: S.
Results have been beyond the expectations of school men, every breath and opposition to the system has blown away, and it may truthfully be said that it has become an idol of the people of the state.
While the system still may be said to be in its infancy, the progress of transformation of Ohio schools under it has been nothing short of wonderful, and unending results may be expected of it.
The pupil must, at the outset, be placed in a receptive attitude toward the lesson if the best results are to be secured.
The results of showing mercy: (1) It adds strength to strength.
She had employed other photographers, but the results had not been satisfactory.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "results" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: fruit; impact; return