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Example sentences for "warring"

Lexicographically close words:
warre; warred; warrelike; warres; warreth; warrior; warriors; warriour; warriours; warrs
  1. Deep in heart-wrung tears I'll pledge thee, Warring sighs and groans I'll wage thee!

  2. Deep in heart-wrung tears I'll pledge thee; Warring sighs and groans I'll wage thee.

  3. Throughout the latter half of 535, Belisarius in Sicily and Mundus in Dalmatia were warring for Justinian against Theodahad.

  4. The point which we may note is, that this policy of toleration or rather of absolute fairness between warring creeds, though not initiated by Cassiodorus, seems to have thoroughly commended itself to his reason and conscience.

  5. And it was he who reconciled the warring chief-stocks of Tahiti and swung the great deal of the phosphate island of Hikihu.

  6. The battle of Dreux in December, followed early in the next year by the murder of Guise, led to the truce of Amboise, in April, between the warring factions; England was left in the lurch.

  7. Dictation from England by force of arms was the one method of minimising the internal warring of factions in the Northern Country.

  8. Father gets his salvation from the outside of his warring elements; you speak to your own seas, "Peace be still!

  9. Scattered, unformed, uncouth as Washington was, and unhappy and intolerable as were the conditions of living there, the government of the city was torn by warring interests.

  10. He was almost inclined to pity the rascally Yü who had to keep the peace between three warring women.

  11. He had come forward as a peacemaker between the warring parties and by his ingenuity had been able to bring about a satisfactory settlement.

  12. Under the dread of a frightful slaughter, the settlers, who had been warring with each other, determined to march together against the red men.

  13. A few days later the Chief of the warring red men dictated a letter to his adopted brother, who wrote it upon birch bark with ink made of gun powder and water.

  14. All who could be spared from work upon the farms were sent out upon expeditions against the various bands of warring savages.

  15. Gentlemen, I believe the foregoing expresses the sentiment of this company, which, while it incloodes many foreign and frequent-warring elements, is at present held together by the natchral tie of eating.

  16. So thank I God my birth Fell not in isles aside -- Waste headlands of the earth, Or warring tribes untried -- But that she lent me worth And gave me right to pride.

  17. White on my wasted path Wave after wave in wrath Frets 'gainst his fellow, warring where to send me.

  18. The two warring elements of Protestantism were represented in the Huguenot camp where German Lutherans stood side by side with the French Calvinists.

  19. Single-handed, unsupported by any of the statesmen or divines about her, the Queen had forced on the warring religions a sort of armed truce.

  20. And to the Queen's mind a religious chaos was a far less difficulty than the parting of the nation into two warring Churches which would have been brought about by a more rigorous policy.

  21. Thy sway Controls each warring element, and tunes To soft accord; naught lives but owns thy greatness.

  22. Thus spoke the man of God: a daughter, sent To knit the warring spirits of my sons In bonds of tender love, should recompense A mother's pains!

  23. While, in making these observations, my situation points my attention to the warfare of man in the physical world, yours may perhaps present him as equally warring in the moral one.

  24. But warring against those of the people, the delusion of the people is necessary to the dominant party.

  25. Sir Galahad mounted his horse and rode alone, ever northward, for he knew that the Holy Graal was hidden in a castle somewhere in the north among the warring barons.

  26. For many of those that are kings and barons under me are warring with each other, and threaten to rend this island of Britain, and some are forsaking Christ and are turning to the evil faith and cruel worship of the pagan gods of Britain.

  27. I came to this land of Britain when it was full of evil men, warring fiercely together, and all in heathen darkness.

  28. America could not but hope that neither of the two warring parties would come out of the war in a dominating position.

  29. He has not determined whether any action on behalf of peace will be taken later by the United States on its own account, but is holding himself in readiness to serve in any possible way towards bringing the warring nations together.

  30. Oh, take heed, my Lord; It is no warring against heavenly Powers Who can command their Conquest when they please.

  31. Sublime on Chaos borne, the Goddess stood, And smiled enchantment on the troubled flood; The warring elements to peace restored, And young Reflection wondered and adored.

  32. Earth at his feet extends her flowery bed, And bends her silver blossoms round his head; Dark clouds dissolve, the warring winds subside.

  33. From Hunger's arm the shafts of Death are hurl'd, And one great Slaughter-house the warring world!

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "warring" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.