The command system may provide for unified action through unity of command or through cooperation resulting from mutual understanding.
Cultivated Germany is not an anarchy, but a federation of many small states, with a much more democratic constitution than such a unified state as France, of which state Paris is the monarch.
It was not completed, was not rounded off, not welded calmly into a unified whole.
It would be as true to say that the common racial and military interest against the Græco-Roman and Persian States unified the Moslem parties, as that Islam unified the Arab tribes and factions.
Compare the process by which the Talmudic system unified Judaism.
The latter is usually defined as that degree of unified control which enables the persons in control arbitrarily to limit supply and raise price.
Co-operation in general denotes the unified action of a group of persons for a common end.
The three primitive colours are unified in the white beam of light.
But here are Paul the Jew, Phoebe the Greek, and the Roman readers of the epistle, all fused together by the power of the divine love that melted their hearts, and the common faith that unified their lives.
In 1996, the government set in place a stabilization program aimed at a unified and market-based exchange rate, allocation of government credits by auction, and strict limits on budget deficits.
As a member of the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU), Senegal is working toward greater regional integration with a unified external tariff.
Nevertheless, in this densely populated, busy, rich, and closelyunified kingdom, the various elements of the population were happily mingled.
I am taking it because twice in history--first as the Old Testament and then again as the Old and New Testament together--it has formed a culture, and unified and kept together through many generations great masses of people.
Let us try and carry that over to the idea of a unified organized state throughout the world.
America was unified on the instant, for every colony felt the knife at its throat.
The latter is more unified in construction, and shows greater knowledge of travel and a higher religious and social standard.
To choose and present their very best work in complete, unified selections has constituted the fundamental purpose of these twelve volumes.
And this is the underlying principle of the novel, that it has a purpose beyond simple story-telling, possessing a plot or unified succession of incidents, with actors whose characters develop.
In 1950 a newunified school system was established, patterned after the educational system of the Soviet Union.
In 1960 the primary and secondary levels were unified under one system.
The reforms would perhaps have a greater impact on the secondary system than the other levels, as they envisioned a completely unified secondary school system in which professional and general education would be fused.
Initially, the existing system is to be improved by introducing unified taxation for all blue- and white-collar workers and collective farmers and by establishing a tax exemption equal to the official minimum rate of pay.
It was proposed that a unified polytechnic school, which would fuse general and professional elements of education, would replace the current, professionally oriented polytechnic school.
As a member of the West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA), Senegal is working toward greater regional integration with a unified external tariff.
Today, France is at the forefront of European states seeking to exploit the momentum of monetary union to advance the creation of a more unified and capable European defense and security apparatus.
The two countries were formallyunified as the Republic of Yemen in 1990.
Knowledge helps a person to relate conscience with hitherto hidden parts of himself, to assert his will, and to choose only those emotions and outlets which the connected-up, the unified personality wants.
The average person is not so unified as he believes, but is, in fact, "a house divided against itself.
The St. Louis Exposition of 1904, while less unified in plan, gave another great stimulus to architecture, and especially to sculpture.
But perhaps the most significant thing of all is the wonderfully harmonious and unified effect of the whole, that testifies so splendidly to the perfect co-operation of American architects, sculptors and painters.
He combines them as best he can into a unified story and recites this on important and stately occasions.
It insists upon the subordination of national impulses and interests to the imperative claims of a unified world.
Mankind at that time can be likened to a body that isunified but without life.
State laws, although the criminal code of the empire has somewhat unified practice.
Real existence is, therefore, a fruitful unity, and the body is a unified multitude.
Good-bye, Madam, I am delighted to have made this little visit and I trust you will assure Mr. Rossmore that All Souls Unified Baptismal Presbytery always has a warm welcome for him.
As Leader of the Unified All Souls Baptismal Presbytery, it is my duty to visit the widows and orphans of this community.
My dear Mrs. Rossmore, in the name of the Unified All Souls Baptismal Presbytery I offer you that consolation.
So unrestrained and unified an outburst of mourning reflected a sudden awareness of the loss of a Figure whose example had served as a focal centre of unity in an angry and divided land.