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Example sentences for "adverse"

Lexicographically close words:
adversarie; adversaries; adversarius; adversary; adversative; adversely; adversis; adversities; adversity; adversum
  1. Most European residents in China are adverse to missionaries and express their opinions with such vehemence as to generally obscure criticisms of a more temperate nature.

  2. Learned antiquarians, upon investigating the nature of these rings, declared their opinion that they were worn as charms by those who desired to behave with steadiness and resolution either in prosperous or adverse fortune.

  3. Indeed, this mighty endeavour has been accomplished despite the adverse economic situation in Persia, where the evidences of hardship, privation and depression are clearly apparent.

  4. She was such a precious soul and so radiantly happy and hopeful even under most adverse circumstances.

  5. Writers who propounded doctrines adverse to monarchy and aristocracy were proscribed and punished without mercy.

  6. He set an example of persistent and painstaking instruction of the people under bitter opposition and in adverse circumstances.

  7. Here is a vitality which persists in spite of any and all adverse circumstances and influences.

  8. There can be no clearer teaching from this than that a Christian man should begin to serve Christ, testify for Him and work for Him in the community in which he resides no matter what the adverse conditions are.

  9. The Power Adverse to these shall then in glory come, Each one forthwith to his sad tomb repair, Resume his fleshly vesture and his form, And hear the eternal doom re-echoing rend The vault.

  10. Such colour, as the sun, At eve or morning, paints an adverse cloud, Then saw I sprinkled over all the sky.

  11. Following its course The adverse way, my strained eyes were bent On that one spot.

  12. As the adverse wind detained him for some time, he sent a boat on shore to procure wood and water.

  13. It had been detained by stormy weather and adverse winds.

  14. Yet how easy would it be to construct a plausible theory, demonstrating the seriously adverse influence upon the fortunes of the Confederacy, from each one of those errors.

  15. His own brave fellows fell fast under the rolling musketry of the enemy, but their rapid and fatal volleys carried dismay and death into the adverse ranks.

  16. All they asked was that they should be put in a new position, and that the adverse influences should be taken off.

  17. I expected that among these adverse influences they would have mentioned the faults of their own dispositions.

  18. When I was present, nothing adverse would be said; but soon as I was absent, all these things would be heaped on the tender converts.

  19. I beseech Achilles to forbear; in whom the Greeks From adverse war their great defender see.

  20. After exhaustive investigation of the ground, and in the face of adverse opinions, he recommended the discontinuance of further development in depth.

  21. If no such adverse proceedings are instituted, the patent will follow, in due time.

  22. It has often been the case that no obstructions from any adverse claimants have been met until owners have, in good faith and at great expense, developed splendid mines.

  23. The winds being adverse and the seas running high, May had opened before the wild coast of Nova Scotia was dimly seen through the whirling wreaths of fog.

  24. He concludes this letter by threatening, with excommunication and destruction, all Shiahs, or, in other words, all Persians who are adverse to the renewal of hostilities.

  25. We had experienced but little adverse current during the last twenty-four hours, and were making very satisfactory progress.

  26. We now put the ship under steam again, and aiding the steam by reefed trysails, we battled with an adverse sea and current during the rest of the night.

  27. We worked our way along the African coast somewhat tediously, frequently encountering head-winds and adverse currents.

  28. And it is always possible to make the best of the most adverse circumstances.

  29. There was the adverse gale of the Civil War, which was a great peril to progress.

  30. Moreover, he was in every way adverse to the progress of women.

  31. In accordance with that suggestion, I have appended notes throughout the book disclaiming responsibility for adverse criticisms of any persons mentioned by Geronimo.

  32. These epistles are chiefly occupied with consolatory reflections on the adverse circumstances in which they were placed, and accounts of his own exertions to obtain their recall.

  33. The serenity of heart never appears in the guilty Infidels; they die in despair or gloom, greatly satisfactory to adverse religious minds.

  34. Germany, (profane chivalry,) is vitally adverse to the Popes; endeavouring to establish imperial and knightly power against theirs.

  35. But in this thirteenth century all these three powers are adverse to her, as to each other.

  36. Adverse report from the committee on military affairs on bill to remove the charge of desertion against M.

  37. Adverse report from the committee on military affairs on bill to remove charge of desertion against W.

  38. Adverse report from the committee on military affairs on bill for the relief of E.

  39. Adverse report from the committee on claims on bill for the relief of J.

  40. Adverse report from the committee on military affairs on bill to remove charge of desertion against T.

  41. Adverse report from the committee on Indian affairs on bill for the relief of Rev.

  42. Adverse report from the committee on military affairs on bill for the relief of J.

  43. Adverse report from the committee on military affairs on bill for the relief of William Welsh.

  44. Adverse report from the committee on military affairs on bill to grant an honorable discharge to M.

  45. Adverse report from the committee on military affairs on bill for the relief of G.

  46. Adverse report from the committee on military affairs on bill to remove charge of desertion against D.

  47. Adverse report from the committee on military affairs on bill for the relief of W.

  48. If we continue firm and united, and resolutely persist in the non-consumption agreement, this adverse ministry cannot possibly stand another year.

  49. The only adverse criticism, if adverse criticism there be at all, lies against the Stage Director himself.

  50. To erect windows on that side is not an adverse use of the land adjoining.

  51. If he had a long lease, say thirty years, and could gain a prescriptive right by an adverse use of fifteen or twenty years, he would, if gaining any prescriptive rights, be obliged to give them up at the end of his tenancy.

  52. It is true that an adverse claimant cannot give any title to her husband's land that would bar her right thereto.

  53. At moments the puffs of night-air would force the boat ahead, and then again it was evident by the cries that she fell astern under the influence of an adverse current.

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "adverse" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    adversary; adverse; alien; antagonistic; anti; antipathetic; antithetical; balancing; clashing; compensating; competitive; con; conflicting; confronting; contradictory; contrary; converse; counter; cross; destructive; detrimental; difficult; discordant; discrepant; enemy; foul; fractious; hard; harmful; hostile; inconsistent; inimical; injurious; inverse; miserable; negative; obstinate; obverse; opponent; opposed; opposing; opposite; oppositional; personal; perverse; quarrelsome; recalcitrant; refractory; repugnant; reverse; rigorous; rival; sinister; stressful; troublesome; troublous; trying; unfavorable; unfriendly; unpromising; unpropitious; untoward; wretched