Pairing with one is very definitely not my idea of urbanity and there's altogether too much obligation to suit me.
Your custom of pairing is not what you call 'urbane' on this world.
I broke pairingwith Belle and she refused to confirm.
In simple pairing there is no marriage, no registration, no declaration of intent or of permanence.
You see I did not know who was who, and I amused myself pairing the people: I find that I paired them all wrong, though.
Very odd; people are singularly fond of pairing their neighbours, but they don't often hit upon the right pairs.
The act of pairing may be briefly stated as follows.
Generally colour alone appears to have little influence on the pairing of pigeons.
From these various considerations we may conclude that the pairing of birds is not left to chance; but that those males, which are best able by their various charms to please or excite the female, are under ordinary circumstances accepted.
There is reason to believe that pigeons of both sexes prefer pairing with birds of the same breed; and dovecot-pigeons dislike all the highly improved breeds.
The great difficulty lies in discovering the conditions governing these groups of numbers, the pairing of the complementaries in the squares of four and the formation of the diagonals.
If this method is deadly in early August, it is infinitely more so during pairing time.
Pairing is not long continued, and the two find out a depression in the heather which they line with bents and mountain grasses.
The men allow their wives to be toyed with, and see them pairing off with entire strangers, but it does not discompose or surprise them; they think it is all in an honest and housewifely way.
In some localities a system of pairing prevailed, and maids were assigned as companions by lot, and mated couples danced together during an entire summer.
Had space permitted, we should have liked to say something about the curious transformation the beak of this bird undergoes as the pairing season approaches, but we must wait for a future opportunity.
As time went on I became certain that invariably pairing took place after arrival at the rookery.
There was no evidence that any pairing had taken place on or before the march, and the birds all had the appearance of being quite independent.
The sperm penetrates the egg and its chromosomes line themselves up with the egg’s, restoring the pairing that is present regularly.
This pairing is an essential part of the arrangement, for every hereditary bodily feature actually has two determiners governing it, which lie in corresponding positions in the two chromosomes of the pair.
Ayaw kug ihátul ánang byúdu, Don’t tease me by pairing that widower off with me!
A; a1] tease unmarried people by pairing them off.
A; a1c] tease unmarried people by pairingthem off as if for marriage.
This is a truly mythic picture of the Sun, pairing at vintage-time with the Vine.
Secondly, in pairing names, the Arabs are fond of allowing assonance to prevail.
Darwin gives the case of the pairing of grey and white mice, the offspring of which are not whitish-grey, but piebald.
CX] One of the chief pigeon-fanciers in England informed him that, if free to choose, each breed would prefer pairing with its own kind.
Suppose, he says, the variation in the reproductive system is such that the season of flowering or of pairing becomes either advanced or retarded.
This error may be counterbalanced to some extent by pairing observations as described above, but it by no means follows that the mirage effect will be the same in the two directions.
In artificial selection the breeder chooses out for pairing only such individuals as possess the character desired by him in a somewhat higher degree than the rest of the race.
The psychological accompaniments of the pairing situation have profoundly influenced the course of biological evolution and are themselves the outcome of that evolution.
What is obvious is that "means of recognition" and "indication that the pairing season has arrived" are dependent on the perceptive powers of the female who recognises and for whom the indication has meaning.
The pairing act on her part only takes place after prolonged stimulation, for affording which the behaviour of male courtship is the requisite presentation.
From this point of view too much stress can scarcely be laid on the dominance of emotion during the period of courtship and pairing in the more highly organised animals.
It is inconceivable that they have no biological meaning; and it is difficult to conceive that they have any other biological end than to evoke in the generally more passive female the pairing impulse.
The most vigourous, defiant and mettlesome male is preferred just because he alone affords a contributory stimulation adequate to evoke the pairing impulse with its attendant emotional tone.
For us the question is whether certain psychological accompaniments of the pairingsituation have influenced the course of evolution and whether these psychological accompaniments are themselves the outcome of evolution.
In artificial selection, the breeder takes measures to prevent this swamping-out by deliberately pairing similar or suitable forms together, or by deliberately removing unsuitable mateable forms; but what in Nature corresponds to the breeder?
It must be remembered that many animals exhibit family life, and also pairingfor prolonged periods or for life.
These pairing families increased in the measure in which the marriage inhibitions, that flowed from the gentile constitution, hampered marriage, and in which the above mentioned economic grounds rendered desirable this new form of family life.
Thereupon a condition arose that was not yet monogamy, but that approximated it; there arose the "pairing family.
Morgan found, at the time that he lived among the Iroquois, that among them there existed a system of monogamy, easily dissolvable by both parties, and which he designated as the "pairing family.
In many other cases pairing seems to be the result of accident; the two sexes pair as they happen to meet each other.
Again, we are not in a position to form any opinion as to the causes which really influence the pairing of animals when choice is exercised.
Mr. Darwin admits that many other causes, beside the supposed preference on the part of one sex for certain material adornments possessed by the other, influence the pairing of animals.
But in order that any variation may be perpetuated and increased, the pairing of similarly affected individuals is necessary.
Pairing is in its nature a seizure, and the coquetry of the female goes back, perhaps, to an instinctive aversion to being seized.
But we have seen in the case of the birds that the avoidance is, at the pairing season, only a part of the process of working up the organism to the nervous pitch necessary for pairing.
The usual note of the Scoter is a harsh kurr, modulated into a more musical sound by the drake during the pairing season.
In the pairing season, when the male indulges in certain aerial gambols, he utters a trill, which has been likened by some observers to the continuous ringing of a small bell.
The Ringed Plover utters a very similar trill during the pairing season.
It may thus be inferred that the pairing habits of this Phalarope are most singular, the female conducting the courtship!
The note of this Duck is a harsh quack, but in the pairing season an oft-repeated tremulous cry is uttered, and when the young are abroad a guttural kurr is heard.
The nuptial ornaments are also very different, for just previous to the pairing season, in early spring, a nodding plume or frontal crest of recurved feathers is assumed.
Adult Auks moult in September; the difference in the colour of the plumage peculiar to the pairing season, apparently being entirely due to a change in the hue quite irrespective of a moult.
A hybrid, resulting from a pairing between Chaerocampa elpenor and Metopsilus porcellus has been named elpenorcellus (Staud).
Hybrids from a crosspairing of this species with the last have been obtained by Mr. W.
The female specimen laid eggs, and some of these were sent to Mr. Adkin, who not only was successful in rearing the moths, but in 1889 obtained a pairing between an almost white male rustica and an ordinary English female.
Hybrids have been obtained from a pairing between curtula female and anachoreta male, and these were most like the female parent.
Standfuss made some experiments in crossing three species of Malacosoma, and one of these was the pairing of M.
The pairing generally takes place at night and lasts but a short time.
The males appear at the beginning of July; their spermatozoa are mature in August, and pairing then takes place with certain ‘special females which require fertilization’ which have in the meantime emerged from their cocoons.
Possibly the pairingdoes not take place until the female is two to three days old.